Registration is Open for the 2015 CPCA Spring Conference!
March 12 - 13, 2015
Ramada Plaza Hotel & Convention Center
Do you need certification credits in Colorado? Do you want to meet with vendor reps and learn about the latest products and services to better your business? Is education for yourself and your employees a goal in 2015 and beyond?
If the answer is yes to any of these, then the CPCA Spring Conference is the place to be! You'll hear from exciting speakers, learn about the latest products and services in the exhibit hall, and network with colleagues from the area.
Program Highlights
With presentations from some of the top experts in the industry, including Dr. Roger Gold, Lonnie Anderson, and Jim Dotson, This year's program is not-to-be-missed. Sessions will focus on:
- Bed Bug
- Wood Destroying Organisms
- Roach Control
- Public Safety
- and much more...
Click here to view the complete educational program.
CO Pesticide Applicator's Act Bill Passed
The Colorado Senate this week passed legislation extending the Pesticide Applicators' Act from July 1, 2015 to September 1, 2024. The bill will now move to the House for further consideration
Military Veterans in the Pest Management Industry
NPMA is committed to recognizing the contribution made by veterans of the U.S. Armed forces and engaging them in a successful transition to a productive and rewarding career in the pest management industry. To that end, we created PestVets to promote the recruitment of veterans into the industry and identify programs that support the pest management industry veteran community.
The organizational meeting of the group will be held during Legislative Day at 7:00 a.m. on Monday, March 16. Members that participate in the organizational meeting are invited to a private meeting with General Stanley McChrystal, the Legislative Day keynote speaker, sponsored by FMC. General McChrystal served most recently as Commander, International Security Assistance Force and Commander, U.S. Forces Afghanistan. He previously served as Director, Joint Staff from August 2008 to June 2009 and as Commander, Joint Special Operations Command from 2003 to 2008.
Does Foraging Age Contribute to Colony Collapse Disorder?
A team of scientists, led by Dr. Clint J. Perry of Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, has been investigating possible mechanisms for colony collapse disorder, a so-far unexplained problem that has sporadically plagued managed bee colonies since it was described in 2006. CCD is not synonymous with bee decline. Rather, it describes a specific suite of symptoms in which the foraging worker bees disappear while the hive, queen, brood, and honey remain intact.
In this research, the demographics of the colony were manipulated so younger bees would have to forage; something that may happen in a stressed colony when older and more experienced foraging bees die at a high rate (due to parasites, pathogens, and other stressors). The young foraging bees were fitted with radio tags and tracked when they left the colony. Throughout the research, these foraging bees were not very effective. They were more likely to die in their first outings and made fewer total foraging trips than a normal foraging bee would. The results of this study may help explain the one part of CCD, but the whole picture remains shrouded in mystery. This paper was published in the most recent volume of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences under the title, "Rapid behavioral maturation accelerates failure of stressed honey bee colonies."
House Fly Behavior and Baits
Krista Seraydar and Dr. Phil Kaufman, entomologists from the University of Florida, explored the potential role that house fly behavior can play in resistance to bait containing imidacloprid. The house fly, Musca domestica, is a ubiquitous, cosmopolitan pest that breeds in filth and often contaminates food and food-prep surfaces. Due to the sensitive environments in which they are often found, baits have become a popular control strategy against house flies. By putting flies in choice (imidacloprid-containing bait and sugar) and no-choice experimental chambers, the researchers reported evidence for heritable taste-aversion, a behavioral attribute that led to house flies to avoid bait containing imidacloprid. Insecticides can lose effectiveness due to genetic and physiological reasons (i.e. extremely high doses are needed to kill when generations ago a fraction of active ingredient was sufficient) or behavioral (i.e. bait avoidance), so it is recommended to rotate classes of chemistry and products when trying to control a pest. This paper was published in the most recent volume of the journal Medical and Veterinary Entomology under the title, "Does behavior play a role in house fly resistance to imidacloprid-containing baits?"
PWIPM Now Accepting Nominations for the Professional Empowerment Grant
PWIPM is now accepting nominations for its annual Professional Empowerment Grant, which will be awarded to one female who is interested in advancing or securing a career in pest management. A minimum of $1,000 will be granted to the recipient to defer costs related to advancing her career or education in the pest management industry. Additionally, up to $500 towards travel expenses to attend the National Pest Management Association's PestWorld in Nashville, TN in October 2015 will be provided. Click here for more details and requirements.
Pest Management Foundation Grant Proposal Solicitation
The Pest Management Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) organization whose mission and purpose is to advance the pest management industry through education, research, and training, is pleased to announce the availability of up to $20,000 for pest management industry related research. Proposals should be submitted to Jim Fredericks via email by Friday, March 6, 2015. Click here to view submission requirements and additional information.
10460 North Street Fairfax, Virginia 22030 (800) 678-6722