An Update from Israel

MERCAZ Olami, MAROM Olami, NOAM OlamiMasorti Olami support all of the residents of Israel in the "firing zone" and the Israeli army in their brave quest for peace and quiet in their homes and in the State of Israel.  

We wish for a quick conclusion to the hostilities and loss of life and pray for fulfillment of the words of the prophet, Isaiah (2:4) 

"And they shall beat their swords into plowshares...Nations shall not take up sword against Nation and they shall never again know war."

We have received many phone calls from all over the world concerned for our safety, and the safety of our youth and young adult program participants here in Israel.  We are all safe and our staff has been working hard with all of our South American chanichim.  

  • The Hazit HaNoar-MAROM group was moved from Kibbutz Hatzerim to Kibbutz Revivim outside of missile range.  
  • The NOAM group in Tel Aviv spent Shabbat in Jerusalem and will continue to be there for the foreseeable future.  
  • All our professional staff has met with the participants and they are all safe and supported by their many friends and networks.  


 Los grupos de Shnat MAROM se encuentran todos bien y los programas se han mudado a �reas seguras del pa�s.  El grupo Jazit HaNoar se ha mudado de Jatzerim to Revivim. El group en Tel-Aviv se ha mudado a Jerusalem. Ellos se han encontrado con nuestro personal profesional y se sienten seguros y apoyados por su lazos comunitarios.

 Los padres de familia recibir�n noticias e informaci�n a trav�s de correo electr�nico y Facebook.