ASQ-LA Quality News
January 2015






Welcome to the January Edition of the ASQ-LA Newsletter. We are looking forward to seeing you at our January 14th Member Meeting at Mattel in El Segundo.  Mattel is located at 333 Continental Blvd, El Segundo, CA.

If you plan to attend the meeting, YOU MUST RSVP to: Chen Low   310-334-7044, pager 310-353-8293 or e-mail no-later-than Noon on Monday, January 12th, so he can provide the list of attendees to Mattel Security.  

We wish each of you a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Quality 2015!!


Press here for the January Newsletter.                               


              William (Bill) Trappen                 Harold Martinez

                 Newsletter Editor                Newsletter Production 
                          ASQLA                                  ASQLA


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