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 We trust that you find this newsletter helpful, entertaining and worthwhile reading as we bring you news of the lighting industry as well as new products and specials from DLU Lighting, the Energy Savings Choice.   

Product Spotlight



DLU _ Spotlight Nerolume

As good as it looks...this month's product spotlight features DLU's newest MR16 LED, the Nerolume. Its powerful 7 watts will easily replace a 35 watt halogen FMW. With a lifetime of 40,000 hours and a 5 year warranty, the Nerolume will brighten any corner of your world for a long time to come. 




Sales Dude
DLU _ Sales Dude

Sales Dude says...no sale is worth your integrity. There are two reasons why this is true. First, if you lie to make a sale, you might get away with it. You also might not, and if you don't, people will be reluctant to give you their money ever again. Secondly and mostly overlooked, people will be angry at themselves for having trusted you. You might be able to overcome the first--in time--but the second...never! No one will ever forgive you for making them angry with themselves and feeling foolish.


JP Morgan and Thomas Edison, Co-founders of General Electric



JP MOrgan

Anyone who saw the recent broadcast of The Men Who Built America on the History Channel had to be impressed and maybe a little surprised to discover that we in the lighting business owe as much of our livelihoods to J.P. Morgan as we do to Thomas Edison.


            The story of Thomas Edison finding two thousand ways not to invent a light bulb before hitting on the right way is hardly new to any of us. But not many of us were aware that J.P. Morgan even played a role in the success of Edison's invention, much less a pivotal and critical one.


            Anyone who creates, whether he or she is an inventor, or playwright, or painter, needs support from a business partner of equal or greater vision. Shakespeare's plays would never have seen the light of day without a Philip Henslowe or Richard Burbage to produce them. Microsoft and Apple could never have left the garage without the support of investors who saw their possibilities. And Edison's light bulb might never have been more than an interesting curiosity without the much larger vision of the world's greatest financier.


            It was the Morgan residence that became the first--and for a brief time, the only--house on planet earth to be lit entirely by electric light. When Morgan complained that the generator in the basement was too loud, Edison responded that with a central power station there would be no need for a generator in the house at all. It was then that Morgan could clearly envision an entire world powered by electricity and he set about making it happen. After all, if there could be a power station for his neighborhood, why not neighborhoods everywhere?


            Left on his own, Edison could never have patented his hundreds of inventions and then used them to change the world. He needed Morgan and other visionaries to help lift his inventions to their highest potential. And for that vision, we who earn our livings and support our families in the lighting industry, owe J.P. Morgan a debt of gratitude.




Lighting History Milestone
DLU _ Bulb

27 January 1880, Thomas Edison receives a patent for the electric lamp and manufacturing process.


Leader vs. Manager   


Is there a difference between a manager and a leader? Yes and it is exactly the same as--but not restricted to--the difference between a ship's captain and its executive officer. 


Leader Vs Manager

The captain is in command. He decides on the ship's mission and its course. However, the execution of the details of the mission belongs to the executive officer. There a good reason for this. If the captain bogs himself down with the ship's minutiae, he will lose sight of the mission as a whole. He will be doing someone else's job at the expense of his own and the mission itself.


            It is not very different ashore. The leader or CEO or president sets company policy, but once that is done, handling it should be left to somebody else. Nothing should take the leader away from his or her concentration on the company's direction.


              More important than that however, is the way that the leader is viewed from below. If the leader's vision is clearly defined, that is how the troops will view it. But, if the leader is caught up with minor details that should be in the province of a subordinate, it will confuse his or her people and affect the way they do their jobs. Once that happens, morale begins to suffer, which will then lead to hampered performance.


              Leaders are well paid because they lead, not because they manage. Leaders are followed because people want to follow them. Managers are followed because people have to follow them. As long as both sides stay within their respective roles, the corporate ship will remain on a steady course.







LED Green

In this Issue
Product Spotlight
Sales Dude
JP Morgan, Thomas Edison Equals General Electric
Lighting History Milestone
Leader Vs. Manager

Technical Sheet Downloads


Tri Lux spec sheet picture
Tri-Lux T8
DLU T8 32w Spec Sheet
T8 32 watt
DLU T5 Spec Sheet
DLU Tubular CFL Spec Sheet
Tubular CFL
DLU Par CFL Spec Sheet
DLU MR16 Diamond Glow
MR16 Diamond Glow
DLU MR16 Xenon
MR16 Xenon





Click on image to download pdf copy of Spec Sheet.
DLU Lighting Master Distributors
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DLU Lighting has stragtically placed Master Distribution Centers around the country to insure the fastest and most economical delivery of DLU products to you.


We currently have Master Distribution Centers
ready to ship in:
  • California
  • Missouri
  • Ohio
  • North Carolina
  • Connecticut


If you are interested in partnering with the factory and becoming a Master Distributon Center
 DLU Lighting
(877) 261-8856