| September 2014 Newsletter |
Mission Statement: "It's our home, we make it better."
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Welcome New Chamber Members!
Dr. Cecil Sewell
2784 Pleasant Hill Rd.
Rives, TN 38253
Phone: 731-536-9992
Joyce Washington
780 Hyndsver Road
Martin, TN 38237
Phone: 731-636-0220
Welcome New Board Members!

Pictured: Judy Barker, Greg Dozier, Crystal Meade, JoAnn Speer, Amber Jones, Brian Kissell, Donny Bearden, Jason Aldridge, Todd Petty, Connie O'Neal, Mandy Hinson, Kerry Speer, Jim Cheatham.Not Pictured: Skipper Bondurant, Keith Riley, Jennifer Eason, Billy Jack Cranford, Bill Harrison, Rick Larson
September Small Business Spotlight

Commercial Bank and Trust Works Hard to Make Banking
Your Most Productive Business Relationship.
Catering to personal and small business financial needs since 1877, Commercial Bank and Trust Company is a unique full-service bank, distinguished by its impeccable customer service and refined atmosphere. Commercial Bank stands ready to put more than a century's worth of tradition to work for you. In addition to a variety of checking, savings, and retirement programs, the bank also offers competitive rates on interest-bearing accounts, money market accounts, mortgages, home equity loans, commercial/business loans and offers trust services.
We are YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY bank. A bank that knows our customers and looks forward to serving them in person, online and anywhere technology can reach them.
At Commercial Bank and Trust, we work hard to make banking your most productive business relationship. We understand that banking is mobile and we wanted to adapt to the needs of our customers. We responded by designing and developing a new responsive website www.cbtcnet.com that would be accessible on devices from desktops, to smartphones to tablets without loss of readability or function. The new site along with our mobile banking apps, including functions like remote check deposit, as well as merchant card services makes us have the most up-to-date technology for our customers' needs.
Along with our technology, we pride ourselves on our stability in the market place. More than ever, we want to offer our clients the stability and peace of mind that they need, as well as the highest level of customer service and the best banking products available. That is why we are proud of receiving a recommended 5-Star Superior rating earning the highest rating for financial strength and stability from BauerFinancial, Inc., and ranked in the top 15th percentile of Community Banks by Seifried & Brew LLC.
We offer the community strength and stability and the products they want and deserve. But more important than the physical bank branches, the technology and the accolades, it is our strong customer service and our people we are most proud to promote.
We invite you to come in and visit us at Commercial Bank and Trust. To keep up with the latest community news and banking events, follow us at https://www.facebook.com/CBTCUnionCity.
Commercial Bank and Trust was chartered in 1877. The bank has offices at 127 South First Street and 815 East Reelfoot Avenue. For more information on Commercial Bank and Trust Company, visit www.cbtcnet.com.
Board Member Spotlight
Board Member Name: Crystal Meade 
Company Name: Soleil Garden Center
Position: Owner
Work Phone: 731-885-3005
Area of Expertise: I taught in the Obion County school system for 15 years. I started as an elementary school teacher then received my Master of Art in Library Science. I was a librarian for three years at Hillcrest Elementary until I decided to grow my family with another child! We bought Virgin's Nursery two years later...
Other Interests: "I enjoy spending time with my family doing almost anything! When time permits, we enjoy travel, theatre, and riding horses."
Why did you join the Chamber? "I joined the Chamber per invitation, and I am eager to be a steward with such an innovative group with an interest in advancement for our community."
Why serve on the Board of Directors? "Serving on the Board of Directors allows me to be a part in fostering an environment for exposure to our small businesses and all we have to offer."
What is the Chamber's role in the community? "The Chamber's role in our business community is to inform and assist the businesses as we grow and succeed."
Ambassador Spotlight
Ambassador Member Name: Debbie Ams
Company Name: Union City Carpet Center
Position: Owner
Work Phone: 731-885-2830
E-mail: uccarpet1@bellsouth.net
Areas of Expertise: "I have been the owner of Union City Carpet Center for over 25 years, and during that time, have performed every aspect of business; installing, payroll, scheduling, and problem solving. Having no formal education in the art of interior decoration, I have to rely on my 40 years of experience in flooring business to make recommendations to my customers. While never proclaiming to be an "expert", I do feel I can give good ideas as to the needs or "wants" when it comes to flooring."
Other Interests: "When you own your own business, you don't have a great deal of time to call your own, but I do enjoy spending time with my grandchildren, reading, and traveling whenever I can get away (which is not as often as I wish)."
Why Serve: "Having lived in Union City for over 40 years, I have seen this city at its best and at its downside. I realize that it takes everyone to make a prosperous city and it takes businesses that care about the city and its citizens. It is my desire to make Union City a city that is attractive to new business and to help provide the existing businesses with the tools needed to succeed."Chambers Role: "To help promote EACH and EVERY business in the area, no matter how big or small. We are all important."
Why it is important to be involved: "To me, involvement in anything means you CARE. I care about what happens in my community because I have lived here most of my life. I have seen good times and bad times. In the past, there were good people not afraid to be involved. These good people cared about this area, and so do I. It's my turn now."
Awards & Recognition's
White & Associates Insurance was recognized recently at the Allstate National Conference as a Distinguished Agent.
(Pictured:John Fry, Angie O'Neal, Kelly Key & Troy Arnold (Kathy Johnson - not pictured))
Golden Living Celebrates 50 years and Dr. Bruce Brown 25 years
(Pictured: Dr. Bruce Brown, Jeff Gabbert, Executive Director)
Union City, TN Wastewater Treatment Plant Receives
Control Authority Pre-Treatment Award
(Pictured: Dwayne Hensley)
August Ribbon Cuttings
Legendary Vapors
701 E. Reelfoot Ave.
Union City, TN 38261
Royal Tan
701 E. Reelfoot Ave.
Union City, TN 38261
Red River Waste Solutions
1601 N. Hwy 51 South
Union City, TN 38261
 Workers'Compensation Seminar: Learn what the new Workers' Compensation Reform Means for Workers' Compensation Reform Bill. Find Out What This Means for Employers
September 23, 2014, Memphis, Holiday Inn & Suites, Wolfchase Gallaria, 2751 New Brunswick Road
September 26, 2014, Chattanooga, Hampton Inn & Suites, 2014 Hampton Pl Blvd
Major Workers' Compensation changes went into effect on July 1, 2014.
The Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry is offering an important � day seminar for employers to learn about significant workers' compensation changes that went into effect July 1, 2014. These pro-business changes were initiated by Governor Bill Haslam and enacted by the Tennessee General Assembly and supported by the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry. While there have been numerous Workers' Comp reform efforts over the years, the new WC law makes significant changes to Tennessee's workers' compensation systems that employers need to know.
This workshop will be conducted by attorneys who specialize in Workers' Compensation and were involved in drafting these reforms. The information shared will be valuable to business owners, managers, HR Professionals, and anyone involved in the administration of workers' comp claims.
Instructors for the seminar include Terry L. Hill with Manier & Herod, PC and Landon Lackey with Landon Lackey Law. Terry has practiced workers' comp defense for over 37 years and is considered an expert in this area. Landon was formerly with the TN division of workers' compensation and helped draft many of the changes.
You may register online at www.tnchamber.org or by fax at 615/256-6726, or email: register@tnchamber.org or call 615/256-5141 to register. 8:30am-Noon

*See below on how to apply. |
Upcoming Ribbon Cuttings!
Beginning with the Class Of 2015, The Tennessee Promise program will provide Tennessee high school graduates the opportunity to attend a community or technical college free of tuition and fees.
Dr. Bowyer
President of DSCC
September 16, 2014
Sponsored by:
Union City Carpet Center
Obion County Public Library
Thanks to those for renewing your membership for
AmeriClear Rx
Beard and Sisco Investment Center
Bethel University
Boys & Girls Club of NWTN
C.W. Sanderson's
City of Rives
City of South Fulton
Dental Center
Edmaiston Mosley Funeral Home
Elam, Glasgow & Chism
Fast Pace Urgent Care
Gibson Electric Membership Corporation
Goodwill Industries
H & M Ice
Hospitality House
Integrity Oncology
Jernigan Surgery Clinic
Main Street Union City
Manpower of West Tennessee
Mobile Nation
MVP Brands
PIP Printing
Reelfoot Bearing & Supply Co.
Reelfoot Family Walk-In Clinic
Reelfoot Lake Tourism Council
Regal Pediatrics
Regions Bank
Republic Services
Second Baptist Church of Union City
Servall Pest Control
Shea Riley Appraisers
Sign Depot
Southern Concrete Products
State Farm Agent Phyllis Edwards
Sweetwater Farms Development
The Andersons
Thompson & McConnell
Tony Maness, Attorney At Law
Union City Housing Authority
Union City J'Cettes
United Way
UT Martin REED Center/TSBDC
West Kentucky Rural Telephone Inc.
White-Ranson Funeral Home
Union City J'Cettes Make Donation

The Union City J'Cettes recently donated school supplies to the Obion County School System. Representatives from the organization include Keisha Hooper, Stacy Haynes, Jackie Richardson and Anna Parks.
August Business Matters
Landy Fuqua with the SBDC was our guest speaker for August Business Matters. She spoke on starting and small business and added in tips for controlling cost. Join us the third Tuesday of every month for Business Matters.
The Tennessee Career Center at Union City is offering Resu me' Writing workshops on Tuesday afternoons at 1 PM. Job seekers interested in attending a workshop will need to complete a resume' worksheet prior to attending a session. Space is limited, so registration is required. Register by calling 731-884-3868 between 8-4:30 Monday - Friday.
 Touching Hearts at Home of West Tennessee is taking on-line applications for Caregivers in Obion and Weakly Counties. Experience in caring for the elderly and a passion for serving are required. Contact Touching Hearts at Home for additional information on qualifications and instructions for applying, at 731-613-2526. Also, visit us on the web at www.touchingheartswesttn.com.
Searching for good employees?
Let Goodwill Career Solutions help. We not only help employees go to work; we also help employers find qualified, ready to work job applicants. We are a free service for the community.
For employers, we can host a job fair for your company. We will handle all the work whether you use online or paper applications.
We can also keep your applications on file. You can have all your job application traffic flow through our office.
We are available to help in a number of ways. Please call to set up a time to meet with our Career Counselor, Sandy Hickey at 731-884-4324.
1430 S. First Street, Union City, TN 38261 731-884-4324
List Your Available Commercial Property With Us
Let us help you spread the word about your available commercial property by listing it at www.obioncounty.org. If you have commercial property you would like to list, please contact Lindsay Frilling, Economic Development Director.
South Fulton Community Alerts
For community alerts in the South Fulton area...text "SOUTHFULTON" to 888777 and enter your zip code when directed. For more information visit www.nixle.com
Interested in sponsoring Business Matters or Business After Hours?
Contact Lindsay Frilling at
731-885-0211 or lfrilling@obioncounty.org
Any time you want to "visit" or to know what's happening in Union City and the surrounding area, just pop into this site and catch up:
ESRA sponsored a local Aviation Art Contest in January for Obion and Weakley County students - Local pilots and aviation enthusiasts as well as visitors to the airport had the opportunity to view and vote on the art that was displayed throughout the terminal. Winners were selected and prizes awarded at the local level, but all entries were forwarded to the State for judging. Winners of the State Aviation Art Contest - see attached of photos - KUCY was represented well - placing in all 3 age levels!! Senior Division - Thomas Pituch, Union City High School - 3rd place Junior Division - Michael Wallace, Union City Middle School - 3rd place Intermediate Division - Andrew Willis, Dresden Elementary School - 3rd place The art contest, sponsored by the TDOT/Aeronautics Division encourages youth ages 6-17 from all over the world to reflect on aviation at the state level based on the year's theme. Entries in three categories, ages 6-9, ages 10-13 and ages 14-17, are judged on creativity, presentation, and appropriateness to the theme. First, second, and third place winners are chosen in each category. All first place state winners receive a $200 savings bond, second place winners receive a $100 savings bond, and third place winners receive a $50 savings bond. (I believe that those placing in the State contest are offered an airplane ride by John Baugh at Lebanon airport). The Art Department of each winner's school receives a matching monetary gift to be used exclusively by the Art Department. Artwork for all winners from Tennessee and from all over the world is forwarded to NASAO to compete at the national and international level. In 2009, for the first time two Tennessee students won at the national and international level. National winners receive a certificate, ribbon, and a framed reproduction of their artwork. International winners receive a certificate and either a gold, silver, or bronze medal.