Church of St. Michael
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St. Mother Theodore Guerin
HOly HeroEs

   Feast Day     

October 3rd
The Angelus
       Angelus Bell 
Ring Out The Good News 
October, 2013



I believe that "anger," in the lives of human beings, sometimes gets a "bad rap." "Wrath" is numbered among the seven deadly sins and most people think of "wrath" and "anger" as basically the same thing.  They are not.  In fact there are times when anger can lead people to do good works.  It can be a positive thing.


"Anger" is the human response to something that we believe is wrong, evil or harmful, in some way.  People cannot always control their initial anger to something they perceive as bad (at least for them).  It is what we do with that initial feeling of anger that determines if it will lead to good or evil.


First, we need to honestly examine the action or situation that has led to our feelings of anger.  If we are angry because of something we do not like or because something was done in a way we would not do it - then our anger is essentially selfish.  We may be angry because we are not in complete control of life.  God has not put any of us in complete control of things.  If we are not treated as the most important person in the world - it is because we are not the most important person in the world.  The desire to strike out at the person who has not pleased us is wrong.  In such a case, our anger has led us to evil.


Read Fr. Sieg's article





Will You Be Present?   

      By the Discipleship Committee   


We all know how good it feels to give of ourselves to help others.  Christian stewardship begins with the recognition that all that we are, and all we have, are gifts ("Presents") from God - our time, our gifts and talents, our possessions, and especially the gift of life itself.  The very purpose of life is to use our unique set of gifts to love and serve God and our neighbors: in essence, to make stewardship our way of life.  The Church of St. Michael is blessed to have so many parishioners who give generously of their time, talent and treasure.


This year's Stewardship: Our Way of Life campaign kicked off September 21st and 22nd with a wonderful guest speaker at all Masses, John Crudele.  John explained that we all have received gifts from God and he referred to these at "Presents" from God.  He explained that God has given us these "Presents" because of His great Love for us. He told us that we are called to respond to God's Love by being Present to others by sharing our "Presents" with each other. His content and presentation was well received and we heard positive feedback from parishioners about John's talk.


After John's talk we were all invited to attend this year's Ministry Fair featuring over 30 of our parish ministries.  Eight of the ministries treated us to chili and Parish Council, Spring Fest and Social Justice all received prizes for having great chili.  Several of the ministries were able to add new members during the fair and one ministry even found a new chairperson!


Will You Be Present? article  

By Marla Kramer


Why do we often do nothing to help others - even if it demands very little? That was Fr. Tom's message last weekend.  Our Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Stewardship Committee have been examining that question and would like to offer an opportunity to our parishioners who feel called to "do something!" "Living Your Strengths" is a program that allows people to identify and affirm their talents, and how to use them for growth and service to others. In small groups parishioners will use a book, journal and an online test to discover their talents and then discuss action steps on how to use them in the community.     


Over the course of the next six months we will be implementing "Finding Your Strengths" in our own Parish.  Ben Franklin once said "Wasted strengths are like sundials in the shade."  They do nothing.  Make a decision to move your sundial out of the shade and seek the sun. If you are interested in more information or if you have experience facilitating groups please contact Marla Kramer at [email protected].




Begins on Sunday, October 6th
9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
Archangels Hall
Sponsored by the Parish Council
Open the following link to learn more:
You are invited!!
Celebrating Life's Journey
A funeral planning seminar for you and your loved ones.
Monday, October 7, 2013
in Archangels Hall at 6:00 p.m.
RSVP 952-447-2633 or email: [email protected]. Please open the following link for the informational flyer:
Celebrating Life's Journey

Tuesday, October 8th - 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Archangels Hall. To sign up, contact Elizabeth Kallberg at 612-210-7826.

Thursday, October 10th - 6:30 p.m. in Archangels Hall
This Free life saving technique has been simplified and it is easy for any lay person to perform. The goal is that people take this class often so that it is second nature to jump into action when the need arises. We hope to make Prior Lake a Heart Healthy community. Questions contact Margy Robertson at 952-447-2584.

Tuesday, October 15th from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Parish Office.
This clinic is by appointment only. Please call Jenny Engels at 612-210-2288 or email her at [email protected] for an appointment. Bring your health insurance card as Homeland Health will bill your health plan.  Space is limited so please schedule quickly.

It is REQUIRED for all volunteers working with children, youth, and vulnerable adults to attend one session.
*If you have attended VIRTUS training (in the past), you have fulfilled the requirements.
Please open our Parish VIRTUS web page for information about registration for the training sessions at:
Training Sessions: 
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 - 6:00 p.m. p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Archangels Hall (Church of St. Michael)

Courageous Faith & Contagious Joy!
Saturday, October 26, 2013
8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Church of St. Michael
Sign up now! Open the following link for more information and for the mail in registration form:
For more information visit:


Please open the following link for the Parish Major Events calendarParish Major Events 2013-2014
"O God, grant we pray, that we may work without ceasing to establish that justice which alone ensures true and lasting peace."  (From the Mass for the Preservation of Peace and Justice)



Fr. Tom Sieg, Pastor 

Church of St. Michael 

  Questions or comments regarding this newsletter? Email us at [email protected] or call 952-447-9045.

Interested in writing a story for The Angelus?
Contact Christi Fletcher at
[email protected]   
Church of St. Michael  16311 Duluth Ave. SE  Prior Lake, MN 55372