| Well House at IUB in the Fall |
Your GLBTAA Board is busy planning our Sixth Celebration Weekend for January 24-26. All faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends, please join us for this fabulous weekend and see for yourselves why IU has received "five stars" for being one of the top LGBT-friendly universities in the nation!
The weekend will be launched for the first time at the Neal-Marshall Center on Friday, January 24 with welcoming comments and the presentation of our 2014 Distinguished Alumni Award. The Grazie reception on Saturday, January 25 remains our main attraction, and the silent auction that evening provides an important fundraising activity. Please think if you have any item(s) you wish to contribute to our silent auction. If so, please contact Stephanie Burks at stlburks@indiana.edu or Jennifer Gentry at jengentr@iu.edu . Also, you are able to donate for the purchase of "student" tickets to the Grazie reception on our reservation site at:
Each year we have more alumni and friends from across the nation who join us for this special weekend in Bloomington. Come have a ton of fun, see old friends, make new ones, discuss the latest developments in the state and beyond and share in the joy of all the progress we've made. We look forward to greeting you and expressing our gratitude for your steadfast support to the IU GLBTAA, Indiana University and the LGBT community.
By the way, hope you like our Celebration Weekend logo in paragraph #2 below.
Mike Shumate, GLBTAA President
1. GLBTAA Scholarship Campaign
| Then student Eric Gonzaba (BA '12) speaking at GLBT office rededication |
Because of your support, our GLBTAA Scholarship Campaign continues to go well. Thank you! Fox 59 gave us good coverage in a special report, including interviews with JT. Forbes, Doug Bauder and IUB scholarship recipient Matthew Bloom. If you haven't already seen it, please take approximately two minutes to view it at:
2. Sixth Celebration Weekend
The GLBTAA is proud to announce its sixth annual Celebration Weekend January 24-26, 2014. Coinciding with the Bloomington PRIDE Film Festival, our Celebration Weekend offers faculty, staff, alumni, students and friends a wonderful schedule of diverse and fun-filled events throughout the last weekend in January. The main events are:
Reception at the Neal-Marshall Center
~ Friday, January 24, 2014, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
~ 275 N. Jordan Ave.
The Neal-Marshal Black Cultural Center serves as a bridge connecting Indiana University to Black culture and has a rich history in supporting IU's efforts in the recruitment and retention of Black students and in promoting knowledge and awareness of the Black experience. We are thrilled to be hosting our opening event here for the first time. For more information about the Neal-Marshall Black Cultural Center, please see: http://nmbcc.indiana.edu/about
GLBTAA Annual Board Meeting
~ Saturday, January 25, 2014, 10:00 a.m. - noon
~ DeVault Alumni Center,1000 E. 17th St. (parking available in lot west of building)
Grazie! Reception and Silent Auction
~ Saturday, January, 25, 2014, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
~ Grazie! Italian Eatery, 106 W. Sixth St.
~ Cost is $20 per person, which includes a glass of wine
Please join us for an early evening of hors d'oeuvres, rainbow martinis, jazz piano, a silent auction and much, much more! What a great way to see old friends and make new ones before attending one of the films, or any other of the events, during this special Saturday evening. All net proceeds benefit our various GLBTAA events, programs and scholarships. If you wish, you can contribute to pay for one or more Grazie tickets for IU students. The GLBTAA Board will administer the distribution of all such donated tickets to students. Thank you in advance for any student ticket donations you may elect to make. Reservations can now be made online at:
Bagels and Coffee at the GLBTSSS Office
~ Sunday, January 26, 2014, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
~ GLBT Student Support Services Office, 705 E. Seventh St. (across from the IMU)
Wrap up the weekend with coffee and bagels at the GLBTSSS Office, a "home away from home" for countless of our IUB students for over 18 years. If you haven't already done so, come by and take a tour of the renovated office - a perfect way to complete the weekend's festivities.
| 2013 Celebration Weekend |
3. Freedom Indiana
You've probably heard about a proposed amendment to the Indiana Constitution called HJR-6, which would permanently alter the Indiana Constitution to define marriage and could affect hundreds of protections related to marriage under current Indiana law. In the 2014 legislative session, Indiana lawmakers can choose either to table or vote down the amendment or send it to voters for a statewide referendum next November. If it does not pass or is not called for a vote, our Constitution will be protected. A recent survey shows that Hoosiers want to keep this issue out of our Constitution. Almost two-thirds of Hoosiers, including 57 percent of Republicans, do not support amending the Constitution to deal with same-sex marriage. In addition to the unnecessary first sentence of the amendment, no one has been able to define clearly what effects the second sentence would have on existing marriages, domestic partner benefits, human rights ordinances, legal contracts and other benefits for unmarried couples. Last year, a student-led study from the IU Maurer School of Law (Maurer LGBT Legal Project featured in paragraph #2 of our January, 2013 Newsletter) identified more than 600 current laws that could be affected by the amendment. A new statewide organization called Freedom Indiana is committed to educating lawmakers and all Hoosiers about the amendment and the harm it could do to our state, our economy and our communities if it is permanently written into our Constitution. Lawmakers have an opportunity in the upcoming session to protect our Constitution by voting down or setting aside this amendment. Freedom Indiana has been working nonstop to make sure voters understand that this amendment isn't something we need to do as a state -- and it's definitely not something we should do.
Freedom Indiana is building the largest issue-based grassroots network in Indiana history. The group already has been in touch with tens of thousands of Hoosiers who are writing letters and making phone calls to the Statehouse. If you'd like to sign up to volunteer or support the campaign, please visit
This issue deeply affects same-sex couples and LGBT Hoosiers. It also affects our businesses, our friends and neighbors and faith institutions. It doesn't matter whether you're straight or gay, male or female, young or old, rural or urban, Republican, Democrat or Libertarian. Freedom Indiana needs your help to defeat this amendment. Indiana University recently joined Freedom Indiana. President McRobbie explained "Equality, compassion and respect for individuals have long been the bedrock of Indiana University's educational mission, and the lack of tolerance implicit in HJR6 runs counters to IU's deeply held values," For more about IU's decision, please see the press release at:
We have a duty to protect our Constitution and make sure our state continues to be known for our Hoosier hospitality.
| All volunteers are welcome! |
4. Mark Your Calendar
Indy Pride will be hosting a mixer on Thursday, November 21 at Forty-Five Degrees at 765 Mass Ave. (corner of Mass Ave. and College Ave.) from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Enjoy free appetizers and half-priced martinis and learn what is going on with Indy Pride and other local groups. The mixer is open to everyone. We will have volunteers at the mixer to answer questions about the IU GLBTAA and to sign up new members.
The Quarryland Men's Chorus has just completed auditions for its 12th season, entitled Stronger Together. They have placed 30 singers on their roster and preparations have begun for several performances that will occur in the next few weeks in Bloomington and Spencer, Indiana. But their greatest focus is on the music for a series of holiday concerts called Peace, Hope, Joy. QMC's concerts will capture the essence of the holiday season by inspiring us through moving musical selections, to come together and bring about positive change in our communities. Featured selections include "Umi Sono Ai," "All This Joy," "Joy to the World," "Oseh Shalom," and "Dona Nobis Pacem." Tickets ($15/$10 students) are available now from the BCT Box Office and http://bctboxoffice.com Both concerts, December 14th at 7:30pm and December 15th at 3pm, will take place at First United Church of Bloomington, 2420 E 3rd Street. Mark your calendars and get your tickets now. Stronger Together season tickets are also available!
5. Facebook
The GLBTAA has had a Facebook page for some time now, but some of you may not be aware of it. If you haven't already done so, check out our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/iuglbtaa. "Like" our page and then you will automatically get our Facebook posts regarding news, updates and information of our events.
6. GLBTAA Distinguished Alumni Award
The GLBTAA Distinguished Alumni Award is presented to members of the LGBT community and individual allies or supporters of the LGBT community, regardless of sexual orientation. Only living alumni of Indiana University are eligible. Nominees shall have been outstanding in his or her field of endeavor and shall have made significant contributions benefiting Indiana University or his or her community, state or nation. We are pleased to announce the following two recipients of our 2014 Distinguished Alumni Award.
Kimerly J. Davis received her BS from MacMurray College in 1972 and her Masters in Physical Education from Indiana University, Bloomington in 1978. She is retired as a research associate and educational consultant from the Indiana Resource Center for Autism at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community located on the Bloomington campus. Kim has authored many publications and
| Kim Davis |
continues to be a sought-after speaker nationally on topics, including autism, movement difference, person-centered planning, positive behavior support, and recreation. Her professional achievements are just part of her distinguished record. She has made significant contributions to public and related service in a number of areas, including Indiana University, the LGBT community and her community at large. Briefly, she served on our GLBTAA Board of Directors for seven years, including four as President, during a critically-important time in our history. She also has served on the GLBT Student Support Services Office Advisory Board since on or about 2000, where she has mentored and supported countless of our youth, as they face the daily challenges of coming out and accepting their sexual orientation or gender identity. As a member of the GLBT Speakers' Bureau, she has participated on numerous panels regarding a wide range of LGBT topics. Kim and her partner Nancy Kalina have been an integral part of our LGBT community for years, and their strength and vision have added significantly, and continue to add, to our proud legacy at IU and beyond.
William C. Shipton received his BA in Psychology from Grinnell College in 1967 and his Masters in College Student Personnel Administration from IU's School of Education in 1969. He recently retired from IUB as Director for Student Programs and Services in Residential Programs and Services. Bill's professional life, and much of his personal life as well, have been devoted to supporting students, faculty and staff in examining the complex issues of sexual orientation, gender identity, religious bias, racism and sexual harassment
| Bill Shipton |
and teaching mainstream culture the importance of re-examining its biases. Bill has from the beginning been a champion of "equality for all" in every sense of the phrase. Early on, Bill was a chapter author of "Beyond Tolerance: Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals on Campus," which served as the basis for the authors to engage in an extended national speaking tour called "The Beyond Tolerance Roadshow." At IU, Bill founded the IU Committee on Racial Understanding in 1982, which later became the Commission on Multicultural Understanding (COMU). He created the Diversity Advocate Program in 1988, which later became the Community Education Program, and gained wide recognition as an exemplary program by a number of national associations. Bill served as co-chair for three anti-bias teams: GLBT Anti-harassment Team; Racial Incidents Team; and Religious Bias Incidents Team. Bill has received numerous awards; just a few include: the inaugural COMU Staff Award (shared with Dr. Herman Wells); the School of Education's Kate Hevner Mueller Award; and the Outstanding Staff Award presented by IUB's Dean of Students office. Bill also served for 15 years on the GLBT Student Support Services Office Advisory Board. Bill and his partner Jack Rhodes continue to mentor our young people and serve as stellar role models for social justice.
Please Join us on Friday, January 24 to extend congratulations to Kim and Bill and to enjoy an evening of festivities and fun at the Neal-Marshall Center.
7. Out For Work Conference
Two students in the Kelley School of Business recently represented IU at the Ninth Annual "Out for Work" career conference held at the University of Illinois in Chicago. Tianfan Wang, a graduate student in Information Systems, and Michael Burnett, a senior majoring in Accounting and Finance, decided to attend after learning about the conference through the Out @ Kelley Facebook Group.
The two-day weekend event included a career and networking fair; discussion sessions on topics such as mentoring, coming out at work, and marketing yourself in the workplace; and workshops led by representatives of several LGBT-friendly companies, including Cummins, Lockheed-Martin, Google, Boeing, and The Clorox Company.
Tianfan and Michael were able to meet with recruiters and representatives of several of those companies, including attending a private networking event hosted by Google.
The conference provides an extraordinary opportunity for LGBT students to highlight their skills and explore career opportunities with LGBT-friendly companies in a supportive and welcoming environment. Tianfan, who was unable to secure an interview with Cummins during IU's on-campus recruiting, was able to secure an interview with Cummins at the conference. He is now going through the company's recruiting process.
IU students and alumni who are interested in attending the "Out for Work" conference and similar LGBT recruiting events are encouraged to join the Out @ Kelley Facebook Group or contact Professor Tim Lemper (tlemper@indiana.edu)
for more information.
8. GLBTAA Scholarships
GLBTAA Academic Scholarships Academic Scholarships are awarded to IU students enrolled at any IU campus, who are academically strong, as well as active in promoting diversity, tolerance and social justice. Scholarships are awarded to students based upon academic achievement, career goals, financial need, leadership experience, community service and extracurricular activities. Involvement in activities promoting diversity and raising awareness of GLBT and related issues on the student's campus or in his or her community is carefully reviewed by the Board. The maximum award for an Academic Scholarship is $1,000 per semester. An individual student may not receive more than $2,000. The deadline for the Spring 2014 semester is November 15, 2013.
IU GLBTAA Emergency Scholarships
Emergency Scholarships are awarded to those students who experience the loss of financial support when they make the courageous decision to disclose their sexual orientation or gender identity to their families. Emergency Scholarships help to ensure that students need not choose between their education at IU and living life openly and honestly. Emergency Scholarships are awarded to students attending any IU campus. The maximum award for an Emergency Scholarship is $1,500 per semester, and a student may not receive more than $3,000.
9. Membership
Encourage your friends to join the GLBTAA. They can visit our website here and join. There are no membership dues, and you do not have to be a member of the IUAA, or an IU degree-holder. We are approaching 1,600 members nation-wide, and we're growing! We appreciate your continued commitment! It is because of you that the GLBTAA is in existence, continues to grow and continues to serve our important mission on all eight of IU's campuses. If you are a member and wish to continue receiving our e-Newsletters, please make sure we have a current e-mail address for you. You can visit https://alumni.indiana.edu/my-iu/index.html to see if your official record, including your e-mail address, is current. Thank you for your support through your membership. We look forward to serving you now and in the years to come. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jennifer Gentry, Alumni Relations Officer, at: jengentra@iu.edu or Mike Shumate at mdshumate@roadrunner.com .
If not already a member, please consider joining the IUAA by visiting https://alumni.indiana.edu/membership/index.html, by e-mailingiuaamemb@indiana.edu or calling (800) 824-3044. By joining the IUAA, among many other things, you help fund the various GLBTAA programs, along with gaining access to IUAA member-only events.
If you would like to unsubscribe and terminate future communications from the GLBTAA, please respond to: glbtaa@indiana.edu.