American Lands Council

July 10, 2014
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  • This Week
    In the News

    Recently, American Lands Council President-Ken Ivory, and Utah Speaker of the House-Becky Lockhart, went head-to-head with opposition to discuss who should manage public lands in Utah.  

    Since that time, the County Seat has done a great job of breaking down that debate into a concise 30 minute presentation.  Here are some brief highlights from that debate.

    Who Should Manage Public Lands - This Weekend
    Who Should Manage Public Lands - This Weekend
    It is imperative that people become aware of the misinformation that is out there concerning this important topic and learn the facts.  We invite you to watch the entire 30 minutes below and share it with your friends.
    Public Lands Debate Who Should Manage Public Lands in Utah Federal or State
    Public Lands Debate Who Should Manage Public Lands in Utah Federal or State

    P.S. Could you spare a kid's meal today to help us fund our education campaign?  Donate $5 today to stand with the American Lands Council as we move this work forward!
