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Third Annual International Reggae Wine Festival Media Launch
Third Annual International Reggae Wine Festival Media Launch








The note below is written in patois so please ask a Jamaican person to translate for you. I posted this on my Facebook Page this week and the responses are still making me smile. I am very happy to announce that Jamaica's most colorful and funny comedian, Oliver Samuels will be performing in Maryland this Saturday, June 22.  For those of you who grew up in Jamaica watching him on TV, below is one one of his shows. Saturday, he will be starring in "Embassy Saga" at Highpoint High School in Beltsville, MD and of course we will be there with the PEP cam to bring you back some goodies.  I hope you can make it because Oliver will also be celebrating a very special birthday.  With June still being celebrated as Caribbean American Heritage Month, and with me constantly letting others learn of my Jamaican culture, it is my pleasure to present to you this today -- MASTER OLIVER SAMUELS.

So, if yuh grow up inna Jamaica like mi, yuh spose to memba watching Oliver Samuels pan TV and what yuh will rememba moss (if you are ME) is "Oliva yuh large oooh, Oliva yuh large oooh, and yuh name gaahn abroad whoa, extra large outa yaad whoa"...or something to that effect.  Yuh shud also memba wanting fi freeze alla de show dem caah dem did soooo funny dat yuh cuddn help but laaf.  In fack, one look pan Oliva himself and yuh cyaan help but buss out inna laafter -- all de man face funny!  Inna recent years (and ME leff jamaica inna two tousand an chree), MI did get fi witness Oliva pan stage at nuff nuff produckshans inna Jamaica and juss membarring him mek mi still a dead wid man juss FUNNY nuh raas.  Anyway, some a unno who live a Merryland, New Yark, Hatlanta, Canada, Flurridah and odda paarts farchunet enuff fi nuh haffi tek plane fi go a yaad and go see Oliva perfaahm.  In fack, mi see nuff nuff a unno a him show dem when him come bout Merryland and mi see alla a unno a kin unno teet like Kinny Furruh inna de dat mean sey Oliva still funny afta alla dese years.


Oliva nuh ongle LARGE, him a big ole' grey tone man, and dis year him a celebrate one speshal birtday, so dat alone a reason fi unno tek weh unno self from unno yaad and dress up nice fi go see him pan Satideh.  In fack, de laas time mi chek, JUNE was Caribbean Hamerican Eritage Mont and we have nuff reason fi celebrate him becaau him a really one of Jamaica's best talents so nuh mek mi haffi call unnu out enuh...juss mek sure mi see unno a Eye Pint Eye Skool pan Satideh so we can laaf till we belly battam buss...


See you at the show,
Yaa Gyasi Peppy Parke
Creative Director
Peppy Entertainment & Promotions 




Oliver Adolphus Samuels, actor and comedian was born November 4, 1948 in Harmony Hall, St. Mary. He grew up on a banana plantation where his father worked as a casual labourer and his mother sold items on the estate. His involvement in drama began in his childhood where, at the age of seven he and the other children on the plantation would sing and recite poetry on Friday nights.


Samuels went to the Salvation Army School, Rose Bank Primary and then attended the high school in Highgate, after which he went to the Dinthill Technical High School. He said that his school career at Dinthill offered no scope for the development of his innate dramatic creativity. 

After school he worked as a storekeeper at the Orange River Agricultural Station and then moved to Kingston with the encouragement of his friends. He landed a clerical job at the Water Commission and then took a job in proof-reading at the Gleaner Company, where he stayed for only one day. 


After failing in his attempt to contact well-known theatre personalities, he enrolled in the Jamaica Theatre School from 1971 to1973. While at the University he did odd jobs to earn his keep. 


During his three years at the Jamaica Theatre School, Oliver participated in various productions. His first play was "A Raisin in the Sun", in which he was a voice off stage. His role as "the coolie" in the play "Servant of Two Masters"had the Gleaner critic, the late Henry Milner commenting that he was "labouring under a misconception". This statement made Mr. Samuels even more determined to prove the critic wrong and it also formed the basis of his inspiration to strive for perfection. His popularity however increased when he appeared in his first pantomime "Music Boy". Even Mr. Milner had nothing bad to say about Oliver's character "Moon Drops". In fact, Oliver went on to become one of his favourite actors, getting constant good reviews. Role after role followed and Oliver Samuels soon became a household name. 


Oliver is an avid reader in politics, social affairs and religion. He has appeared in no fewer than 13 pantomimes playing major roles. He has also appeared in more than 30 other productions. Some of his pantomime appearances include"Music Boy", "Queenie's Daughter", "Dickance for Fippance", "Hail Columbus", "The Witch", "Johnny Reggae", "Ginneral B", "The Pirate Princess", "Trash", "The Hon. All Purpose" and "The Dancing Princess". 


He has also appeared in overseas productions such as "The Fight Against Slavery", the British Broadcasting Corporation's television series aired in 1974. There were other BBC productions such as "My Father Son Son Johnson", "Chef" and "Brothers and Sisters". 


Oliver attained another zenith in his very funny television series, "Oliver", "Oliver at Large" and "Large and in Charge". This series established him as one of Jamaica's actor of comedy. An album with the well-known single "Oliver Yu Large" was also produced and has done well on the local and overseas market. 

Oliver Samuels also appeared in the Jamaican soap opera "Royal Palm Estate" produced by Lennie Little-White. He appeared as "Son-Son". He has also appeared in one Italian and two German films. (Source:



Who among us has not experienced or witnesses an Embassy Saga?


The dreaded trip to the US Embassy has always raised the inevitable questions; "did you get the ten year multiple entry?"or "Were you denied and told you didn't have enough ties?"

Then you begin to ask yourself, is it that you couldn't explain how you were broke throughout the year but a week before going to the Embassy $500,000 shows up in your account? Or, were they confused that your blonde wig, multi-colored nails and fake eyelashes don't seem to fit your claim to be most reverend "Pastor Sonia" going to save souls at a devout Christian retreat in Wyoming? Maybe it is the fact that your grey hairs and three hundred pound frame doesn't fit the paperwork that says you are a hundred meter high school sprinter going to the Penn Relays.

Though Oliver Samuels' Embassy Saga has more drama than all the above; the humour surrounding the challenges and the extremes that Jamaicans will go to in order to be successful at the US Embassy is the central theme of the play.

 In commemoration of his milestone achievements in theatre and to celebrate his 65th birthday, Jamaica's greatest comedian, Oliver Samuels, has written Embassy Saga to put a light-hearted twist to the many social stigmas attached to the feared US Embassy visit.

As he did in his Mega-Hit "WHO A DI DON", Oliver took the most serious current issues affecting Jamaicans and craftedit into 90 minutes of humour. It is suggested that if you plan to attend Embassy Saga, ensure you go with an empty bladder, as there is a particular scene very early in the play where you have to be prepared to restrain yourself to avoid being embarrassed by an unwelcomed gush. However, it gets worse for those of us who can't handle our laughter because Embassy Saga is truly Oliver at his best and will keep you laughing until the compelling end.

Anyone who has seen the "OLIVER YUH LARGE" episode where he tried to travel overseas without a visa, may be prepared for the fun in this one, but nothing can prepare them for the ending - a twist that is as shocking as it is powerful.

Embassy Saga is not just a drama about a family's disagreement on whether or not to migrate, rather, it is a provocative story about the infrequently discussed sacrifices made by Jamaicans who leave the island to seek a better life, especially when children are left with an absentee parent and spouses are left alone in the marital bed for months and in some cases, even years.

Prepare to laugh, prepare to cry, prepare to enjoy - Embassy Saga.


Embassy Saga with Oliver Samuels(New Jamaican Play)
Embassy Saga with Oliver Samuels(New Jamaican Play)






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