NPMA/CPMA Lead Canadian Effort to Preserve Metal Phosphides and Phosphine Gas
We previously reported that the Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has reevaluated aluminum and magnesium phosphide and phosphine gas. In the reevaluation, PMRA concluded that there are unacceptable risks to workers and bystanders and has imposed buffer zones ranging from 50 to 500 meters around the treated structure. NPMA and the Canadian Pest Management Association (CPMA) are working furiously to reverse the decision, arguing that:
- The decision will have a devastating impact on the pest management, food production, storage and transportation industries,
- There are often no alternatives available,
- PMRA failed to consult with key stakeholders before making the decision, and
- More than half century of real world data without adverse impact of bystanders our workers outside of a treated structure.
The phosphine manufacturers have filed a Notice of Objection with PMRA and CPMA.
Update: On November 11, representatives of NPMA and the Canadian Pest Management Association met with senior officials at the Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency regarding it's decision to impose buffer zones of 50 to 500 meters. Later in the day, registrants met separately with PMRA. Though not committal in our meeting, registrants report that PMRA advised them that they would not extend a deadline to submit data and that unless product registrations are amended by November 22nd to comply with the new buffer zone requirements, the registrations will be null and void on December 31st of this year. The decision will have a devastating impact on Canadian agriculture, food production and international trade. NPMA and CPMA continue working with registrants and downstream customers to explore regulatory, legal and political options.
Click here to view CPMA letters objecting to the decision and supporting the manufacturers' objection.
SPMAO 2015 Fall Workshops
Pest control operators who join us in November will gain valuable industry updates from experts in the field. IPM continuing education credits are now available for several educational and regulatory sessions of interest to pest professionals.
Tuesday, November 17 Four Points by Sheraton Kingston, ON
Tuesday, November 24 - SOLD OUT!
Best Western Plus Lamplighter Inn & Conference Centre London, ON
Educational and Professional Topics Include:
- The Evolution of Rodenticides and Soft Bait Technology (.5 CEUs)
- Rodent Management - Behavior and Selecting Proper Tools (.5 CEUs)
- Small Fly Control (.6 CEUs)
- Regulatory Update (.75 CEUs)
- Control Your Risk and Increase Your Bottom Line
Sponsored by:
Special discounts apply when registering two or more attendees!
The registration form and details are here.
Mosquito Discovered in Western Canada for the First Time
A mosquito species capable of transmitting disease vectors, Aedes japonicus, has been discovered living in British Columbia for the first time. This invasive species from Asia was first detected in eastern North America in 1998 and has since spread widely across North America but the latest findings, and comparisons of A. japonicus populations in OR and WA, suggest that West Coast populations represent a different introduction from Asia than eastern populations. This species has been demonstrated to be able to carry several noteworthy pathogenic agents, including those that cause West Nile virus, dengue fever, St. Louis encephalitis, and earlier this year, La Crosse encephalitis.
Aedes japonicus adults are fairly large and resemble other Aedes mosquitoes (aegypti, albopictus) but are differentiated by having yellowish scales on the thorax. Eggs are commonly laid in containers, storm drains, and tree holes. This paper was published in the most recent volume of the Journal of Medical Entomology under the title, "The first record of Aedes (Hulecoeteomyia) japonicus (Diptera: Culicidae) and its establishment in Western Canada."
Lighting the Path to Improved Pest Management
It's a well-known fact that light attracts pests, and yet, most facility managers don't consider pest management when designing and installing lighting systems in and around their properties.
Many nocturnal flying insects are drawn to exterior lighting around buildings - pests such as moths, flies and beetles. Why? There is no definitive answer, but one theory is that they evolved to use the natural light of the sun or moon to navigate. Keeping this natural light on one side of their body helps maintain a straight, steady flight path. When they come across artificial light, they mistake it for the sun or moon and try to use it as navigational aid, but because it emits light in multiple directions, they become confused. Now, keeping light on one side of their body leads them to fly endlessly around the light source. When lighting attracts insects to a building, there's a greater chance they will find a way inside through unscreened windows, doors, cracks and crevices. What's more, insects can attract other pests to a property: insect predators including rodents, birds, bats and raccoons. The good news is that proper lighting systems at strategic locations canbe used to minimize pest problems. Here are some tips to keep pests from creating more pest pressure on a property.
Have You Logged Into the New NPMA Website?
The NPMA website, www.npmapestworld.org, has gotten a facelift and is more user friendly than ever! Here are the top five things you can do as of today...we'll be adding a lot more features over the next few months!
- You can update your own member profile
- You can tell us what you want to hear about
- You can print your membership certificate (but only if you are the primary contact for your company)
- You can add new staff to your membership listing (but only if you are the primary contact for your company)
- You can update your company information (but only if you are the primary contact for your company)
You should have received an email in the last few weeks which included your login information. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact NPMA at 800.678.6722 or npma@pestworld.org.
Structural Pesticide Licensing Course
Pest Certified is offering a three-day weekend course that is designed to help students pass the Ministry of the Environment pesticides licensing exam.
January 25-27, 2016 Best Western 161 Chisholm Drive Milton, ON Fee: $395 plus HST The course will review the Ontario Pesticides Act, safety protocols, IPM principals, and math calculations for mixing and applying product. Pest biology and habits and safe use and selection of pesticides will also be covered. Students need to apply for the licensing package which contains the study material prior to the course commencement. Applications for the licensing material and exam are to be sent here.To register, please email jeff.twinn@rogers.com or phone 519-719-8262. Sign up early as space is limited.
QualityPro: Making the Most of Certification
Standing out from the competition is never easy. QualityPro certified companies not only have an edge over competitors with their trained and professional staff; they can display the elite QualityPro credential. QualityPro will customize letters for certified companies for proposals, websites, and on-site service logs. The letter describes what QualityPro certification says about a company's professionalism and why choosing a certified company is a wise choice. To take advantage of this resource, e-mail qualitypro@pestworld.org. For more ways to market your certification, visit www.QualityProTools.org/marketing.
Save the Date: Pest Management Canada

Join us for Pest Management Canada, April 13- 15, 2016 at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront. To make hotel reservations for the meeting, please call 800-943-6760 to receive the rate of $166 per night.

Coming Soon: PesTech3.0 2016, Wildlife Expo and Regional Conferences
This winter NPMA will pull together professionals from throughout the country for a series of meetings to keep you current on the latest in the industry. Join us at PesTech3.0 2016 from January 5-7 in in San Jose, CA for a mix of business management sessions and interactive breakout groups featuring up-and-coming information/digital technologies for the pest management industry. "The changes in technology in the past five years have been extraordinary," stated NPMA CEO Bob Rosenberg.
"During PesTech3.0 2016, companies will have the opportunity to learn about advances in mobile technologies, business automation, big data, security and other technologies on the horizon that will improve their efficiencies and create opportunities for financial growth."
The conference will feature technology thought leaders and provide a forum for attendees to learn from each other about their technology experiences as well as the current technologies used to enhance daily practices within their pest management businesses. Hotel information and registration forms for the conference are available on NPMA's website.
Professionals who are involved in wildlife management or are considering offering this valuable add-on service will want to join the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and the National Wildlife Control Operators Association (NWCOA) for the Wildlife Expo 2016, January 15-17, Las Vegas, NV. The educational program will provide both technical and business-related information. Hotel information for Wildlife Expo 2016 is available here.
Also upcoming in January, regional conferences bring together members for the opportunity to network and learn. The Eastern Conference this year takes place at the Kalahari Resort, Poconos, PA from January 13-15. At the end of the month, The Southwestern Conference will be held at the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown Hotel from January 26-28. The Southern Conference 2016 follows from February 9-10 at the Hilton Memphis, Memphis, TN.