January 2013

Upcoming Events



A Message from KPMA President

Donnie Blake, OPC, Louisville, KY


The holiday season has come and gone and we now welcome 2013. As you can imagine the past few weeks have been relatively quiet with KPMA. However, while we were enjoying the holidays, Ray Hardebeck has been hard at work on planning the various training programs for KPMA. Hopefully everyone will take advantage of these educational opportunities provided by your KPMA in the coming months. The first training session is scheduled for January 30th at the University of Kentucky Boone County Extension office in Burlington, Kentucky. The second training session is scheduled for May 30th at the Greenbo Lake State Resort in Greenup, Kentucky. Both training programs have a great line-up of speakers and, of course, offer recertification credits and initial certification testing. The KPMA Summer Meeting is scheduled for July 30th and 31st in Louisville. All the activities everyone has enjoyed the past years are planned for the Summer Meeting. Save the date now for the KPMA Summer Meeting. Additionally, the Bowling Green folks are providing a training program at the Western Kentucky University Agriculture Expo Center in Bowling Green on January 24th. Contact Jimmy Blankenship, Gary Wheeldon, or Steve Parker regarding this meeting. There is additional information for this meeting in this newsletter.  


If you have never attended a NPMA Legislative Day meeting, this is the year to start. The meeting is in Washington DC on March 17th thru 19th. NPMA Legislative Day is always an outstanding learning experience but this year may possibly have the best line-up of speakers in years. Scheduled to speak at Legislative Day are Laura Ingraham, Chuck Todd and Paul Ryan. Hard to imagine an opportunity to see and hear the people you have watched on your television screen provide their point of view in person. The speakers enhance and certainly do not diminish the real heart of the meeting which is to be educated on the regulatory issues that affect our businesses and taking that information to our elected representatives on the Hill. Please take some time to review the Legislative Day brochure you will be receiving and give serious thought to attend this outstanding meeting.  


Speaking of NPMA, I would like to extend my congratulations to Bob Rosenberg for his selection as NPMA Executive Vice-President.   Bob has served as Vice-President of Government Affairs for NPMA for over 24 years and is well known throughout the pest management industry. Under Bob's leadership, NPMA is in sound hands and solid ground for the future. I would also like to wish Rob Lederer, the outgoing NPMA Executive Vice-President, the best of luck in his future endeavors.  


The KPMA Board has a strong vision for the pest management industry in Kentucky and will continue to provide training programs and monitor business and regulatory issues that affect our members. If anyone knows someone who is not a member of KPMA, please take some time to let them know that KPMA's efforts impact all Kentucky pest management companies and they should consider becoming a part of THEIR TRADE ASSOCATION. Remember, if your company's main office is located in Kentucky, when you join KPMA you automatically become a member of NPMA. What a Deal!


Thanks again for allowing me to serve as President of KMPA.  



Donnie Blake

KPMA President

KPMA January Training Meeting 


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

7:30am - 5:15pm 

University of Kentucky Extension Office - Boone County

6028 Camp Ernst Rd, Burlington, KY 41005-0876 


The Kentucky Pest Management Association will be hosting a
recertification meeting open to pest management professionals
from across the state and around the country. We are excited to
bring you some of the best speakers the industry has to offer.
Join us on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at the University of
Kentucky Extension Office in Boone County to learn about the
latest trends and techniques in pest management while earning
continuing education credits and networking with industry


Kentucky Credits  

applied for in 7-A, 7-B and 8   


Corresponding Credits  

applied for in IN, IL, MO, OH, TN, VA and WV


Kentucky Certification Exam

Examination for Kentucky certification in categories 8 (public health and private applicators) and 7-a (general pest and termite) and 7-b (integrated pest management) are available. Driver's license or other government issued photo ID must be presented to exam proctor. Exam fees are $25 (category 8 and 7-a) and $10 (for 7-b). Sorry, no cash accepted. An exam check or money order for the appropriate amount is to be made out to Kentucky State Treasurer. Checks that included the program fee and the exam fee will not be accepted and exam will not be administered.  


Registration Fees

Pre-Registration Fees (For registrations received by January 23, 2013)

Members - $65

Non-Members - $75


On-Site Registration Fees (For registrations received after January 23, 2013)

Members - $85

Non-Members - $95


Click here to view the full schedule. 

Click here to register! 

KPMA May Training Meeting 

Thursday, May 30, 2013
7:30am - 5:15pm
Greenbo Lake State Resort Park
965 Lodge Rd., Greenup, KY 41144
Kentucky Credits  
applied for in 7-A, 7-B and 8   
Corresponding Credits  
applied for in IN, IL, MO, OH, TN, VA and WV
Kentucky Certification Exam
Examination for Kentucky certification in categories 8 (public health and private applicators) and 7-a (general pest and termite) and 7-b (integrated pest management) are available. Driver's license or other government issued photo ID must be presented to exam proctor. Exam fees are $25 (category 8 and 7-a) and $10 (for 7-b). Sorry, no cash accepted. An exam check or money order for the appropriate amount is to be made out to Kentucky State Treasurer. Checks that included the program fee and the exam fee will not be accepted and exam will not be administered.  
Registration Fees
Pre-Registration Fees (For registrations received by May 24, 2013)
Members - $65
Non-Members - $75
On-Site Registration Fees (For registrations received after May 24, 2013)
Members - $85
Non-Members - $95
Click here to view the full schedule.
Click here to register!

Bowling Green Area PCO School 

January 24, 2013
WKU Ag Expo Center
406 Elrod Road
Bowling Green, KY 42104

Presented by:

Guarantee Pest Control
Jimmy Blankenship, President

The Wheeldon Company
Garry Wheeldon, President

AA Ridall
Steve Parker, President

For more information contact Jimmy Blankenship at 270-842-4289 or jimgpc@insightbb.com.
News From National 
NPMA Nominates Slate of Candidates to SAP

The National Pest Management Association recently nominated a slate of leading researchers and industry members to serve on a panel advising the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on technical issues pertaining to the Agency's draft product performance data needs assessment for products claiming efficacy against invertebrate pests.  Click here to read who NPMA nominated to the FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel. 

Make Plans to Attend 2013 Legislative Day

Mark your calendar and join NPMA March 17-19 for Legislative Day 2013, a yearly event designed to increase the awareness of the key legislative and regulatory issues impacting the pest management industry. 

Why Attend Legislative Day?

NPMA has a once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity to forge relationships with tomorrow's leaders today, and that effort kicks into high gear at NPMA Legislative Day 2013.  More than ever, we need you to attend and participate in NPMA Legislative Day and help NPMA establish partnerships with a new generation of federal lawmakers, which will ultimately benefit the entire professional pest management industry.     


Don't miss out on this year's keynotes:

Click here to view the program. 

Register Today for the 2013 Southern Conference


February 12-13, 2013

Harrah's Hotel & Casino - Tunica, Mississippi 


Register today to take advantage of the early bird discount and SAVE $50! After Thursday, January 17 registration fees will increase.    


Click here to view the full program. 

2013 Wildlife Expo: Early Bird Deadline Nearing 
Join the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and the National Wildlife Control Operators Association (NWCOA) February 14-16 in Tunica, Mississippi for an educational program that will provide both technical and business-related information to pest and wildlife management professionals who are involved in wildlife management or are considering offering this valuable add-on service.

SAVE $25 and REGISTER TODAY, early bird registration ends 1/20!

Click here to download the brochure.   



10460 North Street

Fairfax, VA 22030

