Holden Mine Cleanup Project
    Fall 2013 
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Welcome to the Rio Tinto Holden Mine Cleanup Project eNewsletter. In this update, Rio Tinto reaches a construction milestone. In addition, the company tells local leaders that the cleanup is not only good for the environment; it's good for the local economy.

Rio Tinto reaches Railroad Creek milestone


Rio Tinto reached a major milestone in October when crews completed the realignment of 900 feet of Railroad Creek.  This portion of the creek is now running in its new bed which is farther away from the tailings, making room for an underground barrier wall that will be constructed next year. The underground barrier wall will capture and purify contaminated water from the old mine tailings.  Work is scheduled to continue along an additional one-mile stretch of the creek to prevent erosion.  To read a news story about the underground barrier wall and other construction activities, click here. 



Project Tour, September 26, 2013


Rio Tinto and Holden Village welcomed Chelan County and City elected officials and community leaders to tour the Holden Mine Cleanup Project in September.


During the day-long visit, Project Manager Dave Cline explained why and how Rio Tinto is doing the cleanup. He said along with cleaning up historic environmental problems like ground and surface water contamination, the project is contributing to the local economy. "Rio Tinto will spend more than $30 million locally by the time the cleanup is finished," he said. "This includes what we will spend on camp support and leasing, ferry services, equipment rental, fuel, subcontractor professional services, and local lodging." Cline estimates the project will produce an additional $15 million from employee spend in the local community.


The cleanup will create more than 370 jobs over the life of the project. About 250 of those jobs are Rio Tinto and contract employees. Another 120 are local employees, who will earn a total of approximately $4.3 million in wages.


The Holden Mine Project is a federally mandated cleanup to remediate past environmental problems from the old Holden Mine site and prevent future water and soil contamination.   While Rio Tinto never owned or operated the Holden Mine, we are paying for and managing the cleanup as part of the acquisition terms from previous owners.


"The scope of the project was much more vast than I had imagined," said one visitor. "To see this amount of work, moving creeks, building bridges is totally amazing." 



For more information, visit:

Or call, 509-570-3430 or 801-831-5991 


For questions about potential employment with the project, please contact Robin Jeremiah with Magnus Pacific at rjeremiah@magnuspacific.com.

ABOUT RIO TINTO                                                      

Rio Tinto's business is finding, mining, and processing mineral resources.  Major products are aluminum, copper, diamonds, thermal and metallurgical coal, uranium, gold, industrial minerals (borax, titanium dioxide and salt) and iron ore.  Activities span the world and are strongly represented in Australia and North America with significant businesses in Asia, Europe, Africa and South America.

The Holden Mine Project is part of Rio Tinto's Legacy Management group. The Legacy Management group works to ensure that old historic sites inherited through the acquisition of other entities are made safe, that all problem areas are addressed cost-effectively, and that there is a sustainable socioeconomic future for the community and a minimal burden of aftercare for the historic sites. For more information visit, click here.