Pediatric Place
1345 Edwards St.
Union City, TN 38261
P: 731-885-4338
Representative: Dr. John Bates
The Andersons
315 W. Dr. Martin Luther King Dr.
Union City, TN 38261
P: 731-885-9201 F: 731-885-9227
Type of Business: Agriculture
Business Representative: Chad Davidson
LA Speech Therapy
126 E. Main St., Suite C
Union City, TN 38261
P: 731-599-9896 F: 866-611-9554
Business Representative: Jennifer Thomas
After many months of discussion, the Obion County Chamber Ambassador program finally kicked off in April! Eight members were asked to join the inaugural group of "chamber cheerleaders". They met over lunch and discussed the mission and goals of the chamber. As chamber ambassadors they have the opportunity to not only participate in chamber events but to represent their businesses and the Obion County Chamber simultaneously. We sincerely appreciate these volunteers and look forward to working with them over the next year!
Pictured from left to right:
Trent Ams, Debbie Ams, Dustin McBride, Brittany Taylor, Matt Sanner, Lorraine Beachum, Justin Stokes, Mandy Hinson
 Board Member Name: Andy Page
Company Name: First State Bank
Position: Regional Bank President
Work Phone: 731-886-8979
Areas of Expertise: Bank management as well as a role in serving with customer and community excellence.
Other Interests: Farm interest. "I grew up farming and currently have a 50-head cow/calf operation."
Why did you join the Chamber?
"I really wanted to be a part of something that is so energetically involved in all the small businesses of Obion County and genuinely want to lend a hand in helping those businesses grow. I also really like the programs the Chamber offers. They are informative and quite helpful."
Why do you serve on the Board of Directors?
"Serving on the Board of Directors allows me to give small business a voice when decisions on what direction the chamber will take come up."
What is the Chamber's role in the business community?
"Assisting new, old, small or large businesses succeed and grow while allowing businesses to network with each other to increase business."
Ambassador Name:
Justin Stokes
Company Name:
First State Bank
Loan Review Analyst
Work Phone:
Areas of Expertise: Analyzing personal and corporate financial statements and tax returns. Also identifying and understanding trends from these statements. Knowledgeable about all types for credits including agriculture, consumer, and commercial credits. I also am very knowledgeable about Allowance for Loan and Lease Loss procedures and allocations.
Other Interests: Sports, Titans football, Cardinals baseball, and golf. Also enjoy reading and traveling.
Why Serve:
"Serving as an Ambassador give me an opportunity to work with the Obion County Chamber on many events as well as working with members of the chamber to better promote and support Obion County."
Chamber's Role:
"The role of the Obion County Chamber of Commerce is to help businesses succeed in Obion County by providing a centralized group that works together to maintain a well networked and well educated base that can help each other succeed."
Why it is important to be involved:
"It is important for people to be involved with your community because it gives you a sense of ownership and community pride."
I am Heather Waggoner, and I am a Field Representative for Congressman Stephen Fincher. I cover four counties in the 8th District including Obion, Weakley, Henry, and Carroll, and I have been in this position since August of 2012. My role is to be the liaison between Congressman Fincher and his constituents. Therefore, it is extremely important that I be involved with the communities in my counties in order to be successful in my field of work. The Obion County Chamber does an outstanding job at providing opportunities to make this happen. Lindsay and Katie work very hard to give people the chance to network and learn with one another. They are also very diligent in making sure that the members know about current events that are occurring in the community! This has been a major benefit for me! Because of their willingness to make the community knowledgeable, I am able to attend many events that I might otherwise miss out on. I encourage each of you to take advantage of the Business Matters meetings they have each month at the Obion County Library, the ribbon cuttings that occur quite frequently, the banquets, the tournaments, Business After Hours, and the list could go on and on. The Obion County Chamber does its job in providing opportunities for each member to better themselves and their line of work. The question is whether or not we will recognize and appreciate the opportunities before us. You will not regret being involved in this great organization!
Heather Waggoner
Field Representative for Congressman Fincher
406 Lindell St.
Martin, TN 38237
May Small Business Spotlight

The Hamilton-Ryker Company was founded by Wayne McCreight in 1971. Crawford Gallimore joined him in his business in 1972. Together, the two have grown Hamilton-Ryker to a Regional Human Resource company with multiple locations, in multiple states, providing flexible staffing solutions in the manufacturing, distribution, healthcare and information technology sectors. Additionally, Hamilton-Ryker is a leader in offering strategic human resource services including executive recruitment, outplacement, consulting, training and risk management support to clients.
The Hamilton-Ryker Company opened the Union City staffing office in 1992 and for 24 years have continued to provide innovative employment solutions for Obion County.
Angie Worley, the current Branch Manager of the Union City office, became part of the Hamilton-Ryker team in February of 2012. She was joined by Penny Webber, Staffing Coordinator, in May of 2012. Crystal Morris serves as the Administrative Assistant for the Union City team and has since September.
Together, these ladies strive daily to meet the needs of both Hamilton-Ryker clients & associates. Hamilton-Ryker is proud to be part of Obion County! Contact them today at 731-885-1540!
Breakfast with the President
Quarterly, new chamber members gather with our Chamber President Todd Petty over breakfast to discuss how to benefit most from their chamber membership. Over 10 new chamber businesses and their employees were present along with several of our board members. Connections were made, networking took place and relationships were built. Thank you to all of our new chamber members and we look forward to all of your involvement in the years to come!
(Chamber President Todd Petty with Daniel Keller of Lowe's)
April Business Matters

Steve Smith with Touching Hearts at Home was our guest speaker for April's Business Matters. Touching Hearts at Home is state licensed for personal care assistance, memory care services, accompaniment, and outpatient accompaniment. The event was sponsored by Goodwill Career Solutions. Join us next month!
Union City Hosts Main Street Managers across State

Tennessee Main Street managers had their second quarter meeting in Union City in April. The Tennessee Historical Commission organized the day and did a "Preservation 101" presentation. The Commission discussed historic building surveys, National Register nominations, grants and tax credits, historic building codes and how to build preservation partners. Preservation planners from the Northwest Tennessee Development District and the Memphis Area Association of Governments were also present. Additionally, the Main Street managers toured the new Discovery Park of America in Union City.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Friday, May 18, 2014 Contact: Andrew Weller 202-463-5802
U.S. Chamber's Institute Awards Lindsay Frilling of Tennessee the Regent Scholarship
A Leadership Training Program Produced by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation
WASHINGTON, D.C.- Institute for Organization Management, the professional development program of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, is pleased to announce that Lindsay Frilling, Economic Development Director, of the Obion County Joint Economic Development Council, has been awarded a Regent Scholarship. Given to professionals across the country, the Regent Scholarships recognize each recipient for their involvement in industry professional organizations, community service, and professional background.
"Regent scholarships offer executives the opportunity to attend Institute and learn about emerging industry trends, expand their organizations' influence, and grow their peer network," said Raymond P. Towle, IOM, CAE, vice president of Institute for Organization Management at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. "We are pleased to help these talented professionals advance their careers and organizations."
Since its commencement in 1921, the Institute program has been educating tens of thousands of association, chamber, and other nonprofit leaders on how to build stronger organizations, better serve their members and become strong business advocates. Institute's curriculum consists of four weeklong sessions at five different university locations throughout the country. Through a combination of required courses and electives in areas such as leadership, advocacy, marketing, finance, and membership, Institute participants are able to enhance their own organizational management skills and add new fuel to their organizations, making them run more efficiently and effectively.
Each of the Regent Scholarship recipients will attend one of Institute's five sites in 2014. At the completion of the four-year curriculum, each of the recipients will receive the IOM graduate recognition, signifying completion of 96 hours of course instruction in nonprofit management and their commitment to the industry. In addition, all credit hours earned through Institute may be applied toward the Certified Chamber Executive (CCE) or Certified Association Executive (CAE) industry certification.
Graduates of Institute receive the IOM recognition, signifying completion of 96 hours of course instruction in nonprofit management. In addition, participants can earn credit hours toward the Certified Chamber Executive (CCE) or Certified Association Executive (CAE) certifications. Nearly 1,000 individuals attend Institute annually.
Institute for Organization Management is the professional development program of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. It is the premier nonprofit professional development program for association and chamber professionals, fostering individual growth through interactive learning and networking opportunities.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation (USCCF) is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce dedicated to strengthening America's long-term competitiveness by addressing developments that affect our nation, our economy, and the global business environment. @IOMeducates
Lindsay Frilling, Economic Development Director
Hear how we market Obion County to perspective businesses and create an environment for job growth
May 20, 2014
Obion County Public Library
Sponsored by:
White & Associates Insurance
The Tennessee Career Center at Union City is offering Resu me' Writing workshops on Tuesday afternoons at 1 PM. Job seekers interested in attending a workshop will need to complete a resume' worksheet prior to attending a session. Space is limited, so registration is required. Register by calling 731-884-3868 between 8-4:30 Monday - Friday.
 Touching Hearts at Home of West Tennessee is taking on-line applications for Caregivers in Obion and Weakly Counties. Experience in caring for the elderly and a passion for serving are required. Contact Touching Hearts at Home for additional information on qualifications and instructions for applying, at 731-613-2526. Also, visit us on the web at
Health Insurance Notice
Do you know anyone that does not have health insurance?
Did you know in 2014- if you do not have health insurance you will pay a penalty?
The penalty is 1% of household income or $95.00, whichever is more.
Below are a few examples of premiums under the new Affordable Care Act:
- Female age 60 nonsmoker- makes $15,000 a year, $0 deductible and the premium is $6.75 a month
- Male, age 35 nonsmoker- makes $30,000 a year, $0 deductible and the premium was $42 a month
The rate is based on county you live in, age, and modified adjusted gross income

Stop by: White & Associates Insurance
707 S. 1st Street in Union City
John Fry at 731-885-2599.
If you haven't used it, worn it, or played with it in the last year, it's time to give it to Goodwill.
DE cluttering doesn't have to be daunting. Get tips for combating clutter, and learn more about how your donations change lives, on our website.
12 Donation Sites Extending Hours
January 2014 turned out to be the coldest month in more than a decade. When the weather turns cold, donations tend to drop. That's why we're extending hours at more donation sites, giving more people an opportunity to donate. Find your nearest Donation Express Center.
Goodwill relies heavily on donations to fulfill its mission of providing employment and training opportunities to people who have trouble finding and keeping jobs. You can make an immediate impact by shopping in the stores, or by donating the following items: clothing, household goods, shoes and accessories.
Searching for good employees?
Let Goodwill Career Solutions help. We not only help employees go to work; we also help employers find qualified, ready to work job applicants. We are a free service for the community.
For employers, we can host a job fair for your company. We will handle all the work whether you use online or paper applications.
We can also keep your applications on file. You can have all your job application traffic flow through our office.
We are available to help in a number of ways. Please call to set up a time to meet with our Career Counselor, Sandy Hickey at 731-884-4324.
1430 S. First Street, Union City, TN 38261 731-884-4324
List Your Available Commercial Property With Us
Let us help you spread the word about your available commercial property by listing it at If you have commercial property you would like to list, please contact Lindsay Frilling, Economic Development Director.
South Fulton Community Alerts
For community alerts in the South Fulton area...text "SOUTHFULTON" to 888777 and enter your zip code when directed. For more information visit
Interested in sponsoring Business Matters or Business After Hours?
Contact Lindsay Frilling at
731-885-0211 or
Any time you want to "visit" or to know what's happening in Union City and the surrounding area, just pop into this site and catch up: