May 2013- In This Issue:
What's New

Here at the American Lands Council, we are excited about the momentum that continues to mount as the simple points of this effort reverberate beyond the West: It's Been Done Before! The Promise is the Same! And, It's The Only Solution Big Enough!


In April, Idaho passed its version of the Transfer of Public Lands legislation HCR21 and HCR22.  Nevada's Transfer of Public Lands legislation, AB227, passed the Assembly last week.  Its passage appears favorable in the Senate. 


The Resolution passed by the South Carolina House supporting the transfer of public lands to willing western states is paving the way for other states east of Colorado to pass similar resolutions.   The drumbeat continues to grow to compel congress to undo its failed "policy" change from 1976 (FLPMA) that is killing western communities, draining funds from western schools, closing access to roads, destroying western forests, and in the process, killing millions of animals, spewing billions of pounds of pollution and decimating watershed for decades. 


Resolutions continue to pour in urging state and federal representatives to exercise their utmost abilities to compel congress to honor to western states the same promise it already kept with Hawaii and all states east of Colorado.  Has your county, city, school district, chamber of commerce and other organizations submitted resolutions yet?   (Here's a sample)  We will have these resolutions posted on the website as we work to revamp the website.  If you have thoughts or suggestions for what you would like to see on the website as we improve it, please let us know.


Coming Soon

We will soon be rolling out an op-ed campaign.  We plan to have one article per month written by a guest author and another one per month that we will send out as an outline for you to write and submit as an op-ed from you or someone from your community.  We are also working on education and teaching materials to help you share by email, online, social media and by personal presentations to various groups in your area.  We need thousands of teachers sharing the message that compelling congress to honor the same promise to our states that it already kept with Hawaii and the states east of Colorado is The Only Solution Big Enough to (i) fund education, (ii) better care for our lands, (iii) protect access, (iv) create jobs, and (v) grow local, state, and national economies and tax bases.


If you have the talent to develop presentation materials, teaching materials, social media or other teaching and messaging abilities, and are interested in helping move this critical message forward, please let us know.  

We are so grateful for your support and dedication.  I thank you for your sacrifices in this effort.  You ARE making a difference.  No one can do everything.  But everyone can do something.  Thank you for doing something.  
Who do you know who would be interested in joining the American Lands Council?  Forward this email to them and encourage them to be a part of "The Only Solution Big Enough"!  
Thank you for your support!
Ken Ivory


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