Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Alumni Association

Reaching Out

An e-Newsletter by the IU Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Alumni Association

Almost Summer!May, 2016
In This Issue
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                          "Crossroads" at IU South Bend
The GLBTAA was formed on June 13, 1997 by a small group of strong, visionary individuals and has since been supported by many committed members, leaders and IUAA staff. All have worked tirelessly to continue fulfilling the GLBTAA important mission of improving "the quality of life for GLBT students, faculty, staff and alumni of Indiana University on all eight campuses." Each year the GLBTAA builds on that historical vision and commitment. Thank you! With your continued support, we will continue to build on our 19-year legacy.
Mike Shumate, Past President

1. IUPUI's Lavender Graduation
Our graduates, along with some administrators in top row
IUPUI hosted its fourth annual Lavender Graduation on April 28 in the Lilly Auditorium of the IUPUI University Library in Indianapolis. The event was hosted by the IUPUI LGBT Faculty Staff Council with support from the LGBTQ Student Alliance, the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and the newly-opened IUPUI LGBTQ+ Center.
The graduates and their friends and family were welcomed by IUPUI Chancellor, Nasser Paydar, Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Dr. Karen Dace, LGBTQ+ Center Director, Tristan N. Vaught, and Anthony Masseria, Chair of the IUPUI LGBT Faculty Staff Council.
IU GLBTAA former student director and past Lavender Graduation participant, Jason Sprinkle (IU McKinney, J.D. '15) offered his congratulations to the graduates and spoke about the GLBTAA's activities, including its membership drive and scholarship campaign. He encouraged the graduates to remain engaged with IU and to continue supporting IU's LGBT community as alumni by joining the GLBTAA.
Dr. Sheila Suess Kennedy, Professor of Law and Policy in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at IUPUI and Director of the IU Center for Civic Literacy, offered this year's keynote address. In her address to our graduates, Prof. Kennedy spoke about becoming activists as they enter the world beyond graduation and how activism manifests in many different way. She stressed that justice for one group requires that we advocate for justice for all disenfranchised groups.
Following Prof. Kennedy's remarks, each graduate was introduced by Christy Cole, chair of this year's Lavender Graduation, and received a certificate and gift bag from Dr. Dace, Vaught, and Masseria.
The IUPUI LGBT Faculty Staff Council and its co-hosts would like to extend their sincerest gratitude to IU alum Mark Lee, owner/operator of Great Exposures and managing editor of UNITE Magazine, for donating his time and photographing the event. 
Congratulations, graduates! 

2. Brian Powell, PhD
Brian Powell, the James H. Rudy Professor of sociology and chair of the Department of Sociology in the College of Arts and Sciences at IU Bloomington, presented a lecture on April 18 in the IU Cinema on the Bloomington campus. The reactions to RFRA and the Supreme Court landmark same-sex marriage case reflect a turnaround in American public opinion that is "one of the most striking changes in public opinion social scientists have ever witnessed," said Dr. Powell. This striking change, and the future directions of public opinion, were topics of the 2016 Distinguished Faculty Research Lecture, "Public Opinion after Obergefell: What Americans Believe about the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Marriage Equality, and Same-Sex Parenting."
"Despite the legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States, many questions remain about Americans' views and beliefs," Powell said. "Do Americans count same-sex couples as a 'family'? What do Americans believe about same-sex parenting? Do Americans believe businesses should have the right to refuse services to same-sex couples? Is the unprecedented change in American views on same-sex marriage a sign of how public opinion on other social issues will change in the future?" These and other questions were addressed by Dr. Powell.
A member of the IU Bloomington faculty since 1986, Dr. Brian Powell conducts research focused on family, education, gender and sexuality. He has studied how families confer advantages -- or disadvantages -- to their children and how family structure influences parental investments in children. He is especially interested in atypical family forms: families with older parents, bi/multiracial families, adoptive families and gay/lesbian families. Dr. Powell co-authored the award-winning book, Counted Out: Same-Sex Relations and Americans' Definitions of Family, which documents the transformation in how Americans define family and their views regarding same-sex families. His current research explores Americans' views regarding the role of parents, children and the government in college funding. Our last article covering Dr. Powell appeared in our April, 2015 Newsletter summarizing his important research regarding opposition to marriage equality.
The Distinguished Faculty Research Lecture ,co-sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Office of the Vice Provost for Research, is an annual event designed to recognize the research achievements of an IU Bloomington faculty member whose research makes important contributions to society and is accompanied by a stipend to support the lecturer's continuing research. Much in this article was taken from IU's recent release 
3. Equity Project Report
IU researchers want schools to ask students for their gender identity and sexual orientation so that data can be collected on bullying and discrimination.  Indiana University's Equity Project released a report 
recently that shows there is a lack of data that makes it hard to measure when LGBTQ students are targeted for harassment or disciplined more harshly in the classroom. By asking, "What is your gender identity and sexual orientation?" on appropriate forms, report coauthor and IU professor, Russell J. Skiba says, schools are taking the first step to figuring out better inventions. "We do not have any clear path to get the data to identify over-discipline or bullying and harassment, and without that we don't know how to target efforts to reduce it," Dr. Skiba recently said in an article .The report offers suggestions how such data can be gathered and measured. The report also urges Congress to pass the Student Non-Discrimination Act, which would outlaw discrimination against LGBTQ students in public schools. For more information about the report, please see the University's release 
Russell Skiba, PhD
The Equity Project, part of the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy in IU's School of Education, is a consortium of projects dedicated to providing high quality data to educational decision-makers to understand better and address issues regarding educational equity and bridge the gap between research and practice. Its stated mission is to provide evidence-based information specific to issues of school discipline, school violence, special education and equality of educational opportunity for all students. In addition, the Equity Project provides support and technical assistance to educational agencies seeking to create equitable school systems.
Russell J. Skiba, Ph.D. is professor in counseling and educational psychology. He has worked with schools across the country, directed numerous federal and state research grants, and published extensively in the areas of school violence, school discipline and classroom management, and equity in education. He was a member and the lead author of the American Psychological Association's Task Force on Zero Tolerance. 

4. GLBTAA Scholarship Campaign
Please continue to "spread the word" about our ground-breaking Campaign, which will help endow our GLBTAA Scholarship Program. We awarded four academic scholarship for the 2016 spring semester. Each recipient will be featured in one of our Newsletters. One is covered in paragraph #5 below. After reviewing another heart-breaking story, we also recently awarded emergency funds to an IU East student. Since 2005, we have granted 68 scholarships (53 academic scholarships and 15 emergency scholarships) to IU students. Because of your generous support, we will be able to continue providing scholarships well into the future.  
Doug Bauder, Director of IUB's GLBT Office, has commented recently about our Scholarship Campaign, "The Scholarship Campaign will provide a number of students in need with financial support and a number of alumni and friends with the joy and satisfaction that come from giving." 
Contributions can be made online at Campaign Contributions If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Shumate at  or 858-922-6105; or IUAA Alumni Relations Officer Clarence Boone at 800-824-3044. Again, heartfelt gratitude to everyone for supporting our Campaign.
THANK YOU, IU alumni, faculty, staff, students, allies and our many friends!
5. Academic Scholarship Recipient

Congratulations are extended to Adam J. Kiefer, one of our 2016 Spring Academic Scholarship recipients! Adam is a junior pursuing a degree in Journalism, with a minor in French, in Bloomington. His passion is photojournalism, and he aspires to work for a world-renowned publication, where he can measure the impact he can make and the change he can create in the world by his profession. During each semester at IU, he has worked, first, as a staff photographer, then as photo editor, of the Indiana Daily Student.  As such, his personal goal was to make sure "that when LGBT stories are reported in the IDS, or through Corbis, that they not only educate readers, but also truthfully reflect the LGBT community." He has worked as a student manager of the IU Auditorium since May, 2014, and just returned home from a semester abroad in Berlin, Germany where he furthered his studies in Journalism. This summer he looks forward to beginning his new work as a multimedia and special projects intern for the IU Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President in Bloomington. He also received a scholarship for the 2015 Fall semester. We're proud of you, Adam! 
6. Member Notes

Warmest congratulations to our four members:
Matthew Holley recently completed his PhD in Higher Education from Indiana University-Bloomington.  His dissertation was entitled  "The Lived Experiences of Gay Physicians in Academic Medicine" and was chaired by Dr. Tom Nelson Laird.  He graduated from Millikin University in 1998 with a Bachelor's degree in Speech and Debate and earned Master's degrees in Higher Education and Philanthropic Studies from Indiana University in 2000 and 2005.  Dr. Holley recently accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Department of Family Medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine.  In addition, he serves as the Associate Director of Medical Student Education and as the Statewide Course Director for Foundations of Clinical Practice - Year One for the medical school.  
Dale Ellen Leff, BS '69, recently received the John R. Endwright Alumni Service Award from the IU School of Public Health - Bloomington, which recognizes outstanding service and contribution to the School and IU. Dale has remained engaged with the university for many years. She co-founded the IU Women's Philanthropy Leadership Council and has been named Chair Emerita. She helped establish the IU Colloquium for Women and has been a member of the IU Foundation Board of Directors since 1996. In 1998, she received IU's Distinguished Alumni Service Award, the highest university honor that can be bestowed on an alumnus.

Tim Lemper was recently named the 2016 recipient of the Frank Banta Award for Student Advocacy. Prof. Lemper was recognized for his work counseling students and working with student advocates as chairman of the Academic Fairness Committee at IU's Kelley School of Business in Bloomington. He currently serves as Vice President of the GLBTAA. The award is named after the late Dr. Frank Banta, a former IU student and emeritus professor who dedicated his life to helping students as a teacher, a volunteer, and as Assistant Director of the IU Student Advocates Office. As an openly gay faculty member and administrator, Dr. Banta was an early trailblazer and advocate for generations of LGBTQ students at IU.

Effective July 1, Stephanie A. Sanders, PhD, will hold the Peg Brand Chair in the Department of Gender Studies. She is currently a Senior Scientist at the Kinsey Institute. She has been a faculty member at IU Bloomington for over 30 years and has served as interim director of the Kinsey Institute three times. Her research addresses sexual behavior; sexual health; sexuality, sexual identity and gender relations; sex differentiation; gender difference in psychological and physical development; effects of prenatal hormones and drugs on human development; women's health and well-being, menstruation, menopause and the life cycle; and bio-psychological perspectives on debates in feminist theory.
7. Facebook


The GLBTAA has had a Facebook page for some time now, but some of you may not be aware of it.  If you haven't already done so, check out our Facebook page at  "Like" our page and follow our Facebook posts regarding news, updates and information about our events.


Like us on Facebook

8. University Diversity Assessment   
James Wimbush
In the fall of 2015, IU engaged outside consultants Halualani & Associates to conduct a university-wide, objective and comprehensive diversity assessment in support of the university's commitment to creating a diverse, engaged, multicultural academic community. "The assessments will be used to establish a baseline measurement in the areas of diversity achievement and progress, and to provide information that helps further and expand the university's efforts in this area," said James Wimbush, IU's Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Multicultural Affairs and Dean of University Graduate School.
Halualani has now examined all diversity efforts completed by divisions, programs and units at IU Bloomington and IUPUI from Jan. 1, 2010, to Oct. 1, 2015. The goal was to identify each campus's commitment to and investment in diversity. "From a thorough evaluation of the institutionalized efforts at IUB and IUPUI, it is clear that both campuses are dedicated to promoting diversity," said Rona T. Halualani, managing principal and founder of Halualani & Associates.
Presentations , including assessments, have now been made at both campuses. Briefly, this past fall, the IU Bloomington campus recruited its strongest, most diverse class in its history. Looking at how students report their own identities at census, and comparing this data with that collected in 2010, 22 percent of the fall's incoming class was composed of domestic students from underrepresented groups. Of those students, 7.1 percent identified as African American, and 7 percent as Hispanic. From 2014 to 2016, the IUB campus increased funding for historically underrepresented minorities and financially disadvantaged, first-generation students by 20 percent (from $18 million to $22 million) and is planning to increase this funding by 25 percent by 2025, to $27.5 million. The funding covers programs such as Hudson-Holland Scholars, 21st Century Scholars Covenant, Pell Promise and Groups programs. Further, results and recommendations of the IUPUI Black/African American Student Recruitment and Retention Task Force commissioned in fall 2015 are being implemented in Indianapolis with a focus on achieving 15 percent African American undergraduate student enrollment by 2020. In addition, each IUPUI school has diversity plans aimed at student, staff and faculty success and inclusion.
The status of Halualani's report can be found at

9. GLBTAA Scholarships


GLBTAA Academic Scholarships  Academic Scholarships are awarded to IU students enrolled at any IU campus, who are academically strong, as well as active in promoting diversity, tolerance and social justice. Scholarships are awarded to students based upon academic achievement, career goals, financial need, leadership experience, community service and extracurricular activities. Involvement in activities promoting diversity and raising awareness of GLBT and related issues on the student's campus or in his or her community is carefully reviewed by the Board. The maximum award for an Academic Scholarship is $1,000 per semester. An individual student may not receive more than $2,000. The deadline for the Fall 2016 semester is April 15, 2016.


IU GLBTAA Emergency Scholarships
Emergency Scholarships are awarded to those students who experience the loss of financial support when they make the courageous decision to disclose their sexual orientation or gender identity to their families. Emergency Scholarships help to ensure that students need not choose between their education at IU and living life openly and honestly. Emergency Scholarships are awarded to students attending any IU campus. The maximum award for an Emergency Scholarship is $1,500 per semester, and a student may not receive more than $3,000.
You can learn more about the GLBTAA Scholarship Program and apply online at:


10. Membership


Encourage your friends to join the GLBTAA. They can visit our website here  and join.  There are no membership dues, and you do not have to be a member of the IUAA, or an IU degree-holder. We are approaching 1,600 members nation-wide, and we're growing! We appreciate your continued commitment! It is because of you that the GLBTAA is in existence, continues to grow and continues to serve our important mission on all eight of IU's campuses. If you are a member and wish to continue receiving our e-Newsletters, please make sure we have a current e-mail address for you.   You can visit to see if your official record, including your e-mail address, is current.  Thank you for your support through your membership. We look forward to serving you now and in the years to come. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Clarence Boone, Alumni Relations Officer, at: or Mike Shumate at


If not already a member, please consider joining the IUAA by visiting, by  or calling (800) 824-3044. By joining the IUAA, among many other things, you help fund the various GLBTAA programs, along with gaining access to IUAA member-only events.


If you would like to unsubscribe and terminate future communications from the GLBTAA, please respond to:

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Alumni Association | DeVault Alumni Center | 1000 East 17th Street | Bloomington | IN | 47408