April 2013 |
Welcome to the April Issue of the ASQ-LA Newsletter.
Looking forward to see you at our April 10th Member Meeting which will be at Mattel in El Segundo. If you plan to attend the meeting, YOU MUST RSVP to Chen Low 310-334-7044, pager 310-353-8293 or e-mail ChenLow_88@hotmail.com, no-later-than Noon on Monday, April 8th, so he can get the list of attendees to Mattel Security.
Looking forward to your attendance at this month's program.
Harold Martinez Newsletter Chair
Milt Krivokuca
"A Quality Focused Model for Rapid Improvement"
Please join the ASQLA Section 0700 for its monthly member meeting on Wednesday, April 10th. The meeting will be at Mattel in El Segundo. This meeting is an opportunity to network with other Quality professionals and to learn about current techniques & technologies. Our guest speaker this month is Milt Krivokuca speaking on "A Quality Focused Model for Rapid Improvement."
This presentation provides an advanced application of the basic PDSA improvement methodology to accommodate organizations requiring rapid improvements to existing processes. The theory, tools, and techniques of this rapid improvement model are aligned with the current revitalized interest in Total Quality management (TQM). This model can be adopted by any organization desiring to utilize the basic TQM concepts and meet the rapidly changing market demands.
The challenge for industries with very short product life cycles requires rapid Quality-based process improvements. This presentation is a variation to the Deming Plan-Do-Study-Act model which includes additional guidance for industries requiring rapid improvements in their existing processes to keep pace with the global market demands. The rapid improvement model consists of the PDSA with the inclusion of three additional questions closing the loop on the Act stage; none of these loop-closing PDSA questions involve statistical processes. PDSA is modified by asking these three questions to close the loop of the Act stage:
- What are we trying to accomplish?
- How will we know that a change is an improvement?
- What changes can we make that will result in improvement?
These questions serve as the basis for guiding improvement efforts, and can be answered in any order. Examining these basic questions in conjunction with the PDSA process and change concepts will help organizations understand why change is required and establish a feedback mechanism to let organizations know if change is occurring. Part of the Lessons Learned to this presentations is moving quickly from theory to application and applying a combination of Quality improvement methodology with change concepts.
Milton Krivokuca, DBA teaches Quality Classes, ASQ Certification Refresher classes and serves as the California State University Dominguez Hills' BSQA and MSQA Program Coordinator. He has earned numerous professional certifications: CQIA, CMQ/OE, CQA, CQT, CQPA, CCT, CQE, CQE, CSSGB, CCT, RAB ISO:9000-2000 Auditor, CPM, and PCM. He is a senior member of ASQ and is currently serves as the 22,000 member Quality Management Division chair. He earned his DBA in 2003. He has delivered papers in Viet Nam, Jamaica, Hong Kong, China, and Dubai. He is also a Subject Matter Expert in several of the quality certification bodies of knowledge.
The program will be held at 2nd Floor Main Conference Room at Mattel 333 Continental Boulevard El Segundo, CA 90245-5012. This meeting is an opportunity to network with other Quality Professionals, learn about quality related topics and earn 0.3 Recertification Units. Registration and networking starts at 5:30 PM. The meeting runs from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. Crackers, Cookies, Coffee & Water will be provided at no charge.
You MUST RSVP to Chen Low 310-334-7044, pager 310-353-8293 or e-mail ChenLow_88@hotmail.com, no-later-than Noon on Monday, January 7th, so he can get the list of attendees to Mattel Security.
Message from the Chair - Lane Parrott
Certified Quality Auditor (CQA) Exam Preparation Class
The CQA Exam Preparation class uses proven teaching methods and study tools to prepare you for passing the CQA Exam. During the 6-week class you will learn the subject matter, improve test-taking skills and prepare your reference material for the open book exam conducted on June 1, 2013. Depending on how familiar you are with auditing and when you took your last exam, you should plan on spending 60 to 80 hours, including class time, to prepare for the exam.
Class will be conducted on 6 Saturdays, 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM at:
Phenomenex, Inc.
2341 West 205th Street
Torrance, CA 90501
April 13, 2013
Section I - Certification Overview
CQA Body of Knowledge, Study & Test Techniques
Practice Exam
Section II - Auditing Fundamentals
April 20, 2013
Section VII - Quality Tools and Techniques
April 27, 2013
Section IV - Audit Planning & Performance
Case Study
May 4, 2013
Section III - Auditor Competencies
Case Study
May 11, 2013
Section VI - Audit Program Management
Case Study
May 18, 2013
Section V - Audit Reporting & Follow-Up
Practice Exam using notes
Class Fees: Non-Member: $500
ASQ Member: $350
Member of Section 0700: $325
Unemployed ASQ Member: $200
Objective evidence of your ASQ, Section 0700 or unemployment status must be provided to Lanep@phenomenex.com. Please do this before writing your tuition check. Credit cards are not accepted. Checks must be received before the second class. Make checks payable to ASQ Los Angeles Section 0700. Contact Treasurer: Jim Morrison, Jamamorr@aol.com for mailing information or bring check to class. To register contact Lanep@phenomenex.com.
Students are responsible for registering for the ASQ Exam at www.asq.orgprior to the April 12, 2013 application deadline. ASQ Registration Fees are $269 for members or $419 for non-members. Students must bring their own CQA Primer to each class. They can be purchased for $70 from the Quality Council of Indiana at 1-800-660-4215 or www.quaitycouncil.com.
NOTE: Do not read and highlight the material like you did in college. You are preparing for an open book exam. We will discuss highlighting during the first class.
ASQLA Website Advertising
Call for Nominations
Simon Collier Quality Award
American Society for Quality
Los Angeles Section 0700
Do you know people who are leaders in promoting quality concepts, people who have made a difference in the quality culture or performance of their industries, companies, or in the world at large? Tell us about them now! The Los Angeles Section would like to recognize their contributions with the Simon Collier Quality Award in October 2013. This is a nationally recognized award given in honor of one of the early movers and shakers of ASQ and the Los Angeles Section.
PURPOSE OF AWARD is to honor, encourage, and/or specifically identify outstanding individual or group leadership, accomplishment and ingenuity in organizing, promoting, operating, or improving Quality Systems and Programs in areas such as Industry, Government, Education, Business, Health or Service Organizations, which fit the professional objectives of the American Society for Quality. The nominee's achievements may have resulted from outstanding ability and success in management, training, advising and writings in the field of Quality or in appropriately related works of design, manufacture, reliability, maintainability, safety, liability, etc. of product or service systems. The award is not intended to honor traditional classroom teaching.
Deadline for Nomination: June 30, 2013.
For additional information and Nomination Form please contact:
Imre A. Fischer, Ph.D., P.E., FACB
ASQ Fellow
Chair, Simon Collier Quality Award Committee
P.O. Box 6614, Laguna Niguel, CA 92607
Phone/Fax: 949-493-3914
Mobile: 714-393-3910
Other Contacts: Bill Trappen at btrappen@csudh.edu
Jim Morrison at jamamorr@aol.com
ASQ-Los Angeles
Section 0700
New Members
Rika Suzuki | Sakura Finetek USA Inc | Jay R. Jackson | Advanced Technology Services (ATS) | Micheline M. Barkosky | Siemens Medical Solutions | Mark Acosta | American Renolit | Rosa E. Arzu | Altamed | Tawfik A. Hebrara | | Azzam A. Alrajhi | | David Fanjung | | Steven A. Macias | MOOG Inc | James C. Beecher | Sakura-Finetek USA | Manthan B. Kothari | |
Internet Program Schedule - Subject to Occasional Changes
First Day Last Day Last Day
of Class to Register of Class
May 7 May 3 Aug. 6
Course Title Instructor
QAS 200.41 Fundamentals of Quality Dennis Leonard
QAS 325.41 Technical Communications (4 units) Keith Fulton (Kfulton@csudh.edu)
QAS 350.41 Physical Metrology (3 units) Emil Hazarian (ehazarian@csudh.edu)
QAS 445.41 System Failure Analysis (3 units) Craig Carpenter (CCarpenter@polkaudio.com)
QAS 450.41 Value Based Quality (3 units) Kim Niles (kniles@csudh.edu)
QAS 511.41 Quality Function Management & TQM William Trappen (btrappen@csudh.edu)
QAS 513.41 Statistical Quality Control & Sampling Dan Dunahay (ddunahay@csudh.edu)
QAS 514.41 Adv. Experimental Design Dan Dunahay (ddunahay@csudh.edu)
QAS 515.41 Human Factors in Quality Assurance Jim Clauson (jclauson@csudh.edu)
QAS 515.42 Human Factors in Quality Assurance David Vu (dvu@csudh.edu)
QAS 518.41 Quality Project Management William Trappen (btrappen@csudh.edu
QAS 527.41 Quality Measurement (3 units) Denis Bourcier (drbourci@yahoo.com)
QAS 534.41 Change Management Robert Spencer (rspencer@csudh.edu)
QAS 536.41 Six Sigma (3 Units) Pam Dunahay(pmdunahay@csudh.edu)
QAS 537.41 Quality Function Deployment: Robert Spencer (rspencer@csudh.edu)
Understanding Customer
QAS 541.41 Biomedical Quality Control Kim Niles (kniles@csudh.edu)
QAS 598.41 Directed Research (3 units) Milton Krivokuca (mkrivokuca@csudh.edu)
To reach the Extended Education Registration office please call (310) 243-3741, fax (310) 516-3971, or by email at eereg@csudh.edu.
NBQA - Internet Program Schedule - Subject to Occasional Changes
First Day Last Day Last Day
of Class To Register of Class
Jun 25 Jun 21 Aug. 20
Course Title Instructor
NBQA 706.41 Certified Quality Six Sigma Green Belt Milt Krivokuca (mkrivokuca@csudh.edu) |
ASQ Certification Exams
Application Deadline
April 12, 2013
Late Application
Fee ($50) Deadline
April 17, 2013
Exam Date
June 1, 2013
Quality Engineer(CQE)
Quality Auditor(CQA)
Six Sigma Green Belt (SSGB)
Software Quality Eng. (CSQE)
Quality Improvement Assoc (CQIA)
Calibration Technician(CCT)
Quality Process Analyst (CQPA)
Application Deadline
August 16, 2013
Late Application
Fee ($50) Deadline
August 21, 2013
Exam Date
October 5, 2013
Six Sigma Black Belt(SSBB)
Mgr of Qual/Org Excel (CMQ/OE)
Quality Inspector(CQI)
Quality Technician(CQT)
Biomedical Auditor(CBD)
Reliability Engineer(CRE)
HACCP Auditor(CHA)
for more information.
Cal State Dominguez Hills BSQA & MSQA Programs
sponsor certification preparation courses, See certification
Is it time for recertification? Send your package to Joe DeSimone, Recertification Chair at P.O. Box 1291, San Pedro, CA90731. |
Time: 5:30 - 6:00 Networking & Dinner
6:00 - 8:00 Meeting
CSUDH Extended Education Bldg
1000 Victoria St., Carson, CA 90745
Contact: Lane Parrott, Chair
(310) 489-9018
Dates: 1st Wednesday of the Month
Officers & Committee Chairs of ASQ Los Angeles Section 700
CHAIR: Lane Parrott - (310) 489-9018 - laneP@phenomenex.com
SECRETARY: Catherine Martin - 310-616-0936 Catherine_Martin@raytheon.com
TREASURER: Jim Morrison -(310) 541-1417 - jamamorr@aol.com
PAST CHAIR/Executive Advisory: Chen Low - (310) 334-7044 - chenlow_88@hotmail.com Arrangements: Chen Low - (310) 334-7044 - chenlow_88@hotmail.com
Job Listing: Armen Yeghoian- 818-912-9272 - Armen2049@yahoo.com
Website Chair: Alan Wang - (310)383-2393 - awang@spectrumchemical.com
Membership: Lisa Uhrig - - 310-283-1197 lisa@uhrigconsulting.com
Education: Bill Trappen - (760)723-7718 -tankerwht@aol.com
CSUDH Liaison: Milt Krivokuca - (949) 892-7994 - Milt619@cox.net
Certification: Joe DeSimone - (424) 772-6371 -jrdesimone@msn.com
Re-certification: Joe DeSimone - (424) 772-6371 - jrdesimone@msn.com
Newsletter: Harold Martinez - (310) 214-1606 -martinez2004@verizon.net
Awards and Recognition: Imre Fischer -(949)493-3914 - imrefische@aol.com
Quality Management Process (QMP): Lane Parrott - (310) 489-9018 - laneP@phenomenex.com
Financial Audit: Michael Schaffer - (310)895-0802 michaels@psychemedics.com
Simon Collier Quality Award: Imre Fischer - (949) 493-3914 ImreFische@aol.com
Programs: Open
Publicity & Advertising Chair: : Alan Wang - (310)383-2393 - awang@spectrumchemical.com
Voice of the Customer: Kathleen Laing - (310) 813-7646 kathleen.laing@ngc.com |