National Wolfwatcher Coalition
Letter Writing Committee

Thanks for Writing
for our Wolves

Letters Published During the
Week of May 10, 2014        


Newspapers across the country heard you howling for wolves! 








     Our Weeks Endeavors 





Chris Albert, DVM    Idaho Press    Idaho 



If wolves are decimating the elk herds, how is it that when Lewis and Clark came to the area there found "teeming herds" of elk and deer, and plenty of wolves. The wolves were unmanaged, uncontrolled, and many in number, and yet the prey thrived.


The decline of the herds is attributed to wolves and yet a recent report from Idaho fish and game (April 19, Idaho poachers take heavy toll on game animals) indicates that human poachers are taking more than wolves are. It has been known for years that drought, fire and weather have the biggest impact on game herds.


Hunting is precarious and often life-threatening for wolves, so they do target the less-robust animals whenever possible. Studies show they take the youngest and oldest and not breeding animals in their prime, like human hunters do (Greg Wright, 2003).


I am sorry Tom Claycomb lumps ordinary citizens like me with the federal government that "forced wolves down your throats" (letters, May 2). But Idaho is not of one mind about the wolf issue. There are many Idahoans that welcome the wolf back in the ecosystem, hope their numbers are not restricted to bare minimums and are disappointed at the unnecessary venom they incur.


* Chris Albert, Lebanon Junction, Kentucky




Janet Hoben     White Mountain Independent   Arizona 


In response to the letter "If you don't live in Arizona, stay out of our business," yes I live in California. But I am also a taxpaying United States citizen. And Mexican gray wolves are federally protected under the Endangered Species Act. That means I have a stake in the welfare of these wolves, and that means I have the right to speak up. 


The Arizona Legislature is attempting to pass laws which would allow people to kill these critically endangered wolves. Guess what Arizona? You can't make laws that violate existing federal laws! And if you kill a protected Mexican gray wolf, you are breaking federal law and subject to federal penalties, including jail time! Arizona has a recent history of passing very bad laws and this is just one more example. The majority of citizens surveyed in both Arizona and New Mexico support wolf recovery.


How many of you reading this support protections for endangered species in other countries, such as tigers, rhinos and elephants? I bet quite a few of you. Then why would your fellow American citizens not support the most endangered mammal in the country, the Mexican gray wolf?


When I came to Big Lake last summer for a weekend learning more about lobos, I was not only joined by people around the country, but by two members of Arizona Game and Fish. All of us are working together to save a species. 


Yes, Arizona, your critically endangered wolves are my business.


Janet Hoben, Burbank, Calif


