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The U Review
August 2014

Mark Your Calendar:
Double Up Veggie Bucks KEENE
Use EBT at the Farmers Market of Keene and double your money for fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, bread, and more.
Date: Tuesdays and Saturdays until October
Time: 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Place: Gilbo Avenue parking lot, Keene, NH (behind Margaritas)
For more information email
Double Up Veggie Bucks WALPOLE
Use EBT at the Walpole Farmers Market and double your money for fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, bread, and more.
Date: Fridays through October 10
Time: 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Place: Walpole Common, Walpole, NH
For more information visit,
or email
Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce
Annual Golf Outing

Date: Friday, August 15, 2014
Time: 7:30 a.m. Registration; 8:30 a.m. Tee Off
Place: Crotched Mountain Golf Club, Francestown, NH
For cost, sponsorship opportunities, or additional information, email or call 603-924-7234.
Day of Caring
Date: Thursday, September 11, 2014
Time: Varies based on the projects
Place: Throughout the Monadnock Region
Details coming soon.
For information about volunteering, or if you are a nonprofit in need of volunteers, email Marianne at or call 603-352-4209.
MUW Campaign Kickoff: Keene
Date: Thursday, September 11, 2014
Time: 5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
Place: Keene Country Club
Details coming soon.
For more information, email Cameron at or call 603-352-4209.
New this year, we are planning a Campaign Kickoff event in the eastern part of the Monadnock Region. Details on the date, time, and location of the eastern Campaign Kickoff event will be available soon.

In This Issue:

On the AirAugust on WKBK…

The guest on “The Dan Mitchell Morning Show” at 8:10 a.m. Wednesday, August 20, 2014 will be
Monadnock Early Learning Center

WKBK regularly features a Monadnock United Way agency on the third Wednesday of each month.

Day of Caring

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Monadnock United Way Unveils the
2014-2015 Campaign Goal and Theme

The 2014-2015 Monadnock United Way Campaign goal and theme were announced by John Round, General Campaign Chair, at a Campaign briefing held at Home Healthcare Hospice and Community Services on Friday morning, July 18. With help from several campaign volunteers, the campaign goal of $2,106,234 was announced and this year’s theme ‘WONDER…’ was revealed!

Fifty programs administered by 27 partner agencies across the Monadnock Region’s 36 towns will benefit from what is raised during the campaign. In keeping with this year’s theme, Round stated, “We wonder at the region’s generosity in giving its time, talent, and treasure for those who require the critical services our partner agencies provide. We wonder at the level of trust the hundreds of volunteers each year bestow on us when their responsibilities are many and they still carve out space to support our mission. And we wonder at the significance of the impact our fifty local partner programs demonstrate on behalf of their clients every day. On behalf of the staff, board, Campaign Cabinet, and volunteers associated with the 2014-15 Annual Campaign, I thank you for your support and welcome you to WONDER at all we can do!”

The official Campaign Kickoff is scheduled for, Thursday, September 11, 2014 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Keene Country Club. New this year, we are planning a Campaign Kickoff event in the eastern part of the Monadnock Region. Details on the date, time, and location of the eastern Campaign Kickoff event will be available soon.

There’s no need to WONDER
about the GOOD we can do;
we’ll all make it happen
yes ME and YOU too!


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Impact Monadnock Report: An Investment in Community Well-Being — Preparing Monadnock Area Children for the Future

A working group of local residents, sponsored in part by Monadnock United Way and New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, announced the release of a report documenting a unique and ambitious project aimed at driving major improvements in the social and economic welfare of southwestern New Hampshire. The project, Impact Monadnock, offers a roadmap for community groups, caretakers, health care providers, educators, elected officials, businesses and more, to come together to prioritize early childhood development as the area that can have the most permanent and positive benefit to the region.

The report identifies a strategic framework for action:

  • Develop a set of principles to guide Phase III action
  • Backbone structures and functions
  • Continuous communication and collaboration
  • Intervention targets and strategies
  • Outcome indicators and a measurement platform

To access the report, click here: An Investment in Community Well-Being: Preparing Monadnock Area Children for the Future.

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American Red Cross Is Asking You to GIVE BLOOD

The American Red Cross is facing a looming blood shortage leading to an urgent need for donors of all blood types to roll up a sleeve and give!

Donations through the Red Cross are down approximately 8 percent over the last 11 weeks, resulting in about 80,000 fewer donations than expected. The number of donors continues to decline and the shortfall is significant enough that the Red Cross could experience an emergency situation in the coming weeks.

To prevent an emergency shortage and ensure an adequate blood supply for patients all summer long, the Red Cross especially needs platelet donors and those with types O negative, B negative and A negative blood.

Every day this summer is a chance to give hope to patients in need and their network of family and friends. The Red Cross encourages you to choose your day to give. Experience what it feels like to potentially help save lives by giving blood or platelets. Join the conversations on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social networks by using the #chooseyourday hashtag to read and share inspiring stories of hope.

To schedule a blood or platelet donation appointment, please call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit

Here is what you can do to help:

  • Call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit to schedule your blood or platelet donation appointment.�
  • Encourage friends and family members to make an appointment to donate blood or platelets this summer.
  • Use your social media networks to encourage blood and platelet donations

Also, share any pictures of you donating blood with American Red Cross NH! Send photos to for use on their local social media outlets! Please be sure to include your name and where you are donating!

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The SCS Fuel Assistance Program Is Prepping and Planning for the Next Heating Season!

The SCS Fuel Assistance Program application process is outlined below:

  1. Households are welcome to contact SCS to schedule a Fuel Assistance appointment (SCS phone numbers: 603.352.7512 for Cheshire County and 603.542.9528 for Sullivan County). Calling the office and scheduling an appointment is the best way to access the program.
  2. Intake staff will ask questions pertaining to that specific household and mail an appointment packet. This appointment packet will contain a sheet with the day/time of the meeting as well as a checklist of what to bring. We try to include a landlord form in the packet for renters so that they can work on getting the landlord form completed prior to their appointment.
  3. We try to stay on task with each appointment so that we do not keep the next person waiting. Appointments take approximately 15 minutes (sometimes a bit shorter for folks who have been in the program for years and a bit longer for those who have never applied before).
  4. Intake staff will go through the paperwork and enter information into the application. If they have everything they need, they will ask the applicant to sign the application and will explain that we will be in touch. If they do not have everything they need to complete the application, they will provide the applicant with a reminder form outlining what is still needed. The reminder form is carbon-copied and a copy is held in the incomplete file.
  5. Pre-denial letters are sent if the information is not received within ten (10) days. This is to remind and encourage the applicant to provide the remaining information.
  6. If the information is not received within thirty (30) days of the application date, the file is denied and the household can schedule a new appointment.
  7. If the application is complete, the time of year will determine what will happen next:
    September-Early November: Anyone applying within this timeframe who completes an application will receive a denial letter if they are over-income. The letter states that they are encouraged to re-apply if their income changes.

    However, anyone who is approved for the program is put into Accepted status. We do not send benefit letters out during this timeframe because we are waiting for our funding.

    November: All accepted cases from the earlier months will receive their notification letters in the month of November.

    November-April: All eligible/complete applications are enrolled and benefit letters are mailed weekly to households and vendors. (The Fuel Assistance Program closes on April 30th).
  8. Other tips/info:
    • Households need to choose one heating type for the benefit to be assigned, even if they have several heating types.
    • We do NOT change vendors/fuel types once the benefit has been assigned except for extreme situations (furnace no longer working — needs to switch to wood, for example).
    • We view everyone living under one roof as a household — which means we need income documentation for everyone.
    • If a household moves and still has a benefit remaining, they need to complete a change form in order to have any remaining benefit available to use in their new location.
    • Again, the best way to access any of the energy programs (Fuel Assistance, Electric Assistance, etc.) is to call the main office(s) and ask for that program. An appointment will be scheduled to begin the process.

We hope that everyone enjoys the remaining weeks of summer and we look forward to a productive heating season!

Thank you,
SCS Energy Services Staff

SCS is a Monadnock United Way Agency.

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Membership at the Keene Senior Center Is One of the Best Kept Secrets of the Monadnock Region.

At just $40 a year for an individual or $60 for a couple, membership at the Senior Center is affordable and comes with many benefits to those who are age 50+. We even have a pay as you go punch card or a free volunteer memberships for those who volunteer 50+ hours in a year. Membership benefits include:

  • Instructor lead fitness classes (Age in Motion, Qigong, Yoga, walking group and more!)
  • Least expensive gym membership in Keene (treadmills, bikes, elliptical, free weights and more!)
  • Numerous social opportunities that provide an opportunity to foster new friendships
  • Educational & financial information. (Book Club, writing groups and computer education)
  • Friendly and welcoming environment
  • Weekly Friendly Meals
  • Trips: day, overnight, in USA, & overseas
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Special events and meals

The Keene Senior Center is devoted to you… a Senior. Look around for social outlets, entertainment, fitness services, and financial information. You will find that the Senior Center is a bargain.


Upcoming Events and Programs at the Keene Senior Center


Garden Fresh Friday — Do you hate eating alone or cooking just for yourself? Then join fellow members and friends at the Senior Center on Friday, 22nd, and 29th at noon for a delicious home cooked meal. This lunch is prepared by Keene State College Nutrition Interns and Senior Center volunteers. In order to continue providing these additional weekly meals we need your help! Seeking volunteers to help prep, cook, and serve the lunch as well as a volunteer or two each week to make a dessert to share. Sponsored by the Community Kitchen and the Keene Senior Center. Limited to 28 people, pre-registration is required. Suggested donation of $3.00 per person.

Compost Workshop — The Senior Center will be hosting a special workshop on composting presented by Antioch University’s Keene Community Garden Connection students on Monday, August 11 at 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend.

Walking Group — Want to walk for fun? Or need to complete your 25 miles for the Super Seniors DeMar marathon? Join Kathryn Brown and Roberta Morin and others to walk 1 mile from the Senior Center to St. Bernard’s church on Main Street and back. The walk takes about 30 minutes. All walking speeds welcome! Mondays at 10:00 a.m.and Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m. (cancelled if it is raining). Don’t forget your sunscreen, hat, sunglasses and water.

Line Dancing — Thursday, August 7, 14, 21, & 28 at 1:30 p.m.


“Old Genes” Family History Group — Thursdays at the Keene Senior Center from 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. to record your family tree. Start off with a pedigree chart and go from there!� Share strategies and tips, learn about best practices for research and documentation, and learn about local and online resources. No prior experience with family history research is needed… just bring your enthusiasm and curiosity!� The group will be led by Chaille Cohen, a family history enthusiast who has been researching her family for more than 15 years.

Gadget Friday — Do you have a Kindle, and iPad, or a tablet? Would you like some help learning how to use it? Have questions about all the different types of gadgets available? Want some help deciding which one to buy? Sign up for an appointment with Cary Jardine, Keene Public Library�s Digital Services Librarian, who will unlock the mysteries for you! Next Gadget Friday is August 8. Appointments are available at 1:00 p.m. or 2:00 p.m. Pre-registration is required.

AARP Safe Driving Course — Two day drivers safety class to be held at the Center on Monday, August 11& 18 from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. The lesson focuses on changes in automobiles and driving, and adjustments we might make in our driving techniques as we get a little older. The class is ’aimed at drivers of 50 years of age, but any licensed driver may attend. Everyone who takes the course finds themselves changing at least one driving habit or learning something he or she hadn’t realized before.�$15 per person that is payable on the first day of class. This includes a course workbook and a New Hampshire Driver Manual. AARP members should bring their membership number. Some insurance companies offer discounts on car insurance to those who complete the course. Class is limited to 10 participants.


Handcrafted Card Making — Join Janice Bourassa for a homemade card making class on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. Next class is August 12. All supplies provided and no experience necessary.

Keene Quilts ‘R Us — Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. The group welcomes all people who would like to sew together and share ideas about quilting. There are a few sewing machines available for use, if bringing a machine is a problem. Lunch begins promptly at 11: 30 a.m. and more sewing will continue after. The camaraderie of quilters should also be a part of sharing stitching together. Bring your fabric, equipment and a bag lunch. For further information, call Camille Coulborn at� 363-8219. (Seeking donations: full sized ironing board, iron, quilting materials, and quilting supplies and tools.)

Widows & Widowers, Where We Are Now Support Group — Grief can feel very lonely, even when you have loved ones around. Sharing your feelings with other who have experienced similar losses can help. This group is designed for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one either in the past or recent past. For those that have had a loss in the past, this is a good group for reflection on where you are now. Individuals are encouraged to share their stories in an effort to gain comfort and support from those who have experienced loss and perhaps help others on the road to healing. The group offers an environment that honors the fact that each individual grieves in a unique manner. Open to men and women. Friday, August 8 at 3:00 p.m. No need to sign up, just stop by.

The Keene Senior Center is a Monadnock United Way Agency.

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2014 Gary Beaman Memorial Golf Tournament a Big Success!

The 2014 Gary Beaman Memorial Golf Tournament was be held on Saturday June 21, 2014 at the Oak Ridge Golf Club on West Gill Rd. in Gill, MA. Thanks to the support of the many individuals who sponsored holes, donated prizes, bought raffle tickets, and golfed; we were able to raise over $13,000.00! The proceeds from this event go to supporting the work of the Winchester Learning Center, a nonprofit child care and preschool located in downtown Winchester, NH.

The Winchester Learning Center is a Monadnock United Way Agency.

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2014 Hyundai of Keene/Big Brothers Big Sisters Bike Drive

The 2014 Hyundai of Keene/Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western New Hampshire (BBBS) Bike Drive was a huge success. Bikes donated by the community were dropped off at Hyundai of Keene. Employees of Hyundai and volunteers of the Monadnock Cycling Club worked together to repair and clean the bikes, making sure they were road worthy. By the end of June, 45 bikes were given to children (Littles) and volunteer mentors (Bigs). There were 45 more smiles the day the bikes were distributed!

BBBS believes that promoting healthy and active lifestyles for children at a young age is paramount to the mission of BBBS. Children who live an active lifestyle often perform better in the classroom and have higher self-esteem. BBBS is a proud supporter of the Healthy Monadnock 2020 Campaign. Healthy Monadnock 2020, formerly Vision 2020, is a community-wide health initiative designed to actively engage the citizens of Cheshire County in the process of becoming the nation’s healthiest community by the year 2020.

Hyundai of Keene is a Fenton Family Dealership. Fenton Family Dealerships is a long term financial supporter of BBBS. Many employees, including President Bill Fenton, have served as volunteer Bigs. “We are proud to have partnered with BBBS on this endeavor. We feel the organization is an integral part of our community, and their positive impact on our children is life changing.” — Bill Fenton

BBBS is dedicated to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. In the past year, BBBS has mentored roughly 400 children in 48 communities in the Monadnock Region and Sullivan County. BBBS is a United Way supported agency and it costs roughly $1,000 to match a child with a Big Brother or Sister and provide support throughout the length of the relationship.

“We are thankful to Hyundai of Keene and Fenton Family Dealerships for their hard work on the 2014 bike drive. They have supported BBBS and our families throughout the years. Fenton Family Dealerships is working tirelessly to improve the lives of our families.” — BBBS Executive Director, Phil Hueber.

Pictured here are Littles Paul (10) and Cora (5) posing with their new bikes.

Big Brothers Big Sisters is a Monadnock United Way Agency.

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Monadnock United Way On Cheshire TV

LIVE UNITED TVWatch Cheshire TV Channel 8 (Time Warner Cable) every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. and see how our partner agencies, donors, volunteers, and corporate partners LIVE UNITED!

Can’t watch it on Wednesdays, or you are not a Time Warner subscriber, episodes are posted on the Monadnock United Way YouTube Channel (

Sound-OffAlso, on the third Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m., be sure to listen to Sound-Off with Chris Coates and Greg Parent on WKBK Radio (1290 AM of 107.5 FM) — a Monadnock United Way partner agency will be on the air discussing their agency and programs. The scheduled guest on Saturday, August 16, 2014 is Gary Barnes from MAPS Counseling Services.

How do you LIVE UNITED? Email and tell us. If your story is read on the TV show you’ll win a LIVE UNITED t-shirt!

All schedules are subject to change without notice.

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Wish List

The deadline for Wish List items in the next U Review (September 2014) is Monday, August 18, 2014. Please send your Wish List updates and additions to Wish List items that have not been confirmed or updated are purged every quarter (January, April, July, and October), so please remember to keep your items current.

Keene Senior Center
Window air conditioners for the large, multipurpose room; Card making supplies (blank cards, blank card envelopes, card stock, stamps, embossing pens, colored pencils, stencils, double sided tape, scissors, cutting board (Fiskar) and punches); Lockable filing cabinets with keys; Windows 7 or newer computers — 352-5037Wishing

Monadnock Area Peer Support Agency (MPS)
Nightstand; Bedside lamp; Toaster; Zentangle How-To Art Books; Ultra-Thin Markers (for Zentangle); Crochet Hooks; also for the Marla Stefflre Shelf, the following items are needed: Toilet paper; Paper towels; Tissues; Trash bags; Ziploc bags; Disposable latex and vinyl gloves; Diswashing gloves; Toiletries such as hand lotion, shampoo and conditioner, hand sanitizer, body wash, hand soap, shaving cream; Tampons, sanitary napkins and depends; Disposable razors (female and male); Cleaning supplies; Diapers and wipes for babies — 352-5093

Monadnock Humane Society
Dry dog food; Better-quality canned dog food (IAMS, etc.) — 352-9011

Southwestern Community Services: Housing Stabilization Services
Bike racks; Washer and dryer sets; Wooden outdoor play set; Dorm size refrigerator; Industrial broom for sweeping driveways; Weed Whacker — 352-7512

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Monadnock United Way | 23 Center Street | Keene, New Hampshire 03431 | 603-352-4209