Merry Christmas from the Obion County Chamber!
Welcome New Chamber Members!
Hornsby's Garage
820 W. Main St.
Union City, TN 38261
Business Representative: Terry Hornsby
December Small Business Spotlight
Dr. Jerry Sullivan started practicing dentistry in 1970 in Union City TN. In 2006 his son, Dr. Gabe Sullivan joined him and the practice became Sullivan Dentistry. Comparing to when the doors first opened there is no mistake that this practice has grown tremendously. The office has grown from 5-6 employees in 2006 to presently 19 employees. Dr. Grant Dillingham joined the practice over a year ago and has been a great addition to Sullivan Dentistry. We have expanded our office by adding 5 new rooms. We also now have extended office hours. Our office is open Monday through Friday with early morning and late afternoon appointments available.
Sullivan Dentistry offers comprehensive dental services from children to adults, which is constantly improving skills and services to better serve our patients. At Sullivan Dentistry you will find optimal care through preventive, restorative and cosmetic dentistry. We are a modern dental practice with extensive resources available to provide services such as cosmetic dentistry, whitening, oral cancer screenings, braces, and much more.
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Sullivan were good examples of how a person should do for others. This is the beginning of where our focus as a business comes from on giving back and serving the community. We host events throughout the year to show our patients the appreciation we have for them. Community involvement is very important at Sullivan Dentistry. Reelfoot Rural Ministries, Walk of Hope, Dentistry from the Heart and Backpack Program are just a few of the many events and charities that we participate in.
The success of this practice is not only due to the exceptional skills of the dentists, but the carefully selected team members that keep everything running seamlessly on a daily basis. Every staff member at Sullivan Dentistry is dedicated to providing the personal and elite care that patients deserve. We are a compassionate team who encourage one another to offer the best possible customer service for our community.
Chamber Board Member Spotlight
Board Member Name: Kerry Speer
Company Name: The Messenger Commercial Printing
Position: Commercial Sales Manager
Work Phone: 731-885-0744
Areas of Expertise: "I have been in commercial printing since 1978 and have been involved in all the facets of commercial web production. I began my career in printing working on a press for a subsidiary of the Chicago Tribune in Naples Florida and have progressed through the positions to general manager of Simpson Press in Memphis, TN and Little Rock, AR. Prior to moving to Union City I accepted a project that involved moving a printing plant in Miami, FL to a new facility. The move included moving all the existing press line as well as adding several printing units. This move was to accommodate and launch the world's most premier financial newspaper, The Financial Times in Miami, under a strict deadline. Currently, as Commercial Sales Manager at The Messenger, I am responsible for acquiring new customers to have their products printed with us at our facility. As a previous co-owner of two outdoor publications and my printing background, I feel that as a Sales Manager I am a great liaison between publishing clients and our printing facility. As a co-owner of Cutting Edge Bindery along with my wife Jo Ann, we perform post press binding at our facility for The Messenger and we take great pride in the quality of the printing and the binding work that we provide."
Other Interests: Hunting, fishing, kayaking, aerial and outdoor photography. Really, anything outdoors.
Why did you join the Chamber? "I feel that being a chamber member allows company employees to network with other businesses and their owners. It gives you great opportunity to meet local business owners that you may not have even known had a local location."
Why do you serve on the Board of Directors? "I serve on the Board of Directors to help pass the words "Shop Local". I am amazed at the folks that do not realize that small towns are dieing under our very eyes because of the tax revenue that goes elsewhere when a purchase is not made in Obion County. Because I am in outside sales I do a great deal of traveling and am always disappointed when I see remnants of once flourishing towns. Seeing empty buildings, cracked sidewalks and stagnant streets is discouraging. I encourage everyone to see if a local vender might have the products or services needed prior to purchasing out of our area. I also would like to remind local businesses not to take their clients for granted. I once read something that has stuck with me and makes since. It is cheaper for a company to keep and make a client happy than it is to replace them. This is so true."
What is the Chamber's role in the business community? "Assisting all businesses to succeed and grow while allowing businesses to network with each other to increase their sales. To provide outlets for members to connect with each other and have the opportunity to share what their individual company has to offer."
Chamber Ambassador Member Spotlights
Ambassador Name: Tracy Boucher Company Name: Boys & Girls Clubs of Northwest Tennessee Position: Chief Executive Officer Work Phone: 731-885-0883 Email: Areas of Expertise: Youth Development Professional, to Inspire and enable young people to be productive, responsible, and caring citizens, planning a facilitating special events and fundraisers, and public speaking. Other Interests: Supporting my children in their activities and spending time with my grandchildren. I also enjoy supporting my club members at their school activities and sporting events. Why did you join the Chamber? "As the CEO of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Northwest Tennessee I am always looking for ways to share our mission. I knew that being involved with the Obion County Chamber would allow me to network with other nonprofits and small business owners throughout our community and find ways to help each other promote our businesses and organizations."
Why do you serve as an Ambassador? "As an ambassador I am able to meet and greet new Chamber members at ribbon cuttings and other events, and to learn first-hand about their businesses." What is the Chamber's role in the business community? "Assisting new, old, small or large businesses succeed and grow while allowing businesses to network with each other to increase business."
Ambassador Name: Mikki McLeary
Company Name: Goodwill Career Solutions
Position: Career Counselor
Work Phone: 731-884-4324
Areas of Expertise: Business Development, Job Matching, Resume Writing, Interview Skills, Finding qualified applicants for employers, Professional development training
Other Interests: Church Events, Golf, University of Kentucky Basketball, watching sports
Why did you join the Chamber? "I wanted to network with other businesses in our area to help grow our business."
Why do you serve as an Ambassador? "The chamber has helped us grow our office so well that I wanted to share that with other business owners/managers."
What is the Chamber's role in the business community? "The Chamber's role is to connect and promote businesses. The Chamber has been such an asset for Goodwill Career Solutions. We would not have the success we have today without the Chamber. We have been able to network and create other business partnerships through Chamber events and promotion. "

NBC's Al Roker Broadcasts Live from Discovery Park of America
in Union City, Tenn.
UNION CITY, Tenn - NBC's Al Roker highlighted one of Tennessee's most dynamic attractions during a live TODAY Show broadcast this morning from Discovery Park of America in Union City, Tenn. during "Rokerthon 2, Taking America By Storm."
The famous weatherman is making history by broadcasting weather from 50 states in one  week in an attempt for The Guinness World Records. Roker is traveling by planes, trains and automobiles and will end his tour live Nov. 13 on Rockefeller Plaza.
During his appearance at DPA, Roker was welcomed by over 400 friends of DPA who gathered at the 50 acre park wearing their Tennessee volunteer colors, orange and white. In signature Tennessee style, Roker was offered a musical welcome as the Union City Tornados, a local 130-piece marching band, performed "Rocky Top" in his honor.
Continuing the musical hospitality, the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development presented Roker with a bundle of vinyl records representing each genre of music born in Tennessee: blues, bluegrass, country, gospel, rockabilly, rock 'n' roll, and soul.
"Each album was recorded in Tennessee, pressed in Tennessee, and purchased in Tennessee," said Tennessee Tourism Commissioner Kevin Triplett. "We wanted to provide a gift truly symbolizing what our state is: the 'Soundtrack of America. Made in Tennessee.'"
Throughout Rokerthon 2, Roker's weather reports will air across additional NBC platforms including NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, MSNBC, The Weather Channel, NBC's local affiliate newscasts, and other programming. Rokerthon 2 will livestream on during portions of the day. Viewers can submit questions and request their hometown forecasts by tweeting @alroker using #Rokerthon. Follow @TODAYshow for live updates. Follow Tennessee Tourism @tnvacation using #madeintn.
NBC's TODAY is the news program that informs, entertains, inspires and sets the agenda each morning for Americans. Airing live 7-11 a.m. ET, TODAY reaches more than 5 million people every day through its broadcast, and millions more through, the TODAY app, and social media platforms. Matt Lauer, Savannah Guthrie, Al Roker, Natalie Morales, Willie Geist, Tamron Hall, Carson Daly, Hoda Kotb, and Kathie Lee Gifford are the anchors and hosts, Noah Oppenheim is the SVP and executive in charge and Don Nash is the executive producer.
The complete live stream of Roker at Discovery Park can be seen on or view a complete album of photos on Discovery Park's Facebook page. For more information about Discovery Park of America, visit the website at
Al Roker took a minute out of his busy trek across America to accept a gift from the State of Tennessee Tuesday at Discovery Park of America in Union City. Roker is attempting to set a Guinness World Record by broadcasting the weather live from 50 states with Tennessee being one of the ten states he visited on Tuesday. Pictured from left are: Kathy Dillon, Union City Manager; Jim Rippy, Discovery Park of America CEO; Roker; Jenny Kirkland, Discovery Park Foundation; Cindy Dupree, PR Director for the Tennessee Department of Tourism Development; and Terry Hailey, Union City Mayor. The famous "goat" from the Roker promo was in the crowd, with handler, Kacey King, as well as the Union City Marching Tornado Band. The band escorted Roker away from Discovery Park to the tune of "Rocky Top."
Hamilton-Ryker Named "Regional Partner of the Year"
By Goodwill Career Solutions

Hamilton-Ryker was recently awarded "Regional Partner of the Year" by Goodwill Career Solutions. Welding, forklift operation, clerical, human resources, general assembly-you name it. In the six years since Hamilton-Ryker first began putting Goodwill Career Solutions clients to work across West Tennessee, there are few job descriptions they haven't filled. They have been the number one employer partner with Goodwill's Union City Career Solutions Center for three years and running. Those efforts have expanded into Madison County and across West Tennessee, making them the eighth highest employer in terms of client placements across the 48 counties Goodwill serves. Already this year, Hamilton-Ryker has placed 164 Goodwill clients into jobs in West Tennessee. Hamilton-Ryker Regional Manager Ronnie Cook says "The company stays in near contact with Goodwill Career Counselors." Cook calls the partnership with Goodwill an important asset for Hamilton-Ryker's offices in Union City, Martin, Milan, McKenzie, Paris, Covington and Jackson.
With Goodwill Career Solutions hosting job fairs, this has been a huge benefit for Hamilton-Ryker to help locate applicants even in small communities where the company doesn't have an office. Goodwill Career Counselors say Hamilton-Ryker has placed many clients who need a second chance. Just another reason why Hamilton-Ryker was chosen as this year's Goodwill "Regional Partner of the Year".
"Calling All Cooks"
The Union City J'Cettes are putting together a new cookbook and are asking all current and former J'Cettes members to submit recipes. Discussing plans for the project are current J'Cettes (from left, from row) Stacey Haynes, Katie Keathley, Stephanie Virgin, (back) Lindsay Frilling and Keisha Hooper, who perused a cookbook published by the organization in the past. The 2016 cookbook will be entitled "Hey There Good Cookin'" and will include a taste of history about the Union City J'Cettes, as well as recipes in the categories of appetizers and beverages, soups and salads, main dishes, bread and rolls, and desserts. Current and past members of the organization are asked to submit recipes by December 18th by emailing them to Ms. Keathley said the group hopes to have the cookbook ready for purchase by early spring. For more information, call her at
As far as retail goes, the Holidays are here!
Here are 5 reasons to give your residents to shop locally this year.
November 2015 Retail Update - The Retail Coach
1. Improve our local economy. Remember that every time you spend a dollar, you are impacting the big picture of our hometown and contributing to community liveliness. Most likely, the small businesses you are patronizing are owned by someone who lives in our community. That means that the money you spend locally will be recycled back into our local economy.
2. Generate opportunity. Not only do locally owned businesses employ more people directly per dollar of revenue, they are the customers of other local businesses, which in turn creates an expansion of opportunities for local entrepreneurs. 3. Enrich our community. A small business culture is the heartbeat of every thriving hometown. While franchises and national chain stores play a role in the national economy, small businesses provide an undeniable energy and unique sentiment that is the backbone of our community life.
4. Experience a one-of-a-kind connection. Shopping with local business owners offers a sincere customer-owner connection. Small business owners are experts on the product they create and sell; merchandise is carefully selected based on the customer's interests and needs, and owners will go the extra mile to guarantee personal attention to the customer.
5. Create a healthier environment. Independent businesses build robust communities by making more local purchases and supporting vibrant town centers, which essentially reduces traffic, habitat loss, and pollution. |
General overview of Baptist Memorial Hospital's advancements in healthcare
and services
Skipper Bondurant, Administrator of Baptist Memorial Hospital
December 15, 2015
Obion County Public LIbrary
Sponsored By:
Baptist Memorial Hospital
Thank you for your continued support be renewing your OCIDC membership!
All Kraft Erectors, Inc.
Century 21 Golden Service Realty
First Citizens National Bank
Forcum Lannom Contractors
Gibson County Membership Corporation
Heritage Bank
Jiffy Steamer Company
MVP Group
Revell Construction Company
Simmons Bank
Southern Machinery Repair
Thompson & McConnell PLLC
Union City Insurance Agency
Wauford & Company Consulting Engineers
West Kentucky Rural Telephone Corp.
Baptist Memorial Hospital Celebrates 65 Years!
Congratulations to Baptist Memorial Hospital in Union City for celebrating 65 years! We appreciate your dedication and service to Obion County and the surrounding areas as well as all the support you show towards the Obion County Chamber! We wish you many more years of success!
"Healthcare Advancement Workshop"
Golden Living Center Administrator Jonathon Clayton and his staff recently hosted a "Healthcare Advancement Workshop" during November Business Matters. The event was sponsored by Hadley Malone - Obion County Farm Bureau.
 We recently held our first 12@12 Luncheon. With the 12@12 program there is no formal outline for the conversation, so it is up to our members to drive the conversation based on what they are passionate about, any questions that need answered and how to grow our chamber involvement.
UT Health Science Center's College of Dentistry Grand Opening!
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was recently held at the University of TN Health Science Center's College of Dentistry clinic in Union City. The center offers treatment to people in the community who have limited or no access to dental care. Services offered include exams, cleanings, extractions and some fillings. The office space and equipment is provided by the Bill & Carol Latimer Charitable Foundation. The clinic is located at 201 West Main Street, and the phone number is 731-884-0860.
More and more, people are being encouraged to shop locally. This movement isn't just a fad, and it has benefits that reach beyond keeping small mom and pop retailers afloat in a difficult economy. When you visit an independent local business you:
1. Keep more money in your local community
2. Celebrate the uniqueness of your community
3. Support local jobs
4. Encourage the Obion County community
5. Make Obion County a destination
This holiday season, the Obion County Chamber of Commerce encourages you to shop locally. To find all your holiday shopping needs, visit our chamber business directory at
By: Katie Keathley
Obion County Chamber of Commerce Membership Director
Golden Living Center of Union City and Aseracare Hospice Partnered to Host a Veterans Day
Golden Living Center of Union City and Aseracare Hospice partnered to host a Veterans Day Event at the Golden Living Center on Nov. 11, 2015. The Local Chapter of Rolling Thunder were honored Special Presenters and spoke about their efforts to keep our country and specifically our community focused on remembering our MIAs. Aseracare Hospice, a Level 4 Member of the We Honor Veterans Program, presented a check in the amount of $500.00 to Rolling Thunder to assist with supporting their efforts in honoring and remembering our Veterans.
The We Honor Veterans is a partnership between the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) and the US Dept. of Veterans Affairs. A Level 4 Membership is the highest level that can be achieved. Aseracare Hospice is the only Hospice Provider in the nation in which every agency has achieved a Level 4 Membership
Dr. Bugg Recognized With Continuing Optometric Award
When an existing client refers someone to White & Associates for business, the Union City office will make a $10 donation to Chimes for Charity. This will go on for the rest of this year and will present a check to Chimes at the end of the year.
Any Chamber member interested in receiving the hospital's cafeteria menu weekly may contact Emily Medley, food and nutrition services director, at
 Obion County Featured in Goodwill Impact 2014 Annual Report "With Goodwill I don't think the economic recovery would have been possible in the short amount of time it occurred," Frilling said. "Goodwill has been a major player in the entities that have come together to try to reduce the unemployment rate." Click here to read the full article. |
 The Workforce Board is pursuing Work Ready Community status for all 11 of the counties we serve, including Obion County. One of the goals is Employer Support. By completing the form, employers are simply stating they are in favor of the Work Ready Community initiative and see value in the NCRC assessment. In no way is an employer committing to do anything, buy anything, require the certification, or anything of that nature. The employer is stating support for the initiative. You can visit the website and see our progress at |
Attention Job Seekers and Employers!
 The Tennessee Career Center at Union City is offering Resume Writing work shops on Tuesday afternoons at 1 PM. Job seekers interested in attending a workshop will need to complete a resume' worksheet prior to attending a session. Space is limited, so registration is required. Register by calling 731-884-3868 between 8-4:30 Monday - Friday.
List Your Available Commercial Property With Us
Let us help you spread the word about your available commercial property by listing it at If you have commercial property you would like to list, please contact Lindsay Frilling, Economic Development Director.
Interested in sponsoring Business Matters or Business After Hours?
Contact Lindsay Frilling at
731-885-0211 or