Elwha Advocacy Update
Our lawsuit filed against the Olympic National Park, NOAA Fisheries Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and representatives of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (LEKT) for ignoring best available science and violating the Endangered Species Act (ESA) continues to move forward. For recent updates to the case, visit our Elwha Advocacy Update. Our goal remains that the recovery plan should be focused on wild fish, not hatchery fish, and that such a plan should be in place when we have a free-running Elwha. Learn More
Climate Change: Chehalis River & Grays Harbor Estuary
Washington state continues to show leadership by incorporating climate change into salmon conservation planning both because of the severity of the threat to wild salmonids and to avoid funding conservation projects that might be undermined by climate change (for example, shoreline restoration projects may need to take into account the anticipated sea level rise to remain feasible). For these reasons, as part of our project studying juvenile fish habitat use in Grays Harbor, we decided it was important to include modeling sea level rise (SLR) in an effort to anticipate future habitat loss as well as planning for inundation and the creation of new habitats beneficial to juvenile fish. Learn More.
Twanoh State Park Restoration
Washington State Parks has contracted Wild Fish Conservancy to develop engineering designs and specifications for a suite of restoration activities along the marine shoreline in Twanoh State Park and in lower Twanoh Creek. Project designs will be completed by June of 2013, with anticipated construction in 2014. Wild Fish Conservancy will complete conceptual designs for all of the proposed restoration actions. State Parks, working in conjunction with WFC, will then select the project elements that best restore ecological functions and processes while maintaining important park infrastructure and historic elements. Learn More
Weiss Creek Barrier Removal
Weiss Creek is a 3 square-mile watershed that flows under HWY 203 into the Snoqualmie River from the east, just south of Duvall, WA. The watershed supports coho salmon, resident and sea-run cutthroat trout, freshwater mussels, native sculpin, brook lamprey, and possibly steelhead trout. With funding from the King Conservation District (KCD), WFC recently removed a derelict barrier box culvert, bank armoring, and non-native Himalayan blackberries, and re-vegetated the area with native, riparian vegetation. Learn More
WFC Presents at MPA Symposium
At the invitation of Resources Legacy Fund Foundation and the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation, WFC Director of Science and Research Jamie Glasgow was invited to attend the State of the California Central Coast Symposium from February 27 through March 1 in Monterey, CA. The Symposium was a reflection on the first five years of Marine Protected Area (MPA) monitoring, management, and partnerships in California's central coast. It was attended by over 350 scientists, resource managers, educators, fishermen, and the public. Learn More
Puget Sound Residents Agree: Protecting Wild Salmon is Important
Researchers from the Carsey Institute and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries recently released a study documenting how Puget Sound residents feel about social and environmental change in the area. Using data from a phone survey of 1,980 Puget Sound residents conducted in 2012, the report outlines residents' views about the importance of environmental protection as well as their opinions about energy development, protection of wild salmon, and land use regulation. Seventy-four percent of Puget Sound residents believe that protecting the environment should be a priority even if it means limiting economic growth. The majority of residents favor both increased use of renewable energy (82%) and protecting wild salmon (75%). Learn More
The Trip of a Lifetime
Longtime WFC supporter Bill Kindler recently returned from an amazing trip to the Chilean Patagonia. Bill was the winning bidder of a ten-day trip donated by Magic Waters
for WFC's 2012 Wild Fish Soiree and Benefit Auction. Owner and guide Eduardo Barrueto offers a very personal and customizable experience. An intimate knowledge of the area is one of the things that sets Magic Waters apart from the competition. Everyone at the lodge was born and raised in the region: they know the waters, landowners, and have access to the best fishing. Just imagine sight casting to brown trout up to 27" with dry flies in lakes, ponds, large freestone rivers, and small spring creeks. Magic Waters is also a local, family-run business, so expect authentically cooked Chilean meals prepared by Eduardo's mother. If you're lucky, you'll come away like Bill did, having made new friends, a better understanding of how the Chilean people live, and some life-long memories. If you are looking for something special, contact Eduardo at Magic Waters and support the businesses that support Wild Fish Conservancy.
Wild Fish Conservancy Northwest
PO Box 402, 15629 Main Street NE., Duvall, WA 98019 