Welcome New Chamber Members!
Allen's Wrecker Service
2013 W. Reelfoot Ave.
Union City, TN 38261
Business Representative: James Allen
Lowrance Sound Company Celebrates 40 Years!
Lowrance Sound Company is a family owned and operated professional multi-media integration company founded in 1975. They specialize in four broad fields: audio, video, lighting, and acoustics. Services include: consultation, design, procurement, sales, installation, service, repair, and A/V system rentals. We are well versed in systems ranging from small rentals to large 100,000+ seat installations. They support both NSCA and InfoComm organizations, have manufacturer backed training certifications for numerous brands, and strictly adhere to the best practices as determined by InfoComm's governing body.
Lowrance Sound Systems are used in all size facilities and for many applications. The common factor is the customer's desire for a quality, well built, and well installed system. They are the right company when you want quality from start to finish and promise speedy customer support and service to our customer base.
The Obion County Chamber of Commerce thanks Lowrance Sound Company for servicing the Obion County area for 40 years and we look forward to many more! Congratulations!
2132 Nailling Drive
Union City, TN 38261
(731) 885-4504
Board Member Spotlight
 Board Member Name: Judy Barker Company Name: Attorney and Owner-Barker Law,Co-Owner-Barker Building Rentals Work Phone: 731-885-2200 E-mail: judy_barker@att.net Area of Expertise: The practice of law emphasizing estate planning Other Interests: "I enjoy volunteer work, exercising, sports, and reading historical or inspirational books." Why did you join the Chamber? "I joined the chamber to strengthen my relationships with other business owned and representatives through networking opportunities and training offered by the chamber. Also, to keep informed and updated on economic developments and progress in our community." Why do you serve on the Board of Directors? "I serve on the board to welcome and embrace new businesses, as well as encouraging existing businesses to be active and participate in chamber activities." What is the Chamber's role in the business community? "The Chamber role is to promote entrepreneurship and growth in small businesses by encouraging the community to shop locally as well as participation in community and civic sponsored activities. The chamber is to seek support and funding of projects that are vital to our region such as I-69 and Cates Landing to ensure our economic success." |
Tyson Launches Video to Answer Consumer Questions

We thought you might like to know that Tyson Foods' Obion County poultry plant is part of McDonald's new Our Food. Your Questions. campaign. Launched in October, the campaign uses social media to answer consumer questions about the food offered at McDonald's restaurants. The company has already posted brief online videos - or webisodes - showing how its suppliers make beef patties and the popular McRib. This morning, McDonald's has released a webisode on Chicken McNuggets that features the Obion County plant. You can access the video by click here. It shows plant operations and includes a Tyson Team Members answering questions, like "what's really in Chicken McNuggets?" To watch the video click here.

CONTACT: Shannon Ashford 615-741-8998
Reelfoot Lake State Park to Host Eagle Tours Tours Available Seven Days a Week Through End of Feb. Tiptonville, Tenn. -Reelfoot Lake State Park invites visitors to attend the annual eagle bus tours to observe bald eagles and waterfowl. Tours are conducted seven days a week through the end of February. Daily tours depart from the park's visitor center at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. Park personnel lead the approximately two-hour tour, which includes opportunities to stop for photos and sightseeing. Reservations are recommended and tickets can be purchased at the visitor center for $5 per person. Special groups should make reservations in advance. All visitors should dress warmly and bring field glasses and cameras. "The Reelfoot Lake Eagle Tours is one of America's premier wildlife watching adventures," Deputy Commissioner Brock Hill said. "Visitors can observe eagles flying south from the Great Lakes and isolated regions of Canada to spend the winter in northwest Tennessee. The American Bald Eagle has made this annual winter pilgrimage to Reelfoot for generations." In addition to tours, a variety of special programs will be offered every Saturday night at 7 p.m. at the visitor center inside Ellington Hall. Topics will include eagles, Reelfoot Lake history, nature photography, raptor rehabilitation and other birds of prey. For more information, contact 731-253-9652. Reelfoot Lake State Park offers outstanding recreational activities, such as wildlife viewing, fishing, boating, hunting and hiking. The park is located in Lake and Obion counties near Tiptonville. The park's 280 acres are divided into 10 segments along 22 miles of the Reelfoot Lake shoreline. The park's visitor and interpretive centers, auditorium, picnic and camping areas are located along State Highways 21 and 22. For more information, visit http://tnstateparks.com/parks/about/reelfoot-lake. ### |
December Business Matters

Jim Rippy, CEO of Discovery Park of America was our guest speaker for December Business Matters. He discussed the impact it has had on the community after reaching its one year anniversary of being open and informed us that sales tax was up 15% from last year. Join us next month as we discuss taxes!
Alexander, Thompson, Arnold
January 20, 2015
Obion County Public Library
Sponsored By:
Alexander, Thompson, Arnold
West Tennessee Chamber Executives Hold Quarterly Meeting
Quarterly, the West Tennessee Chamber of Commerce Executives (WTCCE) come together for a lunch meeting in each other's community. Lee Johnston, Director of the Covington-Tipton County Chamber of Commerce hosted the December meeting. The meeting began with introduction of new members, followed by a discussion of local workforce initiatives and concluded with each participant sharing his or her upcoming community events. Lindsay Frilling is the current president of the group, while Johnston serves as Secretary. Emily Johnson of the Henderson County Chamber of Commerce is the Treasurer for the group.
Obion County JEDC Hosts Job Fair
The Obion County JEDC recently coordinated a job fair at Center Point Business Solutions. Businesses and industries represented were Waymatic, Goodwill Career Solutions, Center Point Business Solutions, Bethel Universty, Williams Sausage and the Tennessee Career Center. Thank you to those would were supportive in this effort to see people put to work!
Pictured: Rodney Taylor,Waymatic
The Tennessee Career Center at Union City is offering Resu me' Writing workshops on Tuesday afternoons at 1 PM. Job seekers interested in attending a workshop will need to complete a resume' worksheet prior to attending a session. Space is limited, so registration is required. Register by calling 731-884-3868 between 8-4:30 Monday - Friday.
 Touching Hearts at Home of West Tennessee is taking on-line applications for Caregivers in Obion and Weakly Counties. Experience in caring for the elderly and a passion for serving are required. Contact Touching Hearts at Home for additional information on qualifications and instructions for applying, at 731-613-2526. Also, visit us on the web at www.touchingheartswesttn.com.
The New Customer Loyalty Program-LoyalBlocks
LoyalBlocks is the first fully automated, mobile-based loyalty solution for brick & mortar merchants and their customers.
LoyalBlocks automatically recognizes customers as they walk into a business, punching their mobile punch-card and sending tailored promotions their way. Customers don't even have to open the app, they simply walk-in and a tailored experience is triggered!
LoyalBlocks creates a seamless, sustainable customer-merchant relationship: Customers gets hassle free incentives to visit their favorite spots, and merchants get a highly effective method of communicating with customers, incentivizing foot traffic and rewarding loyalty.
For more information click here: http://www.loyalblocks.com/
Searching for good employees?
Let Goodwill Career Solutions help. We not only help employees go to work; we also help employers find qualified, ready to work job applicants. We are a free service for the community.
For employers, we can host a job fair for your company. We will handle all the work whether you use online or paper applications.
We can also keep your applications on file. You can have all your job application traffic flow through our office.
We are available to help in a number of ways. Please call to set up a time to meet with our Career Counselor, Sandy Hickey at 731-884-4324.
1430 S. First Street, Union City, TN 38261 731-884-4324
List Your Available Commercial Property With Us
Let us help you spread the word about your available commercial property by listing it at www.obioncounty.org. If you have commercial property you would like to list, please contact Lindsay Frilling, Economic Development Director.
South Fulton Community Alerts
For community alerts in the South Fulton area...text "SOUTHFULTON" to 888777 and enter your zip code when directed. For more information visit www.nixle.com
Interested in sponsoring Business Matters or Business After Hours?
Contact Lindsay Frilling at
731-885-0211 or lfrilling@obioncounty.org
Any time you want to "visit" or to know what's happening in Union City and the surrounding area, just pop into this site and catch up: