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October 16, 2013   

In addition to the lovely pumpkins, crisp, cool air and SO many books arriving each day, we love this time of year because the Best American Collections arrive. Whether you love short stories, mysteries, sports or science, we have you covered.  

Lincoln Peirce Get out your pen and paper and get ready to draw! Writer/cartoonist Lincoln Peirce, creator of the Big Nate comic strip, will be at the Wellesley Free Library on Thursday, October 17th at 4:00pm to talk about his latest collection of cartoons Big Nate: I Can't Take It! He'll be giving a drawing demo, explaining cartooning tools and vocabulary, and talking about how he comes up with storylines. Fans of Big Nate's sidesplitting antics will not want to miss this! Please check out our website for important signing guidelines.

Suzy Duffy Can you keep up with Newton Neighbors and Suzy Duffy?   Join Suzy at Wellesley Books on Thursday, October 17th at 7:00pm to celebrate the publication of Newton Neighbors, her follow-up novel to her wildly popular Wellesley Wives. It's fast, furious, and funny and this event will be too -- Suzy is as fun in person as she is in her books.

Kerri Majors For young aspiring authors, we have the perfect event for you! Join local author and lit mag editor Kerri Majors on Thursday, October 24th at 7:00pm for a workshop designed to jump-start your creativity and get you inspired to tackle your next big project. Her new book This is Not a Writing Manual! Notes for the Young Writer in the Real World is an irreverent memoir aimed at young and new writers trying to find their focus and confidence. Join Kerri for writing advice, exercises, and conversation.

Meg Lukans Noonan In today's world of fast fashion, is there a place for a handcrafted $50,000 coat? Come find out on Tuesday, October 29th at 7:00pm when journalist Meg Lukens Noonan comes to Wellesley Books to discuss The Coat Route and this unthinkably expensive, entirely handcrafted overcoat.  This story of a fourth-generation tailor who made the coat for one of his longtime clients set Noonan off on an adventure to understand the coat's history. Listen to Meg Lukens Noonan discuss The Coat Route on NPR's "Weekend All Things Considered" with Jacki Lyden.

A Hologram for the King Great minds think alike. Bill and Betty have both chosen A Hologram for the King by Dave Eggers for their upcoming book group discussions! You can join Betty on Tuesday, November 12 at noon for her Lunchtime Book Group. Bill's Book Group for Guys is on Thursday, December 5th at 7:00pm  - tickets are $25 and include the book and beer, wine or a select single malt whisky. This should be fun!

The Goldfinch Tickets are going fast, but still available for our event with Donna Tartt on Friday, November 1st at 7:00pm. Her new novel, The Goldfinch, has been garnering rave reviews!

Contact Us

Wellesley Books

82 Central Street

 Wellesley, MA 02482



In This Newsletter...
Bookseller Recommendations
What We Are Reading...

Upcoming Events

Lincoln Peirce - Thursday, 10/17
Suzy Duffy - Thursday, 10/17
M.L. Nichols - Wednesday, 10/23
Kerri Majors - Thursday, 10/24
Eileen Christelow - Saturday, 10/26
Clay Rice - Tuesday, 10/29
Meg Lukens Noonan - Tuesday, 10/29
 Donna Tartt - Friday, 11/1
James Whitfield Thomson - Monday, 11/4
Karen Covey - Wednesday, 11/6
Francesca Lia Block - Thursday, 11/7
Lunchtime Book Group - Tuesday, 11/12
Ann Hood - Thursday, 11/21
Bill's Book Group for Guys - Thursday, 12/5

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Man Booker Prize 2013

Congratulations to Eleanor Catton, author of The Luminaries . The youngest Man Booker winner in the prize's history (she is 28 but completed The Luminaries at 27) has triumphed with the longest ever Man Booker winning novel (832 pages).  Life for Eleanor Catton will never be the same again." 

Bookseller recommendations 

The Explanation for Everything The Explanation for Everything   
by Lauren Grodstein

There is a lot going on in the life of Andy Waite, a widowed professor of evolutionary biology. He is still grieving for the wife he lost to a drunk driver, struggling to do right by his two young daughters and worrying about how his experimental work could possibly earn a grant that could guarantee his tenure. Grodstein weaves the story of his present with his past, his mentor and his students in this interesting novel. A good choice for fans of both Anne Tyler and Richard Russo.
The Tilted World The Tilted World
by Tom Franklin & Beth Ann Fennelly

How does a revenuer end up with a bootlegger? The compelling story of well-drawn characters will answer this with lyrical imagery. The history of the Mississippi Flood of 1927 and its parallels to Hurricane Katrina is fascinating also.
Someone Someone   
by Alice McDermott

This is the story of Marie, a daughter of Irish immigrants growing up on the front stoops of Brooklyn. It's a quiet and brief family saga, that in all of its simplicity shows her life in its most ordinary, yet beautiful detail.
A House in the Sky A House in the Sky    
by Amanda Lindhout

Kidnapping is more common that we would like to believe and this expose of negotiating for loved ones with desperate, dangerous warlords is mind-boggling. This is a heart-pounding read!

New in Hardcover

  Just One Evil Act The Circle Longbourn   Identical Mrs. Poe   
The Luminaries Dog Songs Norman Mailer: A Double Life Autobiography of Mark Twain Orr: My Story   

Just One Evil Act by Elizabeth George
The Circle by Dave Eggers
 Longbourn by Jo Baker
  Identical by Scott Turow
Mrs. Poe by Lynn Cullen
The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton
Dog Songs by Mary Oliver
Norman Mailer: A Double Life by J. Michael Lennon
Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 2 edited by Harriet E. Smith & Benjamin Griffin
Orr: My Story by Bobby Orr 


New in Paperback 

The Twelve Tribes of Hattie    This House is Haunted   The Drowning House   Far From the Tree   The Story of America      

 The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis
This House is Haunted by John Boyne 

The Drowning House by Elizabeth Black
 Far From the Tree by Andrew Solomon
     The Story of America by Jill Lepore   

In the Kids Section

  • Reader Tested  Favorites  
Duke bDukey Kirby Larson
Recommended by Ham,  age 11
Duke is about a boy named Hobbie whose dad is a pilot in World War 2.  He just reenlisted to keep flying.  Hobbie hopes to get him back and end the war. He chooses to donate his dog, Duke, to the dogs for defense program as a guard dog. He immediately regrets it. He does everything he can to get him back. Then he meets a kid at school named Max. They become best friends and Max gets a dog named Pepper. Hobbie, desperate to get Duke back, tries to trade Pepper for Duke, jeopardizing his friendship with Max. With some of his loved ones at war, can Hobbie be as brave as his dog?
The Last Present The Last Present by Wendy Mass
Recommended by Julia  
The Last Present by Wendy Mass is a wonderful book, full of drama, twists, and laughs. I definitely recommend this book to anybody around 11 or 12, because of the characters!  Mass has created these amazing people, who you just fall in love with.  In this thrilling conclusion to 11 Birthdays, Finally, and 13 Gifts, be prepared to laugh aloud as the story weaves in between the threads of friendship, character, and mystery.

Recommended by Lily, age 11

The Last Present is an amazing sequel to Wendy Mass's previous books, 11 Birthdays, Finally, and 13 Gifts.  "We still don't know why or how we're involved in whatever happened that sent Grace to the hospital, all we know is that Leo and I have the power to do something today, that no one else can. We just don't know what it is."  Amanda and Leo are traveling through time again.  This time, with the help of their new friends Rory and Tara, they are going back in time by choice to save a friends life.  Be sure to read Wendy Mass's wonderful and suspenseful new book!

The Sound of Your Voice Only Really Far AwayThe Sound of Your Voice Only Really Far Away by Frances O'Roark Dowell
Recommended by Lilly, age 11
Kate and Marylin used to be best friends, but that was before. Now, they both have boyfriends and new best friends. Kate loves music.  She plays the guitar. Her boyfriend, Matthew Holler, loves music too. At lunch, Kate sits with her friend Lorna, and after school she is in the school musical of Guys and Dolls.  Marylin is a cheerleader. She is also a student government representative. Her best friend is a girl who wears all black and is the daughter of the local pastor.  Marylin's boyfriend is the president of student government. Marylin has it all under control, until she doesn't. I love this book a lot, and recommend it to anyone!

The Beginning of Everything The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schneider
Recommended by Alexa,  age 15
Ezra Faulkner used to be Eastwood High's quintessential golden boy--a tennis star, he was also the homecoming king and the boyfriend of the most popular girl in school. But his seemingly perfect life shatters when a car crash leaves Ezra limping and looking for a way back into his old life, that is, until he meets mysterious new girl Cassidy Thorpe.. She shows him glimpses of an entirely different life full of freedom and fun, leaving Ezra with a choice between being the guy everybody expects him to be, and the person he wants to be. This is a very real, heartwarming story about coping with tragedies and growing up. A fast read full of memorable one-liners and multi-faceted characters, this book is a must read!

In the Gift Aisle

  • Halloween  

Halloween window Goblins, witches and bats - oh, my! And a giant squirrel head mask, too. Once again, Wellesley Books is your go-to place for everything you need for Halloween. Scary doorbell knockers, fun cards, cute retro candles, hanging decorations and lots more.  


If you are game, have us turn on the spooky guy at the back register! He is creepy-cool!  


Used Book Cellar 

  • Jane's picks     

Jane is a new bookseller here at Wellesley Books. If you come in, you will know her instantly because she will recommend Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. I asked Jane to put together some of her other favorites from downstairs in used books. Here is her list, in no particular order:

The Samurai's Garden by Gail Tsukiyama
Atonement by Ian McEwan
Bel Canto by Ann Patchett
The Dive from Clausen's Pier by Ann Packer
Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zaf�n
Devices and Desires by P.D. James
A Good Walk Spoiled by John Feinstein
Three Junes by Julia Glass
Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis
Sister by Rosamund Lupton
The Imperfectionists by Tom Rachman             

Trade Your Used Books:
Saturdays from 11am - 3pm

The Used Book Cellar is always open for browsing during regular store hours except during

author events. We will be happy to look for a title after the event and place it on hold for you. 

Dog of the Week 

  • Emma             

Emma Emma is a favorite of many of our booksellers. She is just so sweet and unassuming, always waiting patiently for her treat. Her owner always seems surprised that we remember Emma's name. How could you ever forget a face like that? Despite her whiskery face, she has a really soft neck ruff! 




What We're Reading Now...

The Reason I Jump
The Sports Gene
The Rosie Project
The Secret History
Tell the Wolves I'm Home


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Kym Havens 
Wellesley Books
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