Welcome 2014-2015 Chamber Board Members! Jo Ann Speer- President- Everett-Stewart Regional Airport Amber Jones-Vice President -Commercial Bank Todd Petty-Terry Petty Chevrolet Greg Dozier-Leaders Credit Union Jason Aldridge-Thunderbolt Broadcasting Keith Riley-Tyson Foods Donny Bearden-AmeriClear Rx Billy Jack Cranford-City of Union City Bill Harrison-City of Union City Danny Patterson-Cox Oil Company Skipper Bondurant-Baptist Memorial Hospital Jennifer Eason-Reelfoot Bank Brian Kissell-First State Bank Crystal Meade-Soleil Garden Center Connie O'Neal-O'Neal's Country Store, UC Antique Mall & More Judy Barker-Attorney at Law Kerry Speer-Union City Daily Messenger Jim Cheatham-Universal Contractors Rick Larson-Union City Coca Cola |
Welcome New Chamber Members!
Covington Credit
1700 W. Reelfoot Ave. Suite 2040
Union City, TN 38261
P: 731-599-0180 F: 731-599-6948
Business Representative: Ashley Gordon
Legendary Vapors
701 E. Reelfoot Ave. Suite 300
Union City, TN 38261
Business Representative: Amy Hickerson
Royal Tan
701 E. Reelfoot Ave. Suite 300
Union City, TN 38261
Business Representative: Dan King
Woodmen of the World
Jerry Landrum
300 N. McComb St.
Martin, TN 38237
P: 731-587-4438
Kathryn McGuire
208 S. First St.
Union City, TN 38261
P: 731-676-2861
Sheila Cawley
704 Whirmantler St.
Union City, TN 38261
P: 731-446-7884 or 731-885-0406
Jon S. Kendall
2446 West State Route 21
Troy, TN 38260
P: 731-446-0458
WestStar Leadership
321 Administration Building
Martin, TN 38261
P: 731-881-7298 F: 731-881-7019
Business Representative: Virginia Grimes
Board Member Spotlight
Board Members Name: Connie Frances O'Neal
Company Name: O'Neal's Country Store & Union City Antique Mall and More
Work phone number: 1-731-885-6472
Position: Co- Owner
E-mail: connieoneal@ymail.com
Area of Expertise: Sales, Marketing, and promoting.
Other interest: Love to travel, Go Camping, and spend time with my family.
Why did I join the Chamber: "I wanted to learn more about my Community and to try to help promote and grow all the business of Obion County."
Why do you serve on the Board of directors: "Serving on the Board of Directors helps me get more involve with other businesses. I want to help Obion Co to grow and gain new jobs."
What is the Chamber's role in the Community: "To help existing businesses grow, and let our citizens know that they play the biggest part in growing our community."
Ambassador Spotlight
Ambassador Member Name: Matt Sanner
Company Name: AmeriClear Rx
Position: Director of Sales
Work Phone: 731-885-3205
E-mail: msanner@americlearrx.com
Areas of Expertise: Pharmacy Benefit Management for businesses of all sizes with a focus on their group health plan or workers compensation needs
Other Interests: Family, hunting, golf
Why Serve: "I want to learn more about the role the chamber plays in the development of the business community in Obion County. Getting a behind the scenes look at the programs and activities that the chamber offers will allow me to more effectively apply those ideas and methods to our business as we grow within Obion County and throughout the business world."
Chambers Role: "The role of the Obion County Chamber of Commerce is to provide existing business through Obion County with a network of contacts and information resources. Also, to continually look for ways to grow the business infrastructure in Obion County throughout the recruitment of new and diverse industry."
Why it is important to be involved: "If people who actually live in Obion County do not take interest and promote our community, then others outside of the community will never know what a great place it is to do business and live."
August Small Business Spotlight
Congressman Stephen Fincher
Stephen Fincher, 41, is a managing partner of Fincher Farms, a seventh generation West Tennessee based agribusiness. Stephen has been involved in agribusiness his entire life and lives in the Frog Jump community of Crockett County.
At the age of nine, Stephen joined his family in the Southern gospel music ministry, started more than 60 years ago. The Finchers produce and record their own music, and they have performed over 2,000 events throughout the Southeast.
Stephen is a Lifetime Member of the NRA. He and his wife Lynn have been married for over 20 years and have three children John Austin, Noah and Sarah. The family is actively involved in Archer's Chapel Methodist Church. A dynamic force in his community, Stephen has championed many local causes by fundraising and directly assisting those in need.
Inspired by a desire to serve his fellow citizens and get America back on track, Stephen ran for Congress in 2009 and joined the House of Representatives in 2010. Now in his second term, Stephen sits on the House Committee on Financial Services and the House Committee on Agriculture.
Stephen understands, firsthand, that jobs are not created by Washington bureaucrats, but rather by hard-working folks in Tennessee. He brings his personal experience as a businessman to Washington D.C. and is committed to taking every possible step to empower people to invest and create jobs, cut government spending, and make Washington more accountable to taxpayers.
Currently Stephen is working hard to create more good-paying jobs for folks in West Tennessee. He's voted in support of over 40 jobs bills that, including one to pass the Keystone XL Pipeline, which would not only create good-paying jobs, but make America more energy independent. He also introduced legislation that would create a permanent federal income tax deduction for state and local sales taxes paid by Tennessee residents and other states, which have no general state income tax.
Of the sales tax deduction, Fincher said: "Making the sales tax deduction permanent is about fairness and will put more money back into the pockets of hardworking Tennesseans. This deduction will help fuel Tennessee's economy by keeping money in the state and giving taxpayers the certainty they need to plan ahead. It will not only help generate jobs, it will also promote investment in local economies and attract new business."
Heather Waggoner of is Congressman Fincher's field rep for the area and can be contacted at Heather.Waggoner@mail.house.gov or (731) 588-5190. The local office is located at 406 Lindell St in Martin, TN.
Lindsay Frilling, IOM Graduates from Institute for Organization Management
A Leadership Training Program Produced by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Institute for Organization Management, the professional development program of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, is pleased to announce that Lindsay Frilling, IOM, Economic Development Director, of the Obion County Joint Economic Development Council, has graduated from the program and has received the recognition of IOM. Awarded to all graduates of the Institute program, the IOM Graduate Recognition signifies the individual's completion of 96 hours of course instruction in nonprofit management. In addition, participants can earn credit hours toward the Certified Chamber Executive (CCE) or Certified Association Executive (CAE) certifications. Nearly 1,000 individuals attend Institute annually.
"Institute graduates are recognized across the country as leaders in their industries and organizations," said Raymond P. Towle, IOM, CAE, the U.S. Chamber Foundation's vice president of Institute for Organization Management. "These individuals have the knowledge, skills, and dedication necessary to achieve professional and organizational success in the dynamic association and chamber industries."
Since its commencement in 1921, the Institute program has been educating tens of thousands of association, chamber, and other nonprofit leaders on how to build stronger organizations, better serve their members and become strong business advocates. Institute's curriculum consists of four weeklong sessions at five different university locations throughout the country. Through a combination of required courses and electives in areas such as leadership, advocacy, marketing, finance, and membership, Institute participants are able to enhance their own organizational management skills and add new fuel to their organizations, making them run more efficiently and effectively.
Institute for Organization Management is the professional development program of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. It is the premier nonprofit professional development program for association and chamber professionals, fostering individual growth through interactive learning and networking opportunities.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation (USCCF) is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce dedicated to strengthening America's long-term competitiveness by addressing developments that affect our nation, our economy, and the global business environment.
institute.uschamber.com @IOMeducates
For more information, contact:
Kara Ward
Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator
Phone: (731) 884-8750
E-mail : kara.ward@bmhcc.org
Baptist Union City Recognized for Safe, Efficient and Effective Care
Union City, Tenn., July 9, 2014 -Recently, Premier, Inc., named Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union City as a finalist for the QUEST� Award for High-value Healthcare.
Nationwide, only 37 hospitals are finalists out of 330 hospitals eligible for the honors. Hospitals that were named finalists achieved top performance in five of the six areas measured in Premier's QUEST collaborative: harm, mortality, readmissions, costs, patient experience and evidence-based care.
"This data reveals that we provide high-quality care at lower costs, which is very important in today's health care market," said Teresa Vinson, director of quality at Baptist Union City.
QUEST is a performance improvement collaborative of approximately 350 hospitals working to make health care safer, more efficient and consistently effective. In five and a half years, they have saved more than 136,000 lives and $11.6 billion.
Premier, Inc., is a leading health care improvement company, uniting an alliance of approximately 3,000 U.S. hospitals and 110,000 other providers to transform health care. A Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recipient, Premier plays a critical role in the rapidly evolving health care industry, collaborating with members to co-develop long-term innovations that reinvent and improve the way care is delivered to patients nationwide.
Chamber Happenings-VF Outlet Relocates!
VF Outlet is now located at its new location (1700 W. Reelfoot Ave. in Union City). Stop by on this tax free weekend and check them out!
So You Want to Start a Business? Tips to Control Cost.
Landy Fuqua, TSBDC
August 19, 2014
Sponsored By:
Commercial Bank
Obion County Public Library
Thanks to those for renewing your membership for 2014-2015!
Ad Pro Designs/Vernon Co.
Advanced Gastroenterology
AJ Salvage
Alexander Auctions & Real Estate
Alexander Thompson Arnold
Align Chiropractic
All Kraft Erectors
Alliance Application Equipment
Ameriprise Financial
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar
Atmos Energy
Attorney John Miles
Baptist Memorial Hospital
Barker Building Rentals
Barkley Construction
Blackley Motors
BR Supply
Bucks Enterprise
Buddy's Wrecker Service
Buy, Sell & Trade Pawn Shop
CAM Electric
CareAll Home Care
Carey Counseling
Carpenter Real Estate Company
Center Point Business Solutions
Century 21
Chancellor Mike Maloan
City of Hornbeak
City of Kenton
Clay Woods
Collision Specialty
Commercial Bank
Conley Campbell
Country Heath Inn
Cox Oil Co.
Creative Catering
Danny Larcom Heating & Air
Discovery Park of America
Dixie Gun Works
Doctor's Clinic
Douglas Tax Service
Dr. Bobo
Drs. Jordan and Bondurant
Dunn's Auto Body
Dyersburg State Community College
Edward Jones
Everett-Stewart Regional Airport
Family Check Advance
Farm Credit Services
Federal Materials Co.
Felecia Bella
Final Flight Outfitters
First Choice Farm & Lawn
First Citizens Financial Plus
First Citizens National Bank
First State Bank
First State Mortgage
Five Seasons Mens Shop
Ford Construction Company
Fuller Partners Real Estate
Fulton Decorating Center
Fulton Plaza Motor Inn
G & H Tool & Die, Inc.
Golden Living Center
Green Acres Mobile Homes
Griffin Industries
H & O Tool & Die
H & R Agri-Power
H & R Block
Hale's Commercial Cleaning
Hampton Inn
Hanafee Bros., Sawmill Co., Inc.
Harpole Telecom
Health Quest
Heritage Bank
Herman Jenkins Motors
Inco Ag
J.R. Wauford & Company
JD Distributors
Jere W. Crenshaw D.D.S.
Jiffy Steamer
Job World
Johnson Heating & Air
Judge Acree
Judy Barker, Attorney At Law
Ken-Tenn Wireless
Kenton Chevrolet
Kiwanis Club of Union City
Kizer Pharmacy
K-Mac Enterprises
Krietman's Towing
Lakeview Dining Room
Lanzer Printing & Office Supplies
Lashlee-Rich, Inc.
Lawns & More
Leaders Credit Union
Loden Vision Center of Paris
Los Portales
Lowe's Home Improvements
Lowrance Sound Company
Magical Minks
Magnolia Place
Mathis Battery
McDonald's Restaurant
Northwest Tennessee Cardiology Clinic
Northwest Tennessee Workforce Board
Obion County Farm Bureau
Obion County Public Library
O'Neals Country Store
Phillips Engineering
Polk Glover
Premier Primary Care
RC Mechanical
Reelfoot Animal Hospital
Reelfoot Bank
Reelfoot Metal Building Supply
Reelfoot Regional Association
Reelfoot Shopping Center
Reelfoot Warehousing
ReMax United
Revell Construction
Reynolds Brothers
Searcy Building Contactors
Security Finance
Servall Gutter
Shelter Insurance
Shoe Shack
Small World Child Care
Snappy Tomato Pizza
Soleil Garden Center
Southern Machinery Repair
Star Physical Therapy
State Farm Agent Chris Williams
Steven J. Harpole D.D.S.
Steve's Jewelers
Storey Sawmill & Lumber Co.
Sugar & Spice
Sullivan Dentistry
Synergy Aquatics
Tencom Services
Tennessee Tractor
The Chocolate Bunny
The Color Shop
The Etheridge House
The Hamilton-Ryker
The Stevenson Group, Inc.
Thunderbolt Broadcasting
Top of the World Distributors
Touching Hearts at Home
Town of Obion
Town of Troy
Town of Woodland Mills
Travel One
Tri-State International
Troy Pharmacy
Twin Oaks Technology
UC Antique & More Mall, Inc.
Union City Carpet Center
Union City Coca-Cola
Union City Daily Messenger
Union City Electric System
Union City Eye Care
Union City Ford
Union City Jaycees
Union City Parts
Union City Rotary Club
Union City Urgent Care
Volunteer Lenders
Vowell & Sons, Inc.
Wade Acres LLC
Warner Law Firm
West Tennessee Orthopedics
West Tennessee Regional Blood Center
Westan Insurance
Westate Corrections Network
White & Associates Insurance
White Mahon Funeral Home
Williams Sausage
Wise Staffing
Women's Clinic
Wood Communicatons
World Finance Corporation
Wynridge Golf Club
The Tennessee Career Center at Union City is offering Resu me' Writing workshops on Tuesday afternoons at 1 PM. Job seekers interested in attending a workshop will need to complete a resume' worksheet prior to attending a session. Space is limited, so registration is required. Register by calling 731-884-3868 between 8-4:30 Monday - Friday.
 Touching Hearts at Home of West Tennessee is taking on-line applications for Caregivers in Obion and Weakly Counties. Experience in caring for the elderly and a passion for serving are required. Contact Touching Hearts at Home for additional information on qualifications and instructions for applying, at 731-613-2526. Also, visit us on the web at www.touchingheartswesttn.com.
Searching for good employees?
Let Goodwill Career Solutions help. We not only help employees go to work; we also help employers find qualified, ready to work job applicants. We are a free service for the community.
For employers, we can host a job fair for your company. We will handle all the work whether you use online or paper applications.
We can also keep your applications on file. You can have all your job application traffic flow through our office.
We are available to help in a number of ways. Please call to set up a time to meet with our Career Counselor, Sandy Hickey at 731-884-4324.
1430 S. First Street, Union City, TN 38261 731-884-4324
List Your Available Commercial Property With Us
Let us help you spread the word about your available commercial property by listing it at www.obioncounty.org. If you have commercial property you would like to list, please contact Lindsay Frilling, Economic Development Director.
South Fulton Community Alerts
For community alerts in the South Fulton area...text "SOUTHFULTON" to 888777 and enter your zip code when directed. For more information visit www.nixle.com
Interested in sponsoring Business Matters or Business After Hours?
Contact Lindsay Frilling at
731-885-0211 or lfrilling@obioncounty.org
Any time you want to "visit" or to know what's happening in Union City and the surrounding area, just pop into this site and catch up: