American Lands Council
Did You Know... 
We cannot succeed without you!

Aug. 7, 2013
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This Week's Challenge:
  • Perhaps tonight is the perfect night to rent a movie, pop your own popcorn, and send the $30 each month you would have spent to the American Lands Council and help fund this critical effort.
  • Continue to share the White Paper and its Summary with someone you haven't shared it with yet and ask them to give you their feedback.
  • American Lands Council-Ken Ivory (What Are You Going To Do?)
    American Lands Council-Ken Ivory (What Are You Going To Do?)
    Did You Know ...

    Today, bllions are being spent to shut down your access and use of our public lands? What are you going to

    Please share this White Paper
    by Dr. Donald J. Kochan


    As always is the case, we have great news and we have challenging news:  The great news is (i) that in just over one year ALC has been the catalyst for five states passing transfer of public lands legislation and South Carolina passing a resolution supporting the transfer of public lands to willing western states; and (ii) we have opportunities to educate and build coalitions throughout the west and the nation. (See list of upcoming education opportunities below).
    The challenging news is that meeting these opportunities and moving this effort forward takes money!
    In order to educate people all over the United States, we have to travel the United States.  Almost every trip has a plane ticket, rental cars, hotel rooms and food, not to mention printed materials and maintaining the rest of our ongoing efforts to move this forward and keep you informed.  The next few months are shaping up to be busier and more productive than ever.

    To give you an idea of the expenses ahead for just the next couple of months, here's an itinerary of just some of our upcoming education and outreach opportunities:

    IL  Aug 5-9

                American Legislative Exchange Council

    GA  Aug 12-15

                National Conference of State Legislatures

    ID Aug 16-17

                Idaho Liberty Summit

    AZ Aug 17

    Southern Arizona Tea Party Coalition (via webinar or DVD)

    MT Aug 19-20 

    Federalist Society event with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

    WA  Aug 28-29

                28th Republic Liberty Caucus of Washington State          
    Aug 29th 
    EWCOG (Eastern Washington County of Governments)
    AZ Sept 10-13

          Navajo County Supervisor Board

      Snowflake/Taylor chamber of Commerce, city councils,       etc.

      Gila County

      Graham County 

      Congressional Delegation Staff

      AZ Legislature

      Cattleman's Association

      Various Grassroots Groups

    UT (Uintah) Sept 19

                Uintah Base Energy Summit

    OK  Sept 25-26

                State Policy Network

    UT, Salt Lake October 2 

                TPL Multistate Coordination Conference

    WA Oct 18

                Washington Farm Bureau

    ID Oct 30- Nov 2

                Various Northern County Farm Bureaus

    ID Nov 14-16

                Bonner County Farm Bureau

                Clearwater County Farm Bureau

                Benewah County Farm Bureau

                Kootenai County Farm Bureau

    OR  Nov 21-22

                Association of Oregon Counties


    We have a window of opportunity to broaden our base of support even more for the only solution big enough to (i) fund education, (ii) better care for our lands and forest, (iii) protect access, (iv) create jobs, and (v) grow local, state, and national economies.


    But, we need your help!

     Please do what you can.  In fact, give just a little more than you feel you can.  If $10 is comfortable, please send $15.  If $100 is easy, ask yourself if you can give $200.  If you're one of those who have been richly blessed, perhaps you can do much more.  Simply ask yourself, "What is the very best I can do?"  I promise you'll be rewarded for your sacrifice.
    Please know that whatever amount you are able to give, you will be helping to further the only effort that presents a solution that is actually big enough to deal with the tremendous issues facing our communities, states and nation by banding together to compel Congress to honor to today's western states the very same statehood promises it made and kept with Hawaii and all states east of Colorado to transfer title to the public lands.

    Let me thank you ahead of time for doing all you can do.  



    Ken Ivory

    ALC President


    P.S.  We continue to ask you to send the White Paper, commissioned by the Federalist Society, to all of your county, city and state attorneys, legal advisors and government affairs personnel, as well as your elected officials and ask for their review, commentary and feedback. 

    Federalist Society White Paper

    Executive Summary of Federalist Society White Paper


    P.S. Click here to discover how you can stand with the American Lands Council, and help this work move forward.   
