Dear Friends,

4th of July Weekend is upon us and summer is in its full, balmy swing.  We bring you 4 wonderful events this month -  spanning indoor & outdoor, active & passive; all incredibly enjoyable.  Picnic, Hike, Shabbat, Soccer...

We would also like to bring your attention to the community section of this newsletter where you can take an  important survey AND consider applying for an incredible year long fellowship, get funding, and bring to life a personal project, many of the like we feature here every week ( historical, creative, whatever drives you).

Take a moment this weekend, between BBQ's, the heat, the beer, the family, and the kids, to be present to and thankful for where we are today. Consider what freedom and independence means to us on the daily. Share your thoughts with us on Facebook
To independence,
- The RJeneration Team


Hot Summer in the City

Friday, July 11th, 7pm



The song playing in our heads as we dream up this month's theme - Summer in the City, by the Lovin Spoonful. 


Hear it. Feel it and Join us for a time-honored tradition of celebrating Shabbat the RJeneration way, at the homes of our members around the city!

As the week draws to a close, relax and break bread with old friends and new connections. Get to know your host and others in the community, and really connect as we give one of the oldest Jewish traditions our own unique flavor.

Note: This dinner will be kosher style. Spaces are limited and Advance registration is required.

When: Friday, July 11th 2014 @ 7PM

Where: Private home. Meatpacking District. Details to registrants by email

Cost: $30/person (+$2 PayPal processing)  


 Soccer Sunday - Happy Hr Finals

Sunday, July 13th, 3pm

or should we call it Football Finals?

This year's World Cup has been incredibly popular in the states and for anyone with European roots, perhaps even closer to home and the heart. 

We invite you, fans and friends of soccer, to watch the finals with us on big screens, on Sunday early evening in an A.C cooled, beer n grub serving spot in Tribecca. What better way to spend the end of your weekend and the end of this incredible tournament?

We are reserving a spot so we must have you RSVP by email to so we know you'll be joining us. Oh, and invite friends here on FB. Good Friends share...

Where: Woodrows Bar 43 Murray St, upstairs
When: Game starts at 3 so arrive early

 Annual Summer Picnic

Sunday, July 20th, 12pm

What's better than lazing on a sunny afternoon in the summertime? Join us for the annual RJeneration Picnic in Central Park on Sunday, July 20th to enjoy great company, food, drink, music & games.

This picnic is a potluck, so grab something to eat/drink and share with the group. Bring a blanket, a musical instrument, soccer ball, Frisbee... and anything else that would contribute to this idyllic scene.

When: Sunday, July 20th, 12pm - 4pm
Where: Central Park - Southwest Lawn* 
RSVP/Info: Contact Jenny - 646.522.3258

*The Southwest Lawn is just north of the Delacourt Theater and west of the Great Lawn (for an exact location search Google maps with : 40.781037,-73.968329). The closest park entrance is at 81st St. and Central Park West. Follow the signs for the Delacourt Theater and walk just past it. We will be to your left.


 Lake Hike @ Harriman 

Saturday, July 26th, 10am

It wouldn't be summer without the great outdoors, so lets enjoy this wonderful state we live in by hiking in Harriman State Park.

The Hike: We will start at the Reeves Meadow Visitors Center in Harriman State park which is about an hour away from the city. We will hike 3.5-4 miles to Pine Meadow lake where we'll have lunch (you bring), sun bathe, hang out and maybe even swim (bring swimwear). Hike out will be a short one hour walk. 

Hike into the lake should take about 3-4 hours depending on the composition of the group (shorter than last year for those who hiked)

Meeting location: Sloatsburg train station parking lot. (Via NJtransit from Penn station). There is a transfer in Secaucus.

Approximate address: 37 Mill St. Sloatsburg, NY 10974 Parking lot is behind Sloatsburg Hardware.

Meeting time: Drivers should be at the parking lot by 10am. 

Train riders should catch the 9.07 or 9.14 train from Penn station, which arrives at Secaucus at 9.14 or 9.23. There they should transfer to a 9.31 train (Port Jervis line) and get off at Sloatsburg. Riders must hold on to NJtransit ticket as they'll need the ticket to make the transfer. Those who come via train will get a ride to the Visitors center from where the hike will begin.

 Suggested Packing list

This event is free but you must RSVP in advance and confirm the day before. Email 

About RJeneration
Born in the Soviet Union -- made in America

We came to America as kids and teens, brought by our parents. Some were born enroute, and some were born here. We are a generation of Americans with a second culture and language, a Russian heritage, Jewish roots, and a defining immigrant experience. We've juggled our "hybrid" Russian-Jewish-American identity throughout our lives.

Many of us went to the top high schools and colleges in the country. English is our primary language, but we still speak Russian. Runglish is also our style. We're Jewish, despite yeshiva traumas. We're in our 20's and 30's, busy building successful careers in every imaginable field. Some of us are already household names - Sergey Brin, Gary Shteyngart, David Bezmozgis, Lenny Krayzelberg, Mila Kunis, Regina Spektor. Many others are sure to follow and make their mark.

The RJeneration community brings us together to network, make connections, explore the richness of our unique Russian-Jewish-American identity, showcase and celebrate RJeneration's rising stars, and engage in Russian and Jewish life all around us.

For more information visit our website at:
In This Issue
Shabbat@Home 7.11
Soccer Finals HH 7.13
Annual Summer Picnic 7.20
Lake HIke@Harriman 7.26
Links to love
Community Offerings
Links to love


Also Happening in the Community:

Take an important survey!


A friend organization in Israel is conducting a study on the acclimation, assimilation, and self-identity of Jews who immigrated to the US as teens between the ages of 10-18, from the Former Soviet Union between the years 1989-2000. If you fit this criteria, please participate and lets learn more about where we come from and where we are going.


Also please forward to friends!


Want Funds for a Project?
An Amazing Fellowship


Apply by July 11th and expect competition


Do you have an idea for a creative, educational, or innovative community project?
Do you want to explore your cultural background in a dynamic group setting?
Do you enjoy being part of an inspired, intellectually curious community of social entrepreneurs?

Starting in September 2014, the COJECO Blueprint Fellowship will support the sixth cohort of Russian-speaking Jewish individuals ages 25 to 40, who will each receive a grant between $1,000 and $5,000 to develop their own Jewish community projects. 

The Blueprint Fellowship brings together a select group of Russian-speaking Jewish artists, leaders, and thinkers chosen through a competitive interview process.

Over the course of the year-long program, fellows gain insight into the Jewish community landscape past and present, meet prominent community leaders and social activists, support one another through peer review and input, and hone their project management skills. 

The COJECO Blueprint Fellowship includes: 

*Launch weekend retreat
*14 Group sessions on weekday evenings
*Grant of up to $5,000 for a community project
*One-on-one mentoring with field expert
*Blueprint alumni coach
*Supportive cohort of creative change-makers

Blueprint projects from years past have been innovative initiatives in areas such as arts and culture, children and families, technology, environmentalism, social justice, philanthropy, gender and sexuality, etc. All projects must have an explicit Jewish focus or theme.

Read more about the Blueprint Fellowship, alumni projects, and program requirements

Questions? Contact Iryna Gubenko at

**Applications are due by July 11, 2014.**

The COJECO Blueprint Fellowship is generously sponsored by the UJA-Federation of NY and Genesis Philanthropy Group. 


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