Welcome New Chamber Members!
High Note Transport LLC
PO BOX 1436
Union City, TN 38281
Business Representative: Ed Tittle
RPG Physical Test Labs LLC
1320 Oak St.
Union City, TN 38261
731- 592-0491
Business Representative: Rodney Gregg
Crossroads Diner
819 S. Hwy 51
Troy, TN 38260
Business Representative: Barbara Cox
December Ribbon Cuttings!
Carey Counseling Center
1409 N. Morgan Ext.
Union City, TN 38261
January Small Business Spotlight
Danny Larcom Heating and Air/Electrical has been built on the principle that we will always do our best to exceed our customer's expectations by never compromising our honesty and integrity, by only measuring ourselves against the best, by always considering our customers as a vital part of our team and by never fearing change.
In 1999, Danny Larcom began his company with one van and a vision to grow by going the extra mile and fully backing up the work provided on each and every job. Taking service calls at night and on weekends, Danny saw his company begin to grow. Soon after a second van was added, our first service technician was hired and the company began to install new equipment. In 2008, we broke ground on our current location at 1600 W Main St in Union City, TN. Our 12,500 square foot of office, shop and warehouse space now serves as a hub for our rapidly growing residential and commercial business. In 2011 we started offering Electrical Services. In 16 years, not only has our fleet expanded from that one van to 21 vehicles today, but our staff has also grown to 23 employees including service technicians, electricians, installers and office personnel. As we continue to grow, we still hold true to our founding principles that have guided us to success: be honest, never compromise our integrity and never take our customers for granted. With financing available through multiple lenders, commercial lease programs and a variety of equipment options, Danny Larcom Heating & Air sees Your Comfort as Our Business. With that being said, the most important thing we know is that we are not entitled to your business, but given the opportunity we will earn it.
Chamber Board Member Spotlight
Board Member Name: Judy Barker
Company Name: Attorney and Owner-Barker Law,Co-Owner-Barker Building Rentals
Work Phone: 731-885-2200
Area of Expertise: The practice of law emphasizing estate planning
Other Interests: "I enjoy volunteer work, exercising, sports, and reading historical or inspirational books." Why did you join the Chamber? "I joined the chamber to strengthen my relationships with other business owners and representatives through networking opportunities and training offered by the chamber. Also, to keep informed and updated on economic developments and progress in our community." Why do you serve on the Board of Directors? "I serve on the board to welcome and embrace new businesses, as well as encouraging existing businesses to be active and participate in chamber activities." What is the Chamber's role in the business community? "The Chamber role is to promote entrepreneurship and growth in small businesses by encouraging the community to shop locally as well as participation in community and civic sponsored activities. The chamber is to seek support and funding of projects that are vital to our region such as I-69 and Cates Landing to ensure our economic success."
Chamber Ambassador Member Spotlights
Ambassador Name: Lorraine Gossett
Company Name: Baptist Memorial Hospital
Position: Director of Wellness and Industrial Relations
Work Phone: 731-884-0110
Email: lorraine.gossett@bmhcc.org
Areas of Expertise: "I have a Master of Science Degree in Exercise Physiology and Education. I manage Baptist Memorial Hospital's Fitness and Wellness Center, Health Quest and am responsible for all fitness and wellness programming at the facility. I am a certified Smoking Cessation Instructor and also teach weight management and stress management classes for community and corporate groups. As the Director of Industrial Relations I offer comprehensive health and wellness services to area businesses and industry. Baptist Industrial Services works to promote and protect the health of workers through preventive services, treatment of injuries, and education. We offer wellness education, health fairs, flu shots, employee drug screens, post-offer employment evaluations, and various other services to meet the specific needs are area businesses."
Other Interests: I enjoy fitness walking, tennis, reading, shopping, singing in the choir at Second Baptist Church, and writing women's bible studies. I am Co-Chairman of the Hometown Walk of Hope and serve on the Board of Directors for the Carl Perkins Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse.
Why did you join the Chamber? "I believe in getting involved in one's community. I think it is important for community leaders and businesses to support each other in order to help each other grow and prosper."
Why do you serve as an Ambassador? "I serve as an Ambassador in order to assist the Chamber at various events and activities. The Chamber of Commerce is so vital to our community and the leaders there need assistance in order to offer quality programs and events to Obion County. Serving as a Chamber Ambassador has also afforded me with many networking opportunities and chances to meet other business leaders."
What is the Chamber's role in the business community? "I believe the Chamber's role is to first and foremost help our community grow. The Chamber offers numerous programs to area businesses in order to keep them informed and involved in their community. They also offer programs and networking opportunities that can help businesses grow and succeed and learn from each other."
Ambassador Name: Caitlyn Landry
Company Name: Manpower
Position: Staffing Specialist
Work Phone: (731) 884-0003
Email: caitlyn.landry@manpower.com
Areas of Expertise: Staffing and Human Resources
Other Interests: Painting and writing
Why did you join the Chamber? "Growing up, I always admired people who had the opportunity to be so involved within the community. As I matured, I realized how much the individuals I respected had contributed to the businesses and people of the community. I have always desired to be part of an organization that could advance my professional career and skills as well as present opportunities for me to give back to businesses and people in my community. Being an ambassador for the Obion County Chamber of Commerce has done just that for me!"
Why do you serve as an Ambassador? "Serving as an ambassador has taught me far more than I could ever learn from the workforce alone. Serving as an ambassador has given me the pleasure of learning the ins and outs of small businesses, partaking in projects throughout the community, and a compassion for helping others to the best of my ability. A personal goal I established as a young adult was to be recognized and remembered as a positive influence on my community. Although I have not achieved this goal entirely, I have no doubt that my adventure with the Chamber will aid in my fulfillment. I have never felt as at-home within a group of people as I do with the Chamber. I will continue to serve as an ambassador in order to strengthen every relationship that I have gained thus far!"
What is the Chamber's role in the business community? "To me, the Chamber has a much larger role and impact on the business community than I ever realized. The Chamber is here to be your friend, provide guidance, be a support system, and lend a helping hand. When you have such a strong community filled with exceptional, accomplished, and strong leaders it is hard to ever feel like you do not have the encouragement and support that you need. With the Obion County Chamber of Commerce you will never feel like you do not have somewhere to turn."
Collaborate Not Complain
CAVE People (Citizens Against Virtually Everything) You know some too...
It's easy to get caught up in the conversation with CAVE people. "We need more business in town." "We need stores to stay open later." "We need more jobs for the average guy." We need, we need, we need. I have a solution. What if we started helping each other out? What if we started collaborating instead of complaining? Shop in town instead of driving to Wal-Mart in Fort Dodge 20 miles away. Buy your any occasion gifts from the stores right here in town. Buy your groceries right here in town. Buy your gas here in town. Yes, I know it's higher priced here. I also know it takes half an hour to drive where it's cheaper, I use more gas and more wear and tear on my car, risk an accident, spend more money when I am gone and I don't help my own community out. Why don't the stores stay open later? Some do. Most will if you ask them too. They all think you're going to another larger town to shop. Because you're on Facebook telling them you are! Some of you even go into their stores and ask them to donate to your causes, yet you won't shop at their stores. They too have families to care for and bills to pay. Send an email, pick up the phone - reach out and ask them if they have what you need or if they can make a suggestion to help you out. There are over 150 jobs right now in Webster City - for the average guy. Our unemployment rate hovers at 3%. THERE ARE JOBS! We've also got buildings for sale, in case you'd like to start your own business. Stop by the Chamber - we can help you get started with a business plan, connect you with the Small Business Development Center who can help you too. How about our city's Economic Development people? They're here to help too. Let's work together -- let's shop from each other (yes store owners, Chamber members, business owners, local residents) -- let's shop from each other. We live in a great town! Let's make it even better. Let's support each other. Don't be a CAVE person.
From Becky McCray with Debworks (http://needalittleadvice.com/)
Alexander, Thompson, Arnold
January 19, 2016
Obion County Public LIbrary
Sponsored By:
 December Business Matters: Baptist Memorial Hospital Advancements
Thank you to Skipper Bondurant, CEO of Baptist Memorial Hospital, for or being our guess speaker and sponsor for our December Business Matters. His topic included giving a general overview of Baptist Memorial Hospital's advancements in healthcare. We also want to thank Sara and Charlene for providing us with a door prize from Sullivan Dentistry!
USDA RBEG Marketing Grant Items
Thank you to Jeff Green for our new brochure rack and Lanzers Printing and Office Supplies for our podium and pop up banner. These items were purchased through our USDA RBEG Marketing Grant. Thank you to all those who were involved!
Amy Myers Joins Advance Gastroenterology Team
 In May 2015, Amy Myers joined Dr. Nuako and Laura at Advanced Gastroenterology as a Certified Family Nurse Practitioner. She is from Union City and currently lives in Troy. She is married to Rodney and has 2 daughters, Allison and Audrey. Previously she was employed for 8 years with the Primary Care Clinics at the Obion and Weakley County Health Departments. Prior to that she worked 2 years in the GYN setting. She earned her Bachelors in Nursing from UTM in 1999 and Masters in Nursing from Murray State in 2004. The Obion County Chamber of Commerce thanks you for your service to the area!
Pictured: Dr. Kofi Nuako, Amy Myers, Laura Russell
Poplar Meadows Celebrates 70 Years!
The Obion County Chamber congratulates Poplar Meadows Country Club on celebrating 70 years! We wish you many more years of success! Pictured: Phillip White and Katie Keathley
 Thank you for your continued membership!
Commercial Bank
Simmons Bank
Union City Daily Messenger |
Any Chamber member interested in receiving the hospital's cafeteria menu weekly may contact Emily Medley, food and nutrition services director, at emily.medley@bmhcc.org.
 Obion County Featured in Goodwill Impact 2014 Annual Report "With Goodwill I don't think the economic recovery would have been possible in the short amount of time it occurred," Frilling said. "Goodwill has been a major player in the entities that have come together to try to reduce the unemployment rate." Click here to read the full article. |
 The Workforce Board is pursuing Work Ready Community status for all 11 of the counties we serve, including Obion County. One of the goals is Employer Support. By completing the form, employers are simply stating they are in favor of the Work Ready Community initiative and see value in the NCRC assessment. In no way is an employer committing to do anything, buy anything, require the certification, or anything of that nature. The employer is stating support for the initiative. You can visit the website and see our progress at http://workreadycommunities.com/TN/13. |
Attention Job Seekers and Employers!
 The Tennessee Career Center at Union City is offering Resume Writing work shops on Tuesday afternoons at 1 PM. Job seekers interested in attending a workshop will need to complete a resume' worksheet prior to attending a session. Space is limited, so registration is required. Register by calling 731-884-3868 between 8-4:30 Monday - Friday.
List Your Available Commercial Property With Us
Let us help you spread the word about your available commercial property by listing it at www.obioncounty.org. If you have commercial property you would like to list, please contact Lindsay Frilling, Economic Development Director.
Interested in sponsoring Business Matters or Business After Hours?
Contact Lindsay Frilling at
731-885-0211 or lfrilling@obioncounty.org