December 23, 2015
The Board of Directors of the Kentucky Broadcasters Association have named Henry Lackey as the new KBA President/CEO. Henry becomes only the fourth leader of the KBA in the past seventy-five years, succeeding Gary White who retired this fall.
Henry is no stranger to radio in Kentucky. His family was among Kentucky's earliest pioneers in broadcasting. His father and two uncles founded radio stations in Paducah (1930), Hopkinsville (1940), and Henderson (1941) and were instrumental as founding fathers of the KBA in the early 1940's. Henry is a former board member and Chairman of the KBA and is also a recipient of the Kentucky Mic Award, KBA's highest honor.
Henry begin working in radio when he was eight years-old. From engineering to sales to play-by-play, Henry has literally done every job inside a radio station. After earning his B.A. in Telecommunications from the University of Kentucky and his M.A. in Broadcast Management from Michigan State University, Henry worked briefly in television in Lexington, Dayton, and Louisville before returning to manage the family stations, WSON-AM/FM, in Henderson. He sold his FM in 1985, and continued to build WSON-AM into one of Kentucky's most successful community radio stations before selling it in 2010.
In addition to his many accomplishments in broadcasting, Henry has a distinguished record of public service. He has served his hometown as both a city commissioner and Mayor of Henderson. Henry also represented the folks back home by serving eight years in the Kentucky State Senate. Most recently, Henry served as Deputy Commissioner of Aviation for Kentucky under Gov. Steve Beshear.
Henry is an aviation enthusiast. He has held a private pilot's license for 39 years and is instrument certified having logged more than 7,500 hours of flight time. He keeps his plane hangered in Frankfort.
Henry had this to say: "I'm thrilled and honored to earn this appointment as President/CEO of the Kentucky Broadcasters Association. I've always been full of energy and excitement for the radio and television industry. During the more than 20 years I served on the KBA Board of Directors, I've had the honor of seeing great growth of many fine member service programs. My pledge is to give you the best of my talents and abilities and to continue to grow our association."
Current KBA Chairman Chris Winkle offered this: "Henry's unmatched passion and decades of experience, from both a broadcasting and political background, are precisely what the Association needs during this time of transition and new leadership."
KBA Chairman-Elect Chris Aldridge, who chaired the KBA President/CEO search committee offered this observation: "While we had some excellent candidates to consider for our President/CEO position, Henry is clearly the right choice at the right time. I look forward to working with Henry as we move the KBA forward in 2016".
Henry will begin his new duties on January 4th. 
Up your digital skills in social, data, video at Lexington NewsTrain Jan. 21     
For just $75, get a full day of digital training at APME's NewsTrain workshop in Lexington, Kentucky, on Jan. 21. Sessions include maximizing social media for branding and reporting, getting started with data-driven enterprise reporting, and shooting compelling smartphone video. Trainers include Daniel Victor, senior staff editor of The New York Times; Kathy Kieliszewski, visuals director of the Detroit Free Press; and Linda J. Johnson, former computer-assisted reporting coordinator for the Lexington Herald-Leader. Free 2015 AP Stylebook -- a $20.95 value - will go to the first 25 to register. Discounted $109 hotel rooms are available at the workshop site, the Hyatt Regency Lexington. Journalists, journalism students and journalism educators from diverse backgrounds are invited to apply by Dec. 21 for diversity scholarships, which cover the $75 registration fee. The workshop precedes the Kentucky Press Association Winter Convention. More info and register at

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Annual KBA Washington DC Fly-In     
The annual KBA Washington D.C. trip will be February 23-24, 2016.

If you would like to join the KBA group for visits to the Kentucky Congressional delegation, please let us know.

KBA will cover the hotel (1 night) and dinner on February 23rd.

FREE LBS Training!  
Are you using this FREE member benefit? KBA offers access to the LBS Weekly Sales Videos free to all members! Your station's whole sales team can have their own personal LBS accounts at no additional cost! If you need login information, simply contact the KBA and we will be glad to help you get started. Don't miss out on these wonderful trainings!  
This week's Videos: How to Work with an Agency  
Agency Players: Click here as Mark Levy talks about the different players in a typical ad agency, what kinds of things motivate each one, and offers tips on how you can become THE excellent station for each person in that agency to work with in your market.
Agency Insight: Click here as Mark Levy discusses ad agencies' buying/planning process, the importance of personal relationships, their selection criteria, and how to get your station into the media purchase discussion.
Agency Overview: Click here as Mark Levy discusses the different kinds of agencies, how they work, obstacles they deal with, and the importance of being a station that they like to work with!
In This Issue
Mark Your Calendar for these 2016 Events!
February 8-10
Country Radio Seminar
Nashville, Tenn.

February 22-24
NAB State Leadership Conference
Washington D.C.

February 23-24
Annual KBA Fly-In
Washington D.C.

April 17-20
NAB Show
Las Vegas

September 21-23
Radio Show
Nashville, Tenn.
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