Photo of Yellowstone's 832F courtesy of Doug McLaughlin |
Thus far, at least eight Yellowstone National Park wolves, collared and non-collared, have been shot and killed during the wolf hunts in the Northern Rockies. Most recently, two wolves from the Lamar Canyon Pack - its infamous alpha female 832F, also known as "06" and its beta male, 754M have been killed in Wyoming.
Wolfwatcher considers its educational mission to be among its most important priorities. Since Yellowstone wolf 832F's ("O6") passing, we received an overwhelming number of emails and messages recounting the experiences of our supporters in the Park as they observed her travails as the alpha of the Lamar Canyon Pack. We have concluded that "06" was, perhaps, one of the best educators for her species!
Since her loss, we remain committed to continuing 832F's educational legacy. Thus, we are beginning a fund raising campaign that includes the sale of this commemorative sweatshirt which features an image of "06" designed by esteemed graphic artist, Wolfwatcher's Media Director, Chris Cross - is available with 100% of the proceeds going to three educational initiatives in her memory:
1 - The Yellowstone Park Foundation - While the federal government provides funding for the basic monitoring of wolves in Yellowstone, it does not fund the Yellowstone Wolf Project's equipment needs, long-term research on the wolf's impacts on the ecosystem, sufficient aerial monitoring, or the staff necessary to run the project effectively on a day-to-day basis. The funds we help to raise for this nonprofit Foundation will help make up for the wolf project's funding shortfalls.
2 - The Yellowstone Association - a nonprofit organization that is the National Park Service's primary partner in providing educational programs, exhibits, and publications for park visitors and has furnished over $27 million in support for Yellowstone since its inception in 1933.
3 - Wolfwatcher's "Project: Yellowstone" - an annual initiative which invites supporters from around the nation to join us in Yellowstone for one week to observe wolves in the wild and learn more about them via programs taught by the experts.
Visit the Wolfwatcher Store for details...
Science-based research and education are critical to the mission of wolf recovery. By wearing this shirt, you can help continue 06's legacy
by directly supporting educational programs that encourage an understanding of and peaceful coexistence with wolves on the landscape.