Elul 5773-Tishrei 5774 /August-September 2013       
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3rd Annual MERCAZ Olami Awards
November 4, 2013
Jerusalem, Israel
advance registration is required
Evening of Tribute
December 8, 2013
Chicago, IL 
NYC Night of Comedy
December 11, 2013
Featuring Yisrael Campbell in his one man show "Circumcise Me"
Thank you Megan!
At the end of August, our dedicating and hard working NY office manager, Megan Atkinson will be moving to Los Angeles to begin her graduate studies in Film.  Thank you for all of your hard work and we wish you the best of luck in your new adventure!
Welcome Stephanie!
Stephanie Christian will be starting as our new NY office manager at the end of August.  Stephanie is originally from Yonkers, NY and is a recent graduate of Barnard. She volunteers in her free time to organizations dealing with public health issues.  If you're at JTS, stop in and welcome her to our Masorti family!
Masorti Missionsmissions2
Due to scheduling conflicts, our Masorti Europe mission has been postponed until 2015.  
  View our videos on YouTube   Like us on Facebook
Presidents' Messagerhmessages
Shana Tova 
All of us have just returned from Buenos Aires, Argentina inspired and full of hope for what the future holds.  The Atid Conference (read more below) brought together not just adults but over 500 youth and young adults.  Over the course of a weekend, we discussed, we sang, we made new friends, we learned and we prepared together for both the challenges and the achievements ahead.

It is moments like these that remind us of the strength of the Masorti/Conservative movement all over the world. Everywhere we go, whether in Europe, Latin America or Australasia we encounter dedicated and committed Masorti Jews that will ensure 5774 is as successful as 5773.

We thank you for your ongoing support and wish you and your families a Shana tova u'metukah filled with shalom.

Alan Silberman, Outgoing President, Masorti Olami
Gillian Caplin, Incoming President, Masorti Olami
Dr. Stephen Wolnek, President, MERCAZ Olami
Message from the Executive Director
Is it Rosh Hashanah already?
Rosh Hashanah this year begins in the evening on September 4 on the Gregorian calendar.  This is the earliest secular date for Rosh Hashanah since 1899.  We all know, of course, that the first of Tishrei is the start of the Jewish New Year.  And the first of Tishrei comes at the same time every year after the month of Elul.  
The "Atid" in Latin Americaatid
The future looks bright for Masorti AMLAT
Touring the sites of Buenos Aires, meeting fellow Masorti Jews and spending Shabbat together praying and singing, attending the ordination of brand new rabbis, seeing the smiles of over 500 youth and young adults, 
discussing the challenges and future goals of Masorti AMLAT and celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano Marshall T. Meyer were only some of the highlights that made the Atid Conference a success and guaranteed that 5774 will be a great year in Latin America!
Masorti Europe goes to FJMC Convention
Partnering Together
In late July, the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs (FJMC) held their annual convention.  Four representatives from Masorti Europe where invited to participate:  Joanna Kubar, President Masorti Europe, Rabbi Floriane Chinsky from Shir Hadash, Brussels, Adam Schonberger and Lacko Bernath from Dor Hadash in Budapest.

They spent Shabbat learning from their peers and sharing their experiences and ideas.  More collaborative projects such as the partnership between Brotherhood of Temple Israel in Sharon (MA) and Dor Hadash in Budapest were explored and everyone came away inspired.  Sunday night, the group spoke at Temple Israel about Jewish life in Europe (view video here).  
Thank you to the FJMC for their ongoing support!  

Masorti Olami | +972-2-624-7106 mail@masortiolami.org |

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