2015 SPMAO Board of Directors Elections
Nominations due by February 21
SPMAO, the largest and oldest structural pest management association in Ontario, is currently seeking nominations of individuals from member companies of all sizes to the SPMAO Board of Directors.
This is your opportunity to make a difference in the pest control industry. Whether it's through navigating compliance issues, developing training and professional development programs, or advocating on our industry's behalf before local governments, we need your thoughts, ideas and dedication to help continue to advance pest management professionals in our province. SPMAO Board members have provided input on areas such as government rules and regulations, municipal affairs, education, health and safety, pesticides licensing and re certification and wildlife management.
SPMAP encourages you to consider nominating yourself or a colleague to the SPMAO Board. The board meets quarterly and host conference calls during the busy season.
Please submit nominations by February 21 to:
Dominique Stumpf
Executive Director, SPMAO
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at spmao@pestworld.org.