January 2014 






There is Still Time to Register For the 2014 Annual Conference

The Structural Pest Management Association of Ontario (SPMAO) invites you to join us January 29-30 for our 35th Annual Conference at the Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel in Toronto, Ontario.

Onsite registrations at the hotel will be welcome.

View the educational program.

Support SPMAO by Donating to the Silent Auction

A silent auction will take place at the annual banquet on Wednesday, January 29 in conjunction with SPMAO's Annual Conference in Toronto. We ask that you support the association and their initiatives in educating the industry by donating worthwhile items to put up for bid.


To donate an item to the SPMAO Silent Auction, please contact Dominique Stumpf at [email protected]

Please bring the item to the registration desk at the Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel no later than 2 p.m. on Wednesday, January 29. If you are unable to attend but would like to make a donation, please  contact SPMAO and we will provide a shipping address to ensure delivery.


We would like to ask that the auction donation have a minimum value of $50. Some of the suggested categories include art/jewelry, electronics, sporting events/memorabilia, and wine/liquor. 


Thanks in advance for supporting your association!


Update On Activities Supported by CPMA/PMRA 

Protecting the professional pest management industry in Canada continues to be a major focus of the Canadian Pest Management Association (CPMA). Currently CPMA is taking action in several areas:

  1. CPMA is partnering with the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) to develop real-world pest management product use scenarios to be used by PMRA in re-evaluation risk assessments. It is hoped the data generated from these projects will lead to fewer formulations, products and/or use patterns being removed from the marketplace.

    Specifically, CPMA is submitting boric acid data, collected from Canadian PMPs, in an attempt to prompt re-evaluation of the uses slated for cancellation in the draft re-evaluation document issued in October 2012. Also, CPMA is working with PMRA to develop a use survey for pyrethroids, which are soon slated for re-evaluation.
  2. CPMA is aware that the loss of FICAM D was disadvantageous to the pest management industry. Look for an article this spring concerning alternative techniques and formulations for controlling stinging pests in voids. CPMA is also working with manufacturers to rebuild the arsenal against stinging insects.
  3. CPMA continues to monitor government action concerning pollinators, including bees, and neonicotinoids. PMRA's attempts to address the decline in the bee population by regulating agricultural uses of neonicotinoids, especially during seed planting, is being closely watched by CPMA for effects on the professional pest management industry. To proactively ensure PMRA understands PMP's concern that bees and other pollinators can be a public health threat, CPMA will be sending a letter to PMRA. This letter will reinforce to PMRA that the professional pest management industry must be able to continue to protect the public from stinging and biting pests. 


A Brief Survey on Nuisance Wildlife  

Please take a moment to fill out this brief survey regarding nuisance wildlife.

Click here to take the survey.

We appreciate your assistance!