Welcome New Chamber Members!
Tennessee National Guard
2017 E. Reelfoot Ave
Union City, TN 38261
731- 336-0199
Business Representative: Bo Pate
Parker Lawn Care
315 S. 6th St.
Union City, TN 38261
P: 731-796-1446
Business Representative: Luke Parker
Cain's Pool & Spa
603 E. Reelfoot Ave.
Union City, TN 38261
731- 592-4528
Business Representative: Morgan Cain
Board Member Name: Donny Bearden 
Company Name: AmeriClear Rx
Position: Chief Operating Officer
Work Phone:731-885-3205
Email: dbearden@americlearrx.com
Areas of Expertise: Pharmacy benefit plan design and implementation for self-insured employers and plan sponsors.
Other Interests: Union City Rotary Club; NW Tennessee FCA board member; Finance Council member- Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Why did you join the Chamber? "I wanted to be involved in and lend support to a vibrant local business environment."
Why do you serve on the Board of Directors? "To assist the Chamber in promoting the growth of our local business community and to join other board members in developing ideas to enhance that growth."
What is the Chamber's role in the business community? "To promote the shared interests of local businesses through an effective business network."
Goodwill Career Solutions in Union City offers free job services and training to those who are looking for work. What you may not know is that we also partner with local employers to connect them with qualified job candidates. We can also host job fairs for businesses, and we will even promote them for you. It is Goodwill's mission to assist and place people into jobs that will be the best fit for both employer and employee, ultimately supporting a company with fulfilling their needs while giving someone a chance to get back on their feet and into the workforce. Career Solutions already has a wealth of potential employees who are trained, pre-screened and ready for work. When employers partner with Career Solutions, they not only open the door to finding more qualified candidates for open positions, but they also support their community by helping many of their neighbors return to or re-enter the workforce. It's good business for employers, for our clients and our community. In 2014, our 27 Goodwill Career Solutions centers assisted more than 28,159 clients, of which 9,558 landed jobs. The center in Union City assisted 1,888 people last year, placing 676 of those in jobs. There are more than 1,700 employers actively hiring Goodwill clients, and 89 percent of our clients who find jobs do so with employers other than Goodwill. Goodwill is able to offers these free services thanks to the generosity of our donors and shoppers. We have 34 stores and more than 80 Donation Express Centers located throughout Middle and West Tennessee. For a location nearest you, visit www.giveit2goodwill.org. If you're a business and would like to partner with us, or you would like us to host a job fair for your company, please call (731) 884-4324. You can also stop by our Career Solutions center between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. We are located at 1430 S. First St., Union City. Mikki McLeary is the career counselor at the center. She and her team will be happy to assist you with your needs. For more information about Career Solutions, go to www.goodwillcareersolutions.org. |
Obion County Adult Leadership Takes Nashville

"Legislative Day in Nashville was very informative. As a leadership group, we were able to meet and have lunch with Secretary of State Tre Hargett, State Senator John Stevens, State Representatives Bill Sanderson and Andy Holt. They were very gracious in their hospitality and answered all our questions. The day was filled with a tour of the capital and sitting in on hearings pertaining to certain bills. All in all it was a great day and a different perspective of our leaders and the hard work they put in every day." -David Keeling, Class Member 2014-2015

"It was so interesting visiting our Capital and watching the legislature in action. It was great meeting our representatives and appreciated the time they took to meet with us and explain their roles. I also loved seeing the beautiful Capital building and learn all the history associated with the building. I can't believe I have never taken the time to tour the building! It is definitely worth a visit from all Tennesseans!"-Heard Critchlow, Class Member 2014-2015
Twin Cities Celebrate Unity During Opening of New Park

By CHRIS MENEES Staff Reporter There was a sense of unity Thursday in the Twin Cities. Community leaders and residents representing two cities, two counties and two states came together at midday to celebrate the opening of South Fulton's park - Unity Park. A large crowd gathered under sunny skies in front of a pavilion stage at the new park off East State Line as South Fulton Mayor Ed Cassetty and park benefactor Jeff Campbell officially dedicated the recreational area. The downtown park was a vision for Campbell, a South Fulton resident and Fulton native who personally provided the $250,000 in matching funds for a Local Parks and Recreation Fund Grant, a 50/50 matching grant awarded through the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. For its design, he partnered with A2H - Askew Hargraves Harcourt & Associates Inc., a Memphis-based firm of engineers, architects, planners, landscape architects and land surveyors. The park, constructed by McKinney Construction Co., encompasses about four acres of land bounded by Broadway Street, State Line Road, Harris Fork Creek and Wade Street. The first phase is geared toward children, exercise and community beautification, providing a green space which features a lake and fountain, an open-air amphitheater, a playground, a walking trail, picnic space and a parking area. Cassetty introduced Campbell as "the chief dreamer, chief planner, chief motivator and a matching fund provider." Campbell said Thursday marked a special day in the Twin Cities of South Fulton and Fulton, with the new park and its sister project - an adjacent gateway arch that spans East State Line from the new Unity Park to the existing Pontotoc Park - representing "the biggest transformation of our downtown in over 40 years." He said many people have asked why he continually sponsors and promotes projects such as the park. "We needed to clean up and beautify this area of town, and I really wanted an inviting and open green space in our town's center that would welcome anybody from any direction that drove through or stopped in the Twin Cities," Campbell said. "I wanted to create a gathering place - a place where families could walk and play and cook and fellowship. I wanted a larger space for our Banana Festival and for other special events that the community might hold. "And, most of all, I wanted to create something special for the citizens of Fulton and South Fulton because, you see, I really believe in a moral imperative that if God blesses you in this lifetime, which He certainly has me, then you have an obligation to give back - and that's what gets me up everyday and that's what motivates me every single day." Campbell said the new Unity Park adds about four acres of green space to the Twin Cities' core downtown business district and is designed to complement Fulton's Pontotoc Park across the street, adding sufficient parking for both areas. He also shared his vision for the new archway across East State Line that was dedicated in an official ribbon-cutting ceremony immediately after the park dedication. "It connects two parks, it connects two communities, two counties and two states - and that, ladies and gentlemen, was an opportunity that I couldn't let pass by," he said. Campbell explained the vision of Unity Park dates back to June 2010 when the Let's Paint the Town community beautification program was launched. He said he and Garrett Hutchins of Fulton had finished painting at the former Twin Cities Auto Parts building and made some observations as they paused for traffic. To the north, they saw the beauty of Pontotoc Park; to the south, they saw dilapidated houses, abandoned streets and road beds, glass, brick and weeds in an area formerly known as skid row. He said not long after - and "what really sealed the deal" - he was driving through downtown on a Saturday morning and saw Johnny Lucy of South Fulton doing some dirtwork in the area of East State Line. He said Lucy had quietly been buying parcels of land in the area with the same idea of doing something for South Fulton. In March 2012, Campbell met for the first time with A2H engineers and architects, whom he lauded for their "gift to take dreams, visions and conversations and turn them into something of reality." He said Twin Cities native Ryan McDaniel, structures manager for A2H, had a big part in designing the stage pavilion at Unity Park and the arch which now spans East State Line. Campbell and Cassetty both recognized a number of land donors who generously donated property for the new park. Campbell said they sliced together 32 parcels for the four-acre area. Both also noted the support of insurance agent Tim Britt in securing a $25,000 State Farm grant that provided park furnishings and many finishing touches, as well as the invaluable assistance of South Fulton city employees and public works crews; a landscape committee that coordinated a memorial tree drive; and a Fulton-South Fulton Rotary Club campaign currently under way to buy and install light poles. The many donors were seated around the park stage Thursday along with a number of local, state, Chamber of Commerce and economic development officials. Also included were designers and landscape architects from A2H and general contractor Joey McGee. Cassetty praised every South Fulton city department, city manager Debra Craig, the city commission and the city's new parks board for their roles in the park project. He also expressed appreciation to Fulton officials for their support and encouragement throughout the process. The mayor said due to the generosity of others, the City of South Fulton has less than $40,000 invested in the park. "Let's promote this park, above everything else, because what it's about is what you see here - the people - and what you see down here - these children," Cassetty said, pointing to a group of South Fulton Elementary kindergartners seated on the ground in front of the stage. Felicia Lightner, chairman of South Fulton's parks and recreation board, recognized Carol Boyd as the winner of a recent contest to name the new park. She said there were several excellent submissions, adding that contestants also had to submit the reason why their entry should be chosen. Unity Park is a nod to how residents of South Fulton and Fulton unite to become one community. "Our submission slogan was, 'We worship together, we live together, we work together, we shop together. It equals unity,'" she said. Staff Reporter Chris Menees may be contacted by email at cmenees@ucmessenger.com. # # # |
DATE: April 28, 2015 CONTACT: Molly Brown
Tennessee Dept. of Tourist Development
Public Relations Media Manager
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - In recognition of tourism's tremendous economic, social and cultural impact throughout the state of Tennessee, the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development will participate with the U.S. Travel Association in the 2015 National Travel and Tourism Week May 2-10.
This year's theme "Travel is __________," is meant to encourage the travel community to be creative and have fun in an effort to reflect the unique value and impact of the industry. For example, Travel is adventure; Travel is family bonding; Travel is serious business; Travel is more than just fun; Travel is creating American jobs.
This nationwide week of events serves to champion the power of the industry. A wide cross section of travel and tourism professionals work throughout the week to promote the impactful contributions their travel markets and organizations make to the U.S. economy.
"National Travel and Tourism Week is a perfect time to raise awareness about the significant economic development role our industry plays on a national, state and local level," said Commissioner Kevin Triplett, Tennessee Department of Tourist Development. "Last year, The U.S. Travel Association reported that tourism had a $16.7 billion direct economic impact in Tennessee generating more than $1 billion in state and local sales taxes for the eighth consecutive year. Our goal is to continue that growth."
The state department, its welcome centers and tourism partners across the state will join cities and travel businesses nationwide in support of the industry's impact on local communities and states. The travel community typically marks the event in a number of creative ways, from staging local rallies and conducting media outreach to securing proclamations and resolutions from local governments.
Each year Tennessee welcome centers play an integral role in National Tourism Week. Throughout the week, welcome centers host a variety of travel and tourism partners, such as local Chambers of Commerce, attractions, destinations, restaurants, Tennessee musical performances, accommodations and Tennessee State Parks. Many set up tables and greet visitors with their hospitality, culture, culinary specialties, wildlife, discounts and helpful information.
Examples of some featured events and attractions partnering with welcome centers across the state include Pickwick Landing State Park, the National Banana Pudding Festival, and Tenn South Distillery showcased at the I-65 Giles County (Ardmore) Welcome Center. Hamilton County's welcome centers will highlight attractions such as the Country Music Hall of Fame, Chattanooga Ghost Tours, Lumberjack Feud, and the Medal of Honor Museum. The I-81 Sullivan County (Bristol) Welcome Center will feature various attractions including the Dixie Stampede and Ripley's Aquarium. The I-40 Cocke County (Hartford) Welcome Center will offer a meet and greet with Ewok from the show Appalachian Outlaws who will be here signing copies of the Newport Plain Talk's Visiting the Smokies Guide. And tying in with Tennessee's new branding campaign The Soundtrack of America, Made In Tennessee, many welcome centers will offer live music, such as the Museum of Appalachia Band at the I-75 South Campbell County Welcome Center and the Flat Broke Band at the I-65 Robertson County (Mitchellville) Welcome Center.
Travel and tourism generated $2.1 trillion in economic output and $927.9 billion in direct travel-related spending in the U.S. by domestic and international travelers in 2014. The industry also represents one of America's largest employers, supporting 15 million American jobs supported-8 million direct tourism jobs and 7 million indirect and induced jobs-good jobs with good pay that cannot be outsourced.
National Tourism Week was established in 1983 when the U.S. Congress passed a joint resolution designating the week to be celebrated in May 1984. In a White House ceremony, President Ronald Reagan signed a Presidential Proclamation urging citizens to observe the week with "the appropriate ceremonies and activities."
News for immediate release
Shelter Insurance Companies 1817 West Broadway Columbia MO 65218
Shelter Insurance Foundation and Shelter Insurance-Justin Shaw Agency announce recipients of local high school scholarships.
The Shelter Insurance Foundation awarded three $2000 scholarships to Melanie Amber Johnson (South Fulton High School), Darrell Lashawn Huff (Union City High School), and Zackary Aaron Williamson (Obion County Central High School). Shelter Agent Justin Shaw sponsors and partially funds these scholarships.
Beginning the fall after high school graduation Melanie, Zackary, and Darrell can direct the scholarship funds toward tuition, fees, or campus housing for any course of study leading to an academic degree at any accredited college or university.
A committee of local high school officials and community leaders selected the local recipients. The committee considered each applicant's scholastic achievements, educational goals, citizenship, moral character, and participation and leadership in school and community activities. The scholarship is given without regard to race, disability, religion, national origin or gender of applicants.
The $2,000 scholarships are paid directly to the school the recipient selects. Melanie, Zackary, and Darrell received a certificate from Justin on behalf of the Shelter Foundation.
The Shelter Insurance Foundation is a non-for-profit corporation for charitable and educational purposes. It is sponsored by the Shelter Insurance Companies- offering auto, home, life, farm and business insurance services to customers in 14 states via a network of local insurance agents and headquartered in Columbia, Missouri.
SPRINGDALE, Ark.- April 28, 2015 - Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE: TSN) said today it is striving to eliminate the use of human antibiotics from its U.S. broiler* chicken flocks by the end of September 2017. The company will report annually on its progress, beginning with its fiscal 2015 Sustainability Report. Tyson Foods has already stopped using all antibiotics in its 35 broiler hatcheries, requires a veterinary prescription for antibiotics used on broiler farms and has reduced human antibiotics used to treat broiler chickens by more than 80 percent since 2011.
"Antibiotic resistant infections are a global health concern," said Donnie Smith, president and CEO of Tyson Foods. "We're confident our meat and poultry products are safe**, but want to do our part to responsibly reduce human antibiotics on the farm so these medicines can continue working when they're needed to treat illness."
"Given the progress we've already made reducing antibiotics in our broilers, we believe it's realistic to shoot for zero by the end of our 2017 fiscal year. But we won't jeopardize animal well-being just to get there. We'll use the best available treatments to keep our chickens healthy, under veterinary supervision," Smith said. Tyson Foods is also forming working groups with independent farmers and others in the company's beef, pork and turkey supply chains to discuss ways to reduce the use of human antibiotics on cattle, hog and turkey farms. Those groups will begin meeting this summer. Tyson Foods' international business is committed to taking similar measures on antibiotic use in its global chicken operations but has not set a timeframe. Will Not Compromise Animal Well-Being; Need Alternatives to Human Antibiotics on Farm Tyson Foods plans to work with food industry, government, veterinary, public health and academic communities, and provide funding, to accelerate research into disease prevention and antibiotic alternatives on the farm. The company is also getting input from its Animal Well-Being Advisory Panel, which is made up of independent advisors. "One of our core values is to serve as responsible stewards of animals - we will not let sick animals suffer," Smith said. "We believe it's our responsibility to help drive action towards sustainable solutions to this challenge by working with our chicken, turkey, beef and pork supply chains." Smith said today's announcement will not materially affect the company's financial performance. We truly value our relationship with you, and thank you for being a great partner to us in this community. ### |
Psst...It's about the Network
Adult Leadership Obion County
Past and Present Classmates of Adult Leadership Obion County
May 19, 2015
Obion County Public Library
Sponsored By:
Leaders Credit Union
"Breakfast with the President"
Quarterly, new chamber members gather to have breakfast with our Chamber President to engage and inform our new members of networking opportunities available included in their chamber membership.
April Business Matters 
Regions Bank spoke at April's Business Matters about free, on-site seminars to help your employees achieve their financial goals. Visit regions.com for a list of their seminar topics and contact your regions bank representative if you would like to provide one of these seminars to your employees. Thank you Regions Bank for sponsoring this event!
Mayors Quarterly Roundtable Meeting
Thank you to Mayor Rodney Underwood of Obion for hosting our quarterly Mayors Roundtable Meeting where mayors within Obion County come together to discuss municpality updates in each community. As we know, it is our home and we are always striving to make it better!
Joel Howard Selected as New Area Director in
Northwest Tennessee
Joel Howard has been selected as the new Area Director in Northwest Tennessee. Joel is a rural West Tennessee native and graduate of UT Martin with a BS in Agricultural Business. He has been working with USDA Rural Development for 10 years and has been working most recently in the Jackson Office in Business and Community Programs. Joel looks forward to meeting each of you as USDA works together to bring successful business, community and housing partnerships to Northwest Tennessee.
The Tennessee Department of Tourist Development (TDTD) in partnership with the Tennessee Tourism Committee will hold listening tours to discuss the 14 Welcome Centers throughout the state. The listening tours will give us an opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue with tourism industry partners and other regional stake holders. Participants will include tourism business owners and management, state partner agencies, chambers of commerce, convention and visitor bureau leadership, lodging and restaurant industry, city and county government officials and economic development agencies. The Listening Tour will create an open forum to discuss current experiences, practices and expectations of the Tennessee Welcome Centers.
The overall goal of the Listening Tour is:
- To evaluate how TDTD currently operates the Tennessee Welcome Centers
- Identify additional ways to better serve travelers/ visitors utilizing the Tennessee Welcome Centers
- Discuss alternative ways to utilize and brand the Tennessee Welcome Centers
The following dates and locations have been confirmed:
May 13, 2015: 9:30 - 11:30 ET Chattanooga Convention Center
(1 Carter Plaza, Chattanooga, TN 37402)
May 21, 2015: 9 - 11 am CT Jackson Tennessee Convention & Visitors Bureau
(197 Auditorium, Jackson, TN 38301)
RSVP to tami.giles@tn.gov (615-741-9012) and please specify the meeting location you will be attending. If you have questions regarding the Listening Tour please contact Pete Rosenboro, Assistant Commissioner, Tennessee Welcome Centers at 615-416-1704 or 615-741-9035 or pete.rosenboro@tn.gov.
Corker Named to TIME's List of 100 Most Influential People in the World
For Immediate release: April 16, 2015
WASHINGTON- Today, TIME Magazine announced that it named U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, to the 2015 TIME 100, its annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world."I am grateful that Tennesseans have given me the tremendous privilege of serving them in the United States Senate, and I am deeply humbled by this honor," said Corker. "I wake up every day trying to find ways to move our country ahead, and for as long as Tennesseans afford me this opportunity, I will remain focused on solving the big domestic and foreign policy issues facing our nation."
The tribute to Corker was written by Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Tennessee's senior senator, former governor and former secretary of the U.S. Department of Education.
Bob Corker
By Lamar Alexander
April 16, 2015
The pragmatist of congress
Curious about tunnels smuggling supplies from Egypt to Gaza, U.S. Senator Bob Corker hailed a jeep, rode to the border, inspected the tunnels and that afternoon showed photographs to a startled Benjamin Netanyahu. In Chattanooga, Corker's penchant for aggressive fact finding caused this former construction executive and mayor to help 10,000 families find decent homes.
Now it has thrust the junior Senator from Tennessee into bipartisan deals on debt, financial regulation, immigration and Iran. In 2014 he voted with the majority of Republican Senators 85% of the time, but he is a conservative who prizes results over speeches. He is unafraid to challenge President Obama and unafraid to work with him.
His tough-minded pragmatism and grasp of economics have restored prestige to the Foreign Relations Committee and are reminiscent of George H.W. Bush's skilled team. If he is not President himself, Corker is an obvious choice for Secretary of State or Treasury.
The list, now in its 12th year, recognizes the activism, innovation and achievement of the world's most influential individuals. The full list and related tributes will appear in the April 27 issue of TIME, are available online here today, and will be available on newsstands and tablets on Friday, April 17.
2015 Tennessee Vacation Guides Now Available!

The Tennessee Tourism programs are evolving more and more as tourism continues to grow statewide. The over 3.8 million visitors to tnvacation.com with over 11 million page views is more robust than ever, offering banner advertising and featured content to showcase your story.
An exciting report from third-party research in the State of the American Traveler reports that travel expectations are high with 32% of Americans planning to increase leisure travel spending in the next 12 months. And, more exciting, 43.8% of American Leisure Travelers are using print publications in trip planning, with 13% (or almost 1 in 6) US Travelers reporting use of an Official Visitor Guide. (Research from Destination Analysts) These are all strong evidence that the official Tennessee Vacation Guide, backed by the $12 million marketing budget, is a great place to make your money go further and reach farther into the Tennessee Visitor market. For your own 2015 Tennessee Vacation Guide click here.
Attention Job Seekers and Employers!
 The Tennessee Career Center at Union City is offering Resume Writing work shops on Tuesday afternoons at 1 PM. Job seekers interested in attending a workshop will need to complete a resume' worksheet prior to attending a session. Space is limited, so registration is required. Register by calling 731-884-3868 between 8-4:30 Monday - Friday.
The New Customer Loyalty Program-LoyalBlocks

LoyalBlocks is the first fully automated, mobile-based loyalty solution for brick & mortar merchants and their customers.
LoyalBlocks automatically recognizes customers as they walk into a business, punching their mobile punch-card and sending tailored promotions their way. Customers don't even have to open the app, they simply walk-in and a tailored experience is triggered!
LoyalBlocks creates a seamless, sustainable customer-merchant relationship: Customers gets hassle free incentives to visit their favorite spots, and merchants get a highly effective method of communicating with customers, incentivizing foot traffic and rewarding loyalty.
For more information click here: http://www.loyalblocks.com/
Baptist Hospice-Union City is looking for caring and compassionate adults who are interested in volunteer work. Opportunities to assist patients include offering emotional support, assisting with errands, and providing caregiver relief. Hospice volunteers provide comfort and enrich the quality of life for those served. Anyone interested in volunteering should call Baptist Hospice-Union City at 884-8617 to register for the next volunteer training session, which will be held on March 18 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in the administrative conference room at the hospital. Lunch will be provided.
List Your Available Commercial Property With Us
Let us help you spread the word about your available commercial property by listing it at www.obioncounty.org. If you have commercial property you would like to list, please contact Lindsay Frilling, Economic Development Director.
South Fulton Community Alerts
For community alerts in the South Fulton area...text "SOUTHFULTON" to 888777 and enter your zip code when directed. For more information visit www.nixle.com
Interested in sponsoring Business Matters or Business After Hours?
Contact Lindsay Frilling at
731-885-0211 or lfrilling@obioncounty.org