AMGA E~Newsletter
September 2007
In This Issue
Annual Campaign
Annual Meeting
The Low Down

Greetings.  Fall has arrived, the leaves are changing and climbing conditions are perfect. It seems like everyone is taking the afternoons off to get outside here in Boulder....and we hope you are too!

We have a some exciting news to report on - our Annual Campaign, the upcoming Annual Meeting and the low down at the AMGA.
AMGA Annual Campaign
Calling all members......its that time of year when we need your support.  Skip your latte, have one less beer at the bar, leave the guacamole off your burrito  - pocket the extra $$$ and give a little love to the AMGA.
The success of the AMGA depends on the generosity of individuals, corporations and foundations and our continued commitment to provide support, education, and professional standard to the guiding community.

Whether you can donate $5 or $100 -  Your gifts support the AMGA's goals to have all professional guides be certified, to have the mountain guiding industry be accepted as a highly regarded career, as well as to ensure all guiding services are accredited through the AMGA.Christine & Charlie

Also, we have two new memorial scholarship funds : The Christine Boskoff Memorial Fund & The Charlie Folwer Memorial Fund.

Christine and her partner Charlie were scheduled to return from a personal climbing adventure on Genyn Peak in China but were (likely) caught in a fatal avalanche on the peak in November of 2006.  To honor Christine and Charlie, the AMGA established memorial funds in each of their names.  Please help build these funds with your donations.

To make a tax-deductible donation you can fill out the Annual Campaign mailer that was sent out last week, include a little extra with your membership dues, call Katie at 303.271.0984 or mail a check to:
AMGA Donations
PO Box 1739
Boulder,CO 80306

Annual Meeting ~ Yosemite ~ Lynn Hill
El CapAs you know the AMGA is celebrating 10 years as an IFMGA member at this years Annual Meeting in Yosemite National Park.

We are particularly excited to announce that Lynn Hill will be our Guest of Honor at this years meeting.   Lynn's climbing exploits in Yosemite are legendary as well as her entire climbing career.  She will be presenting a slide show on  the evening of the main event (Oct. 22).

The 2007 Annual Meeting Schedule is as follow:

Oct. 17th & 18th  - LNT trainer course
Oct. 18th & 19th - SPI New Provider Training
Oct. 19th - Board of Directors Climbing Day
Oct. 20th - Technical Committee Meeting - open to the public
Oct. 21st - Board of Directors Meeting - open to the public & AMGA Opening Night Event - sponsored by Marmot
Oct. 22nd - Professional Development Clinics & Main Event -   includes free food, beer, silent auction and slide show presented by Lynn Hill.
Oct. 23rd - Professional Development Clinics & Guide Olympics.
Oct. 24th-25th - Instructor Pool Training

All are welcome - come join us this October in Yosemite National Park, CA.
Please contact Katie with any questions - or 303.271.0984 -

The Low Down!!!!
 - The Board of Directors 2007 Election Ballots are in and currently being counted.  The new board members will be announced in the next couple of weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.  Many thanks go out to all who participated in this years election.

 - AMGA is currently revamping our website.  The new website is due out middle of October.  All the folks in the office have been working extra hard to really make this website clear, concise, informative, and easy to use. 

 - Henry's been working hard on the 2008 Program Schedule.  We know you are excited to plan your year and sign up early for your AMGA courses. The 2008 Program Schedule will be finalized at the Technical Committee Meeting in Yosemite and published early November.

- Ladies....if you are a Certified AMGA Member we have Mammut Outline Hoodies,Paine Jackets and Karakorum Jackets for you to purchase - all come specialized with the AMGA logo.  They're going fast so get them while they're here.  Contact Katie at (303)-271.0984 to order.
Well, that's the down and dirty for now.  AMGA office out!


Katie Kelly
American Mountain Guides Association
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