Call for Nominations: 2015 Board of Directors Elections
Deadline for Nominations: March 20
SPMAO, the largest and oldest structural pest management association in Ontario, is currently seeking nominations of individuals from member companies of all sizes to the SPMAO Board of Directors.
This is your opportunity to make a difference in the pest control industry. Whether it's through navigating compliance issues, developing training and professional development programs, or advocating on our industry's behalf before local governments, we need your thoughts, ideas and dedication to help continue to advance pest management professionals in our province. SPMAO Board members have provided input on areas such as government rules and regulations, municipal affairs, education, health and safety, pesticides licensing and re certification and wildlife management.
I urge you to consider nominating yourself or a colleague to the SPMAO Board. We meet quarterly and host conference calls during the busy season.
Nominations should be sent to spmao@pestworld.org no later than March 20 for consideration. The election will take place at the Annual General Membership Meeting on April 1 at 1 p.m.
You can make a difference in our industry.
Contact spmao@pestworld.org to submit a nomination or for more information.
Join Us for the Annual General Meeting
April 1, 2015
Hilton Garden Inn Toronto, Vaughn
The following matters will constitute an AGENDA:
- Call To Order
- Treasurer's Report
- President's Report
- Board of Directors Election
- Such other business as may properly come before the meeting (please send any agenda requests to spmao@pestworld.org by March 20, 2015)
Please RSVP your attendance to the AGM by return email to spmao@pestworld.org by March 27, 2015.
For more information, click here.
Sandy Costa SPMAO President
There's Still Time to Register for Pest Management Canada 2015!
The Canadian Pest Management Association (CPMA) and the Pest Management Association of Alberta (PMAA), in conjunction with the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), are proud to present Pest Management Canada 2015!
Join us on March 19-21 at the Westin Calgary for three days of networking, education, exhibits, and your opportunity to meet with fellow pest management professionals from across the country.
Structural Pesticide Licensing Preparation Course
March 28- 30, 2015
Best Western, 161 Chisholm Drive, Milton, ON
Pest Certified is offering a 3 day weekend course that is designed to help students pass the Ministry of the Environment pesticides licensing exam.
The course will review the Ontario Pesticides Act, safety protocols, IPM principals, math calculations for mixing and applying product, pest biology and habits, as well as safe use and selection of pesticides.
Students need to apply for the licensing package which contain the study material prior to the course commencement. Applications for the licensing material and exam can be found here.
Preparation course fee: $395 plus HST
To register for the preparation course please email Jeff Twinn or contact him directly at 519-719-8262 as space is limited.
Call for Nominations: Young Entrepreneur Award
Deadline for Submission: August 29
NPMA is currently accepting nominations for the annual Young Entrepreneur Award, presented by Rentokil Pest Control, recognizing young entrepreneurs (40 years of age or less) working in the professional pest management industry who have helped create or develop an industry business and/or those who have stewarded a meaningful industry concept to fruition. Click here for more details on requirements and to submit a nomination.
Submit a Nomination for the Women of Excellence Award
Deadline for Submission: August 29
NPMA is now accepting nominations for the annual Women of Excellence Award, sponsored by Target Specialty Products. The international honor is open to women across the pest management industry - PMP's, manufacturers, research organizations, etc. - who demonstrate outstanding leadership and have made notable contributions to the development and growth of the profession, their business, and other women in the industry. Award nominations are due by Aug. 29, 2015 and the recipient will be recognized at PestWorld 2015, Oct. 20-23 in Nashville. Click here to view requirements and to submit your nomination.
PWIPM Now Accepting Nominations for the Professional Empowerment Grant
Deadline for Submission: August 2

PWIPM is now accepting nominations for their annual Professional Empowerment Grant. This grant will be awarded to one female who is interested in advancing or securing a career in pest management. This grant may be used by the recipient to defer costs related to advancing their career or education in the pest management industry. The grant will be a minimum of $1000. It also includes $500 towards travel expenses to attend the National Pest Management Association's PestWorld in Nashville, TN in October 2015. Click here for more details and requirements.
Killing Rats and Licensing Cats
Hamilton Spectator, March 11, 2015 (Ontario)
Coun. Sam Merulla wants to enlist captured feral cats in the city's growing battle against swarms of rats. Merulla's idea is to expand the local SPCA's program of trapping, neutering and returning stray cats to the street by strategically placing feral colonies in rodential hot spots. Read More...
Public on Board as Ontario Rescues Honey-bees With Pesticide Laws
Digital Journal, March 6, 2015 (Ontario)
The use of neonicotinoid pesticides on crops in Ontario will soon be reduced dramatically and the public is happy about it. Read more...