ASQ-LA Quality News
March 2014
ASQ-LA Issue Contains:
March 12th Member Meeting
Message from the Chair
SImon Collier - Nominations
ASQ-LA New & Renewal Members
Certification Exam Dates
ASQ Certification Prep Classes
CSUDH Quality Classes
ASQLA Leadership Team Listing
Advertising Rates



Welcome to the March Edition of the ASQ-LA Newsletter. Looking forward to see you at our March 12th Member Meeting which will be at Mattel in El Segundo.  If you plan to attend the meeting, YOU MUST RSVP to: Chen Low 310-334-7044, pager 310-353-8293 or e-mail, no-later-than Noon on Monday, March 10th, so he can provide  the list of attendees to Mattel Security.  

ASQ-LA Leadership is looking forward to your attendance at this month's program.  Click here for a pdf file of the Newsletter. To see the entire newsletter, it is recommended to set your "zoom" to 100%.

William (Bill) Trappen           Harold Martinez
Newsletter Editor                  Newsletter Production ASQLA


"Lean Six Sigma: Past, Present and Future "
"Lean Six Sigma for Service "





Please join ASQLA Section 0700 for its monthly member meeting on Wednesday, March 12. The meeting will be at Mattel in El Segundo. This meet-ing is an opportunity to network with other Quality professionals and to learn about current techniques & technologies. Our guest speaker this month is Elizabeth "Liz" Keim, a Managing Partner of Integrated Quality Resources, where she works with clients globally on business improvement using the integration of quality methodologies that include Six Sigma, lean production, Malcolm Baldrige business excellence framework and the ISO 9000 quality system. Ms. Keim will present two separate 45 minute presentation's ; In "Lean Six Sigma: Past, Present and Future " she will briefly discuss the history and present state of Lean Six Sigma. From this basis she will discuss the implications and predictions for their continued successful use in the future. This will presentation is followed by "Lean Six Sigma for Service " where she will discuss some common findings of use of Lean Six Sigma in non manufacturing processes including the implications for training and coaching projects in these processes.


Prior to consulting, Ms. Keim had a 17-year career at IBM Global Services were she worked in technical management with responsibility for quality program strategy, development, and implementation. Following this work she was global leader for the commercial quality program of GE Plastics, responsible for worldwide implementation of Six Sigma methodology in the company's non-manufacturing processes, with the focus placed upon on-time delivery, warehousing and logistics. Ms. Keim has worked as a Master Black Belt for over 15 years and has served as a trainer and mentor for market segments that include finance, banking, utilities, science and technology, agriculture/construction equipment, metals production, telecommunications, engineering services, , and agricultural product. She was trained as a Six Sigma Master Black Belt at GE Plastics, Six Sigma Academy and Business Systems Solutions.

She is a Past-President of the Board of Directors of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and also a past-Chair of its Denver Section and the Service Quality Division. Ms. Keim holds a Master of Business Administration degree with an emphasis in accounting and finance from Regis University and a bachelor's degree in computer science and mathematics from Colorado State University. She is an ASQ Fellow and an ASQ-Certified Master Black Belt, Quality Manager and Quality Auditor. She was elected Academician to the prestigious International Academy for Quality currently serving as Vice President on its Management Board. Ms. Keim is the author of numerous articles on service quality, strategic quality planning and Six Sigma implementation.

The program will be held at 2nd Floor Main Conference Room, at Mattel, 333 Continental Boulevard, El Segundo, CA 90245-5012. This meeting is an opportunity to network with other Quality Professionals, learn about quality related topics and earn 0.6 Recertification Units. Registration and networking starts at 5:30 PM. The meeting begins promptly at 6:00 continuing until 7:30 PM. Crackers, Cookies, Coffee & Water will be provided at no charge.

You MUST RSVP to Chen Low 310-334-7044, pager 310-353-8293 or e-mail
no-later-than Noon on Monday, March 10, so he can provide the list of attendees to Mattel Security.









Message from the Chair - Catherine Martin






It is Time for ASQ Los Angeles to go social. If you're wondering if social media is right for ASQ Los Angeles, the answer is yes ... social media is a great way to communicate and to attract new members. National ASQ is already connected to social media with Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and You Tube.

Social Media has changed the way people connect, discover, and share information. Professional Societies use social networks to gain engagement, support and action. Social media allows us to open up a whole new approach to support engagement and increase word of Mouth.

Where do we start? -------Linkedin and Facebook Accounts:

Linkedin is the new Yellow Pages. Linkedin accounts are free and it is a social networking website for people in professional occupations. Founded in December 2002 and launched on May 5, 2003, it is mainly used for professional and business networking.

Facebook is an online social networking service. Facebook Pages allow us to create a profile for our organization, and allow people to "like" it by viewing the content, as if it was their "friend". The multimedia nature of Facebook means it is ideal for hosting the broadest range of content on our organization's work.

Social Media, Website & Email Marketing go great together so ASQ Los Angeles is keeping Constant Contact for distributing our Newsletter and our Website will continue to share news, photos and announcements.

To look for us on social media, we are using the organization name "ASQ Los Angeles".

ASQ Los Angeles March 2014 Highlights include the following:

Monthly section meetings - For re-certification credit, attendees can earn re-certification Units. Information is available on our website and on our social media.

Leadership opportunities - Volunteers run the section. You can earn re-certification units by being an officer, chairperson, or committee member and attending the Section Leadership Committee (SLC) meetings.

Certifications - Through ASQ Los Angeles there are several quality certifications available including Quality Auditor and Quality Engineer. ASQLA section 700 provides training and study groups for many of these ASQ Certifications.

Networking and Employment leads - At the section meeting there are opportunities to meet others in the quality field and from various industries. Linkedin and Facebook also offer networking opportunities.

Annual Quality Day - Our section participates in the annual Quality Day conference.





Call for Nominations

Simon Collier Quality Award
American Society for Quality
Los Angeles Section 0700

Do you know people who are leaders in promoting quality concepts, people who have made a difference in the quality culture or performance of their industries, companies, or in the world at large?

Tell us about them now!
The Los Angeles Section would like to recognize their contributions with the Simon Collier Quality Award in October 2014. This is a nationally recognized award given in honor of one of the early movers and shakers of ASQ and the Los Angeles Section.

PURP0SE OF AWARD is to honor, encourage, and/or specifically identify outstanding individual or group leadership, accomplishment and ingenuity in organizing, promoting, operating, or improving Quality Systems and Programs in areas such as Industry, Government, Education, Business, Health or Service Organizations, which fit the professional objectives of the American Society for Quality.

The nominee's achievements may have resulted from outstanding ability and success in management, training, advis-ing and writings in the field of Quality or in appropriately related works of design, manufacture, reliability, maintaina-bility, safety, liability, etc. of product or service systems. The award is not intended to honor traditional classroom teaching.

Deadline for Nomination: June 30, 2014.

For additional information and Nomination Form please contact:

Jim Morrison, ASQ Fellow
Chair, Simon Collier Quality Award Committee
7284 Berry Hill Drive
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275-4402
Phone/Fax: 310 541-1417


Other Contacts: Bill Trappen at
                           Imre Fischer at 



ASQ-Los Angeles
Section 0700
New and Renewal Members 



MS.Gwendolyn ColeyAmgen Inc  Director Corp. Quality Compliance
MR.Olaf Voigt
MSShelley M. ArnoldSenior Quality Manager
Dave Fugatt
Pema DolkarSaint John's Health Center
MR.Praveen KumarPanasa P L Development
MR.Arash SalehiTrue Temper Sports, Inc.Operations Research Analyst
Andre DavidCOO
Timothy L. Conrad
Rudy SerranoRaytheon
Michael Lin
DR.Richard I. F. SmithVice President-Operations
Edna RatillaOrtho Coordinator, Surgery
Kavin Aryal
Gersain VejarGeneral Forming Corp.QA Manager
Rafael MontoyaDidi Hirsch MHSQA Coordinator
Bryan A. SawlsvilleDidi Hirsch MHSQA Director
Desiree Odom       Didi Hirsch MHSQA Specialist
Rosaura Garcia      Didi Hirsch MHSQA Specialist
Jesus A. MoralesDidi Hirsch MHSQA Specialist
Hatem DimashkiMeggitt Control Systems
Christine Wang
Rayda Rodriguez
Shoorideh Asgari
Rui Cai
MRS.Brittany WolfsonAutism SpectrumTherapies Director
Manuel S. Herrera
Charlie SharpRaytheon
Kimberly Williams  
Didi Hirsch MHS QA Specialist




ASQ Certification Exams


Application Deadline

April 18, 2014


Late Application

Fee ($50) Deadline

April 23, 2014


Exam Date

June 7, 2014




Quality Engineer(CQE)

Quality Auditor(CQA)

Six Sigma Green Belt (SSGB)

Software Quality Eng. (CSQE)

Quality Improvement Assoc (CQIA)

Calibration Technician(CCT)

Quality Process Analyst (CQPA)



Application Deadline

January 10, 2014


Late Application

Fee ($50) Deadline

January 15, 2014

Exam Date

March 1, 2014


Six Sigma Black Belt(SSBB)

Mgr of Qual/Org Excel (CMQ/OE)

Quality Inspector(CQI)

Quality Technician(CQT)

Biomedical Auditor(CBD)

Reliability Engineer(CRE)

HACCP Auditor(CHA)






for more information.


Cal State Dominguez Hills BSQA & MSQA Programs

sponsor certification preparation courses, See certification

page on


Did you know that Joe DeSimone is our section's Certification and Recertification expert and Chair? Joe is available for your tough questions at else you can find answers to your general questions at This page is very helpful. Check out the Certification Handbook: 21 pages of detailed certification facts!




To recertify, make sure you complete the NEW! Recertification Journal(Press here for the .pdf) dated August 2013, which indicates the new fees: One certification is $69 and two or more are $89. You must include payment with your application.
The easiest way to recertify is to scan your completed application with credit card information and supporting documents and Email to our Recertification Chair:
You can also mail your package to P.O. Box 1291, San Pedro, CA 90731.
NOTE: You must send a check. Joe is too busy to chase you and will not review you package without payment. In fact Joe could use help with Recertification!

ASQ Certification Preparation Courses


The LA Section sponsors courses to prepare members for passing certification exams.   

Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) 7 Saturdays, April 12, 2014 to May 31, 2014 ( No Class Memorial Day Weekend)


Certified Quality Auditor (CQA) 7 Saturdays, April 12, 2014 to May 31, 2014 ( No Class Memorial Day Weekend)


Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB) 7 Saturdays, August 9, 2014 to September 27, 2014 (No Class Labor Day Weekend)


Certified Manager of Quality / Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE) 7 Saturdays, August 9, 2014 to September 27, 2014 (No Class Labor Day Weekend)


See ASQ Certification Tab for details










BSQA - Legacy Section 45 - Internet Program Schedule - Subject to Occasional Changes - 2014 Summer Session I

                 First Day of Class       Last Day To Register                  Last Day of Class

                                   May 6                                         May 2                                         June 30                                                                                       

Course                           Title                                                                                                Instructor

QAS 350.45        Physical Metrology (3 units)                                             Emil Hazarian (

CN: 30389   


BSQA - Legacy Section 45 - Internet Program Schedule - Subject to Occasional Changes - 2014 Summer Session II

 First Day of Class               Last Day To Register                                   Last Day of Class

                         July 1                                  June 27                                                       Aug. 12 

Course                          Title                                                                                                 Instructor

QAS 325.45       Technical Communications (4Units)                                      Keith Fulton (

CN: 30386                 Prerequisite: ENG 110 and THE 120  

QAS 445.45       System Failure Analysis(3 units)                                            Craig Carpenter (

CR: 30366   

Prerequisites may be waived at the discretion of Dr. Milton Krivokuca, academic advisor and program coordinator

BSQA students need to contact Cal State online at 1 (800) 992-7886 to find out which course section you will be enrolling in for summer 2014.

To reach the Extended Education Registration office please call (310) 243-3741, fax (310) 516-3971, or by email at


BSQA - California State On Line Section 55 - Internet Program Schedule -Subject to Occasional Changes - 2014 Summer Session I

 First Day of Class              Last Day To Register                                    Last Day of Class

                       May 6                                     May 2                                                       June 30

Course                          Title                                                                                                   Instructor

QAS 350.55       Physical Metrology (3 units)                                                   Emil Hazarian (

CN: 30390


BSQA - California State On Line Section 55 - Internet Program Schedule -Subject to Occasional Changes - 2014 Summer Session II

 First Day of Class                           Last Day To Register                                    Last Day of Class      

              July 1                                                June 27                                                     Aug. 12

Course                         Title                                                                                                     Instructor

QAS 325.55     Technical Communications (4Units)                                        Keith Fulton (

CN: 30387                          Prerequisite: ENG 110 and THE 120  

QAS 445.55     System Failure Analysis(3 units)                                              Craig Carpenter (

CR: 30367



MSQA - Internet Program Schedule - Subject to Occasional Changes





                            First Day of Class                                   Last Day to Register                                                        Last Day of Class

                                   May 6                                                           May 2                                                                       Aug. 5                                                         

QAS 511.41          Quality Function Management & TQM                  William Trappen (

CR: 30368              (3 units)

QAS 512.41          Reliability                                                                Dan Dunahay (

CR: 30446(3 units) Requires completion of QAS510

QAS 515.41          Human Factors in Quality Assurance                    Jim Clauson (

CR: 30369(3 units)

QAS 515.42          Human Factors in Quality Assurance                    David Vu (

CR: 30370(3 units)

QAS 518.41          Quality Project Management                                 William Trappen (

CR: 30371(3 units)

QAS 527.41          Quality Measurement (3 units)                               Denis Bourcier (

CR: 30372                Recommended QAS511

QAS 534.41          Change Management                                             Robert Spencer (

CR: 30373(3 units)

QAS 536.41           Six Sigma (3 Units)                                                Pam Dunahay(

CR: 30374

QAS 537.41           Quality Function Deployment:                               Robert Spencer (

CR: 30375             Understanding Customer Requirements (3 units)

QAS 538.41           Evaluation and Outcome Analysis                         Bob Mehta (

CR: 30377              for Healthcare Delivery (3 units)

QAS 541.41           Biomedical Quality Control                                     Kim Niles (

CR: 30378              Methods (3 units)

QAS 598.41           Directed Research (3 units)                                    Milton Krivokuca (

CR: 30380                            Must have 18 units of QAS course work, and the GWAR completed

QAS 600.41           Graduate Continuation Course                               Milton Krivokuca (

CR: 30383(0 units) Open to students working on a Thesis/Project for summer turn-in to the Graduate Studies Office and Library only Thesis/Project Committees do not work during the Summer term.

To reach the Extended Education Registration office please call (310) 243-3741, fax (310) 516-3971, or by email at


QAS course fees for summer 2014 are $290.00 per unit or $870.00 per three unit course.

QAS 600.41 course fee is $150.00



                                                                                              ASQ LA LEADERSHIP TEAM

                                                                                                    MEETING SCHEDULE

                                                                                       Time: 5:30 - 6:00 Networking & Dinner

                                                                                                   6:00 - 8:00 Meeting


                                                                                          CSUDH Extended Education Bldg

                                                                                         1000 Victoria St., Carson, CA 90745






Contact: Catherine Martin, Chair 

(310) 616-0936 

Dates: 1st Wednesday of the Month

(not in July and December)




Officers & Committee Chairs of ASQ Los Angeles Section 700







CHAIR: Catherine Martin, 310-616-0936,

CHAIR-Elect:  Alan Wang, 310-383-2393,

SECRETARY: Lane Parrott, (310) 489-9018,

TREASURER: Jim Morrison, 310-541-1417,

PAST CHAIR/Nominations: Lane Parrott, (310) 489-9018, 




Membership: Lisa Uhrig, 310-283-1197,

Financial Audit: Michael Schaffer, 310-895-0802,

Performance Awards and Recognition (PAR): Fatma Ali - 661-362-7612 -

Voice of the Customer:  Rebecca Collins - 310-607-7438 - 

Arrangements:  Chen Low, 310-334-7044,

Awards and Recognition: Imre Fischer, 949-493-3914,

Simon Collier Quality Award:  Jim Morrison, 310-541-1417,

CSUDH Liaison: Milt Krivokuca, 949-892-7994,

Education: Lane Parrott, (310) 489-9018,

Certification/ Re-certification: Joe DeSimone, 424-772-6371,

Communications Chair: Rhonda Y. Hayes, 310-334-0381,

Job Listing: Armen Yeghoian, 818-912-9272,

Newsletter Editor: Bill Trappen, 760-723-7718,

Newsletter Publisher: Harold Martinez, 310-214-1606,

Publicity & Advertising Chair: Alan Wang, 310-383-2393,

Social media: Anthony Valdez - 562- 445-7766 - 

ASQLA Website Advertising
For information on placing an ad through ASQLA, contact Advertising Chair at (310)383-2393,