Award Nomination Qualifications Sponsorships Available: Platinum: $1,000 (Seating for 10) Gold: $500 (Seating for 5) Bronze: $250 (Seating for 3) Award Nominations Being Accepted 2015 Volunteer of the Year: Recognizing a community leader who donates his or her time to Obion County Chamber activities and other community events.
2015 Ambassador of the Year: Recognizing a community leader who donates his or her time to Obion County Chamber activities and events.
2015 Board Member of the Year: Presented to the board member who put forth extraordinary efforts on behalf of the Obion County Chamber of Commerce.
2015 Industry of the Year 2015 Business of the Year 2015 Small Business of the Year (10 or less employees) 2015 Business Partner of the Year
2015 You Made It Happen Award: Given to a business owner or manager who best exemplifies their generosity in giving time, money, staff, and/or facility for community benefit
Nominee Criteria 1. Must be a member in good standing of Obion County Chamber of Commerce and/or the Obion County Industrial Development Corporation. 2. Must be in business in Obion County. Recipient must work in Obion County. 3. Must demonstrate a commitment to good and ethical business practices. 4. Must demonstrate innovation in products or services. 5. Must demonstrate community leadership and involvement. 6. Must maintain a responsible and rewarding workplace environment, reflecting training and motivation of employees. 7. Must demonstrate extraordinary customer service.
Tell us WHY you are nominating this business, industry, and/or educator (you can nominate one in each category): history of the business, its contributions to our community, extraordinary customer service, dedication, innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, etc.
This is an exciting opportunity to acknowledge the important contributions made to our community. Send in those nominations! Deadline is Friday,
October 16, 2015.
Welcome New Chamber Members!
Foxy Zazz
219 S. First St.
Union City, TN 38261
(731) 885-8015 (work)
Business Representative: Jennie Overall
Moustos Pasta & Grill
1700 W. Reelfoot Ave.
Union City, TN 38261
Business Representative: Jenny Atkins
2005 W. Reelfoot Ave.
Union City, TN 38261
Business Representative: Danny Wertz
September Ribbon Cuttings!
Institutional Casework Incorporation (ICI)
503 E. Reelfoot Ave.
Union City, TN 38261
Business Representative: Jim Arthurs
Brundige & Moore Insurance
413 Perkins St.
Union City, TN 38261
Business Representative: Joshua Moore
Comprehensive Pain Specialists
700 Sherrill Street Suite BUnion City, TN 38261731-504-1577
Business Representative: Kristi Hogg
Jerry Ward Autoplex
524 E. Reelfoot Ave.
Union City, TN 38261
Business Representative: Jerry Ward
Chamber Board Member Spotlight
Board Member Name: Donnie Walton 
Company Name: Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Newbern
Position: Assistant Director
Work Phone: 731-627-2511
Email: dwalton@tcatnewbern.edu
Areas of Expertise: "I have been in education since 2006. I was an educator at Obion County High School from 2006 until 2013. I have been at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology-Newbern from 2013 until present. I have a passion for assisting potential students, helping these students pursue their educational goals, and celebrating their accomplishments as they reach their goals."
Other Interests: "I am an avid golfer. I also have my private pilot's license and love to fly! "
Why did you join the Chamber? "We joined the chamber to be an active part in the community. As an educational entity, industry prospects often want to hear from us (TCAT-Newbern) regarding our training programs and the potential number of qualified people we can offer for employment. We have complete buy-in to Obion County and hope to do our part to help Obion County grow and prosper with new industrial growth...which benefits everyone."
Why do you serve on the Board of Directors? "Being asked to serve on the Board of Directors was an honor. I enjoy being involved with our community and all the businesses that are dedicated to Obion County. The Obion County Chamber is also very active offering several programs to help our citizens. I am not sure all of Obion County realizes the hard work and effort of Lindsay Frilling and Katie Keathley. These two spend countless hours seeking industry and/or putting together various programs and events to positively showcase Obion County! As a board member, I hope to assist Lindsay and Katie as they seek positive accomplishments for Obion County. It is a win-win for everyone in Obion County."
What is the Chamber's role in the business community? "The Chamber strives to assist new businesses, or current businesses, in succeeding. We assist small business and large businesses. We strive to build a network between businesses which will hopefully lead to increased business."
Chamber Ambassador Member Spotlights
 Ambassador Name: Sara Boyd Business Name: Sullivan Dentistry Business Position: Marketing Director Phone: 731-885-2277 Areas of Expertise: "I am a graduate of UTM. I have worked in the field of dentistry for the past 8 years at Sullivan Dentistry. I have learned many things from the clinical side to the business side of dentistry. As my current title in Marketing I have gained many skills in customer service, sales, and all types of marketing. Through my commitment in my profession to Sullivan Dentistry I have learned leadership skills, business management skills, along with working well with the public and coworkers." Other Interests: "I enjoy being outdoors; any kind of sunshine makes me happy! Spending time with my golden retriever, Sam is one of my favorite things. I like family time, traveling, and also running/exercising are a few more things I love to do." Why did you join the Chamber? "Part of my job requires me to be involved with the community as much as possible. In our small town being a member of the Chamber allows me to help our business along with other businesses grow together which in return grows Obion County. We also support the Chamber because it's an organization that offers great opportunities for not only businesses but families of Obion County as well." Why do you serve as an Ambassador? "Serving as an ambassador gives me the opportunity to represent and be the voice of Sullivan Dentistry. Being involved in our community shows I care about my career and the future success of Obion County. My generation of young adults is the key to success for the generations to come! I am happy to live, work, and play in Obion County." What is the Chamber's role in the business community? "The Chamber's role in the business community is to help network, promote, and progress the future success of Obion County. It is the leaders of Obion County working together to help provide what's best for residents and businesses to help the economy grow. The Chamber also keeps the community up-to-date on happenings and various opportunities that will better our future."
Ambassador Name: Charlene Burpo
Business Name: Sullivan Dentistry
Business Position: Business Manager
Phone: 731-885-2277
Areas of Expertise: "Some of my areas of expertise are customer service, team building and business management."
Other interests: "I enjoy spending time with my family and traveling." Why did you join the chamber? "I joined the chamber in order to be more involved in the growth of our community and I felt that we should support other businesses in our community." Why do you serve as an ambassador? "I appreciate what the chamber does for our community and I feel like being an ambassador helps show support for their hard work." What is the chambers role in the business community? "The Chambers role is to show what Obion County has to offer and how great our community is. They also support area businesses and help them grow."
October Small Business Spotlight
Dear Chamber Members:
Recently, Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union City (BMH-UC) was recognized as a top performer by The Joint Commission and Premier, Inc.
BMH-UC earned The Joint Commission's Gold Seal of Approval for Hospital Accreditation by demonstrating continuous compliance with its performance standards. The Gold Seal of Approval is a symbol of quality that reflects an organization's commitment to providing safe and effective patient care.
In addition, Premier, Inc. recognized Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union City as a finalist for the Quest Award for High-value Healthcare for providing outstanding patient care. Nationwide, only seven hospitals received finalist recognition for achieving top performance in various categories.
These achievements were possible thanks to dedicated colleagues, physicians, and volunteers who are committed to fulfilling our mission, mirroring the three-fold ministry of Christ-healing, preaching, and teaching.
In addition, over the past year, we celebrated the opening of the new Baptist Medical Group-The Doctors' Clinic, the opening of the cardiac rehabilitation department, and the implementation of the electronic medical record that includes MyChart, which puts control of your health information back where it belongs-with you.
In October, Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union City will celebrate 65 years of service. As we reflect, we are so thankful for our blessings. Over the past 65 years, the hospital has undergone some significant changes, and it has continuously proven to be a leader in the healthcare industry.
Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union City is more than a place where people go to heal; it is a part of the Ken-Tenn area that fosters health and represents hope. From providing treatment and comfort to the sick, to welcoming new life into the world, Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union City wants to be central to a healthy and optimistic community.
When seeking hospital care, patients have the right to choose. Choice in health care is important, and we want you to get the care you need and want. We consider it a privilege to serve you, your family, and our community by providing quality health care close to home.
To all of our fellow Chamber members, thank you for your support of BMH-UC and Obion County. As you well know, membership in the local Chamber keeps business and civic leaders on top of important, ever-changing issues and trends within our community and local marketplace. Thank you for this opportunity to tell you about the latest happenings at your hometown hospital. If we can be of assistance to you, please call us at (731) 885-2410.
Mayor's Round Table Meeting
Thank you to the Wade Carrington of Woodland Mills for hosting this quarter's Mayor's Round table and to TLM Associates for sponsoring the event! We had a great turnout with many exciting updates happening in each community!
Custom Laboratory Building Company to Invest $6.2Million, Create200 New Jobs
NASHVILLE-Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam and Economic and Community Development Commissioner Randy Boyd along with Institutional Casework Inc. (ICI) officials announced the company will expand its current operations in Tennessee, opening a new manufacturing facility in Union City. ICI is expanding due to market demand and will invest $6.2 million in this new facility, creating 200 new jobs in Obion County.
"We want to thank Institutional Casework Inc. for choosing to expand in Tennessee and the new jobs in Union City and Obion County," Haslam said. "Our focus has been not only fostering a business climate that helps businesses be created here but also grow and succeed, and it's exciting to see companies like ICI thriving and expanding their footprint here in Tennessee."
"Institutional Casework Inc. started their business in West Tennessee in 2006 and is once again making an impact on this area by expanding and creating valuable new jobs," Boyd said. "I appreciate ICI's investment in Tennessee and I look forward to their continued success in our state."
"Our industry realized a dramatic change in just the last few months and, we needed a building where we could take immediate possession with little or no adaptations required," ICI President/CEO Jim Arthurs said. "For several months, ICI investigated potential sites in Henry, Carroll and Obion counties. We were delighted to find a building of adequate size, with a skilled workforce in place and where local city and county governments were willing to work with us."
The Obion County facility will be located at the Lennox Building at 503 E. Reelfoot Ave. in Union City. This expansion in Union City will house the manufacturing of ICI laboratory-grade painted steel casework and furniture, phenolic laboratory casework and work surfaces under the division name: ICI Laboratory Products Division of Union City.
Established in 2006, ICI is a West Tennessee-based corporation. ICI builds laboratories and learning environments for K-14 schools, colleges, universities and the pharmaceutical industry. ICI is known for flexible, functional and innovative products. The company offers design assistance and coordinates projects through casework, fixtures, custom fume hoods, work surfaces, safety showers, work stations and overhead service centers from start to finish.
"We are very excited about ICI coming to Obion County and Union City," Obion County Mayor Bennie McGuire said. "This company will provide much needed employment opportunities in our area. We are committed to working with ICI in any way possible to enhance their manufacturing process and their company growth in our region."
"We are so thankful that ICI selected Union City," Union City Mayor Terry Hailey said. "They are good people with a great company and I think they will really be impressed with our workforce. We welcome ICI to our community."
"ICI is a welcome addition to Union City," Obion County Joint Economic Council Chairman, Art Sparks, said. "Our mission at the JEDC is to foster an environment for job creation through both expansion and new investments. ICI's 200 new jobs will strengthen our tax base in the form of both sales and property taxes, which are used to fund our city and county governments and local schools. Ultimately, this new location for ICI is a win-win for everyone."
"Congratulations to Institutional Casework Inc. on its decision to expand and open a new facility in Union City, Tennessee," TVA Senior Vice President of Economic Development John Bradley said. "TVA and Union City Electric System are privileged to partner with the state of Tennessee, Obion County Joint Economic Development Council, Union City and Obion County to facilitate highly impactful new job creation in the Valley region. "
All ICI products and brands are sold nationally and internationally through an extensive network of dealer/distributors for casework specific to: educational K-14, college/university, health care, pharmaceutical, industrial, petro-chemical, municipal, library, athletic and OEM markets.
The company hopes to begin metal casework production in early 2016. ICI is working with the Tennessee Career Center in Union City to host a job fair later this year.
Union City and Obion County are represented by Senator John Stevens (R - Huntingdon), Rep. Bill Sanderson (R - Kenton) and Rep. Andy Holt (R - Dresden).
About the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development
Tennessee was named 2014 and 2013 "State of the Year" for economic development by Business Facilities magazine. The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community
Development's mission is to develop strategies which help make Tennessee the No. 1 location in the Southeast for high quality jobs. The department seeks to attract new corporate investment in Tennessee and works with Tennessee companies to facilitate expansion and economic growth. Find us on the web: tnecd.com. Follow us on Twitter: @tnecd. Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/tnecd.
"Human Resources"
Kim Watts, Center Point Business Solutions
October 20, 2015
Obion County Public Library
Sponsored By:
Center Point Business Solutions
West Tennessee Tourism Director Marty Marbry discussed the economic impact of tourism in Obion County. In 2014, Obion County realized the following as direct result of tourism:
- $53.19 million in expenditures (up 5.3% from 2013)
- $8.11 million in payroll (up 5.4% from 2013)
- $1.51 million in local sales tax collections (up 5.4% from 2013)
Tennessee Career Center Honors Student
Tamika McKinnie was honored as Participant of the Year at a recent celebration at Tennessee Career. Those taking part in the event included (from left) Resea advisor Amber Cunningham, intern Joseph Cochran, career advisor Marcia Fields, quality coordinator Sheila Little, Mrs. McKinnie, vice president of Workforce Development Margaret Prater, business services coordinator Lindsey Heglar and intern Amanda Embrey. Mrs. McKinnie received her degree from the University of Tennessee Martin in the spring of 2015 and is employed as a Family Service Worker for the Tennessee Department of Children's Services. She is in the process of enrolling in the graduate program at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville Tennessee Career Center assisted Mrs. McKinnie in enrolling for her undergraduate degree and getting the financial help she needed. She also found encouragement for her career goals through her advisor, she says.
Human Resources Round Table
Baptist Hospital hosted the quarterly Obion County HR round table meeting. Attendees shared several ideas including local industry employee recruitment and retention practices. The next meeting will be held in December. If you are interested in attending, please contact Lindsay Frilling at lfrilling@obioncounty.org.
MIA Seating Donates First Chair to Discovery Park
After donating the first chair to Discovery Park of America, MIA Seating employees worked to get the first shipment of 9,000 chairs to Sam's Club. The American made chairs are now available in Sam's Club store throughout the United States.
JD Distributor Receives Million Dollar Award
JD Distributors recently earned the One Million Dollar Award by Spartan Chemical Company. Congratulations to JD Distributors for this prestigious honor and thank you for being a part of our Obion County business community!
What does a new hire cost your industrial business?
The Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry and its industrial division, the Tennessee Manufacturers Association, are always in search of tools that will most directly assist our manufacturing members.
To that end, I would like to introduce you to the Return on Investment Calculator, designed specifically for manufacturers at CostofAHire.com.
This free, web-based tool offers employers a structure to identify the cost of an open position and offers several ways to reduce costs. Key indicators include on-the-job training, turnover, and productivity loss.
Please see the link below for additional information and direct access.
We hope you'll find this tool of value.
Another valuable option the Tennessee Manufacturers Association offers to its members to directly resolve your talent pipeline issues, is a unique program called WorkAmerica. We invite you to visit their website at: www.workamerica.co, and for directly contact, please reach out to their co-founder, Michael Colonesse at 770-616-8895.

When an existing client refers someone to White & Associates for business, the Union City office will make a $10 donation to Chimes for Charity. This will go on for the rest of this year and will present a check to Chimes at the end of the year. |
The Ten Organizational Myths of
Chambers and Associations
Myth 1: I have been on the board of directors for four years, now it is "my turn" to be chairman of the board!
Reality: Leadership is earned, not awarded. Leaders are brought to a higher level by those they volunteer with. The board, as a unified team decides who can best represent the organization (not themselves, or their business) for the next 12 months. Getting the gavel in your hand at the Installation of Officers event does not include a crown or tiara.
Myth 2: Now that I joined the Chamber, I have not noticed an increase in business.
Reality: Joining your chamber is like joining a health club. You must participate to benefit.
Myth 3: I just got my business license, and I am now ready for my grand opening ribbon cutting.
Reality: Chamber/association membership is a privilege, not an obligation. This is a great opportunity to inform this new business person on the value and strength of the organization and membership. Ribbon cutting ceremonies are offered to chamber members, this is just one of countless benefits the chamber offers its members. Like the Auto Club, they only insure their members, we only promote our members.
Myth 4: I am not going to renew my membership this year, as I am going to "donate" to another charity this year.
Reality: This membership was not sold for the right reason a year ago. Renewal starts the day they join. Inform, involve, and ignite each member every chance you get.
Myth 5: So how long have you worked for the city and municipal government as the chamber president?
Reality: This is all about edifying the community on the distinct role of the chamber of commerce within a municipal government. This comment also opens up the conversation of who you are, your goals, your mission, and your organizations value to the community and its business success.
Myth 6: I have the perfect board of directors.
Reality: I have found that every board of directors has an "arsonist". If you have not had one in the past, or do not have one this year, chances are you will at some point have one board member who finds it more of a success to tear down instead of helping build the organization.
Myth 7: I know you spend a lot of time with the chamber of commerce, but what do you do for a living?
Reality: Chamber and association CEO's are among the top leaders of each community. We know this, but it is a well kept secret. Like large corporations, each require professional leadership, risk taking, and earned success. I always loved this question, and it usually ended up with a visit to their business, followed with a visit to the chamber office to see what we do first hand.
Myth 8: Business is so good; I don't need you anymore, so I will not be renewing my membership.
Reality: I am thrilled with your success, and I agree, you do not need us. The truth is, we need you more than you need us. Successful businesses and companies built this organization. Your continued membership will continue the tools other members need to succeed and reach the point of success you now enjoy. You are part of this community's growth responsibility. I hope you understand why we, the community, need you more now than ever. Chamber membership can and should be a lifetime privilege.
Myth 9: You are a nonprofit, you don't need to make any money.
Reality: Nonprofits are businesses with overhead, employee payroll, taxes to pay, insurance, office supplies, marketing and advertising expenses like every other business. Our nonprofit status is a tool that brings our services and products to build your business success, one business at a time.
Myth 10: Our Staff is paid; we don't have to thank them like we do our volunteers.
Reality: There are several ways to say thank you to staff members. Pizza lunch, car wash certificate, hire a (chamber member) massage therapist to come into the office for staff chair massages, close the office an hour early on a Friday. Chamber and association staff are the fuel of the organizational engine. We understand that, and need to pay attention to this more than anyone. Volunteers are also appreciated all year long, not just during their specific hours invested for the organization's growth. Find a way to say thanks to staff and volunteers. They deserve it, and your acknowledgement to them is priceless.
By: David Aaker, IOM, ACE
Faculty, Institute for Organization Management

Thank you for your continued support be renewing your Chamber membership!
A And A Backhoe
Buy, Sell, Trade
CAM Electric
Davis Wealth Services
Higher Ground Coffee Company
Small World Child Care
Union City J'Cettes
Wade Acres
Any Chamber member interested in receiving the hospital's cafeteria menu weekly may contact Emily Medley, food and nutrition services director, at emily.medley@bmhcc.org.
Why should YOU get involved in Manufacturing Day 2015?

MFG DAY addresses common misperceptions about manufacturing by giving manufacturers an opportunity to open their doors and show, in a coordinated effort, what manufacturing is - and what it isn't. By working together during and after MFG DAY, manufacturers will begin to address the skilled labor shortage they face, connect with future generations, take charge of the public image of manufacturing, and ensure the ongoing prosperity of the whole industry.
Supported by a group of industry sponsors and co-producers, MFG DAY is designed to amplify the voice of individual manufacturers and coordinate a collective chorus of manufacturers with common concerns and challenges. The rallying point for a growing mass movement, MFG DAY empowers manufacturers to come together to address their collective challenges so they can help their communities and future generations thrive. find out more at http://www.mfgday.com/.
 Obion County Featured in Goodwill Impact 2014 Annual Report "With Goodwill I don't think the economic recovery would have been possible in the short amount of time it occurred," Frilling said. "Goodwill has been a major player in the entities that have come together to try to reduce the unemployment rate." Click here to read the full article. |
 The Workforce Board is pursuing Work Ready Community status for all 11 of the counties we serve, including Obion County. One of the goals is Employer Support. By completing the form, employers are simply stating they are in favor of the Work Ready Community initiative and see value in the NCRC assessment. In no way is an employer committing to do anything, buy anything, require the certification, or anything of that nature. The employer is stating support for the initiative. You can visit the website and see our progress at http://workreadycommunities.com/TN/13. |
Attention Job Seekers and Employers!
 The Tennessee Career Center at Union City is offering Resume Writing work shops on Tuesday afternoons at 1 PM. Job seekers interested in attending a workshop will need to complete a resume' worksheet prior to attending a session. Space is limited, so registration is required. Register by calling 731-884-3868 between 8-4:30 Monday - Friday.
List Your Available Commercial Property With Us
Let us help you spread the word about your available commercial property by listing it at www.obioncounty.org. If you have commercial property you would like to list, please contact Lindsay Frilling, Economic Development Director.
Interested in sponsoring Business Matters or Business After Hours?
Contact Lindsay Frilling at
731-885-0211 or lfrilling@obioncounty.org