March 2013 |
Welcome to the March Issue of the ASQ-LA Newsletter.
Looking forward to see you at our March 13th Member Meeting @ Phenomenex 2341 West 205th Street Torrance, CA 90501. If you plan to attend the meeting, YOU MUST RSVP to Chen Low 310-334-7044, pager 310-353-8293 or e-mail ChenLow_88@hotmail.com, no-later-than Noon on Monday, March 11th, so he can get the list of attendees.
Do not go to the Phenomenex main entrance on 411 Madrid. The Meeting will be on the 2nd floor of 2341 West 205th Street. Near Crenshaw and 190th. Looking forward to your attendance at this month's program. .
Harold Martinez Newsletter Chair
Peter Laing
"Using Quality Processes to Implement Education Reform Initiatives"
Please join the ASQLA Section 0700 for its monthly member meeting on Wednesday, March 13th. The meeting will be at Phenomenex, 2341 West 205th Street in Torrance. This meeting is an opportunity to network with other Quality professionals and to learn about current techniques & technologies. Our guest speaker this month is Peter Laing speaking on "Using Quality Processes to Implement Education Reform Initiatives."
How are quality concepts and performance management tools used to support the implementation of education reform initiatives? Peter Laing will engage you in a conversation regarding how quality processes are used in the education sector. Using Arizona initiatives as case studies, join us as we take a look across the lifecycle of large-scale education initiative implementation, including the design phase with an outcome focus, to include SMART goal and objectives setting; building frameworks and feedback loops to support implementation throughout a challenging multi-level delivery chain; the use of processes, tools and documentation to support strategic planning and tactically guide multiple, complex work streams; and, the use of key progress and performance metrics throughout to inform decision making and critically evaluate success.
Peter Laing currently serves as a Senior Director with the Arizona Department of Education (ADE), providing leadership as the state lead for Arizona's Race to the Top grant and education reform initiatives - which include the implementation of Arizona's Common Core Standards in English and Mathematics, improving the state's education data systems, supporting the creation and implementation of Regional Service Centers in collaboration with Arizona's 15 County School Superintendents, supporting Arizona's Educator Effectiveness initiatives and coordinating with the Governor's Office of Education Innovation. Additionally, Peter leads the ADE's Advanced Placement and Gifted Education programs. Peter also represents the Western United States Region on the Board of Directors for the Council of State Directors of Programs for the Gifted (CSDPG), and has served as Special Populations Network Chair and member of the Board of Director's Legislative Advocacy Committee for the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), and was the founding Co-Chair for the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development's (ASCD) Gifted & Advanced Learners Network. He has also provided direct leadership and services in support of the ADE's grant development efforts, resulting in over $125M in successful competitive federal grants over the past nine years to support Arizona education initiatives.
The program will be held at 2nd Floor Main Conference Room at Phenomenex 2341 West 205th Street Torrance, CA 90501. This meeting is an opportunity to network with other Quality Professionals, learn about quality related topics and earn 0.3 Recertification Units. Registration and networking starts at 5:30 PM. The meeting runs from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. Crackers, Cookies, Coffee & Water will be provided at no charge.
You MUST RSVP to Chen Low 310-334-7044, pager 310-353-8293 or e-mail ChenLow_88@hotmail.com, no-later-than Noon on Monday, March11th, so he can get the list of attendees. |
Message from the Chair - Lane Parrott
I was reading Quality Progress Magazine and the following Quick Poll Results caught my eye: "How has becoming certified affected your career?"
I don't hold any certifications 39.3%
Hasn't made an impact 31.4%
Helped me get a job 23.5%
Helped me get a raise 5.6%
Somehow the numbers were not very satisfying. What do they mean? On a macro level, 61% of those polled had an ASQ certification and 39% did not have a certification. Interesting! But still "In the box " thinking. Shouldn't we focus on the benefits of certification? Isn't that what really matters? So I got out my trusty calculator and removed the 39% who did not have a certification. Now we had interesting statistics:
10% of people with an ASQ Certification said it helped them get a raise
39% of people with an ASQ Certification said it helped them get a job
51% of people with an ASQ Certification said it hasn't made an impact.
If you do not like the cards you were dealt, change the game!
MEET NEW PEOPLE - Join the section's Leadership Team. We are looking for enthusiastic and dependable members who can help us provide a great experience for your members. If you are interested, please send me an Email at LaneP@Phenomenex.com.
BE ACKNOWLEDGED FOR YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS - If you have three (3) or more current ASQ Certifications and you attend our November Meeting, you will be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, an ASQLA coffee mug and a gift card.
Attend 8 or more ASQLA Meetings during 2013 and receive an ASQ coffee mug at our January 15, 2014.
ASQLA Website Advertising
California State University, Dominguez Hills
FALL Spring 2013
First Day Last Day Last Day
of Class To Register of Class
Mar. 20 Mar. 16* May 8
Course Title Instructor
NBQA 702.41 Certified Quality Engineer Exam Prep. Catherine French (cfrench@csudh.edu)
CN: 22089(Non-Credit)
NBQA 703.41 Certified Quality Auditor Exam Prep. Milton Krivokuca (mkrivokuca@csudh.edu)
CN: 22090(Non-Credit)
NBQA 701, 702, 703, 704, and 705 course fees are $350.00 per course.
First Day Last Day Last Day
of Class To Register of Class
Mar. 15 Mar. 11 May 10
Course Title Instructor
NBQA 709.41 Certified Calibration Technician Milt Krivokuca (mkrivokuca@csudh.edu)
Engineer Exam Prep.
First Day Last Day Last Day
of Class To Register of Class
Mar. 20 Mar. 16 Jun 26
Course Title Instructor
NBQA 710.41 Pharmaceutical GMP Bhavan (Bob) Mehta (bmehta@csudh.edu)
Certified Exam Prep.
NBQA 709/710 course fee is $475.00 per course. To enroll contact the Extended Education Registration office, please call (310) 243-3741, fax (310) 516-3971, or by email at eereg@csudh.edu. |
ASQ-Los Angeles
Section 0700
New Members ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Yvonne Fernandez Karl Storz Endoscopy-America
Tamara Christen Networks Electronic Corp
Edgar R. Monterroso Alcoa Fas tening Systems
Cherng-Shii Yeh M.C. Gill Corporation
Edward Snider SQA Services, Inc.
Jeffrey Goforth Structural Composites Ind.
Robert F. Figarotta Merck and Co., Inc.
Alex Mathews AutoGenomics
Dwayne Elkins Barksdale Controls
Steve R. Polk Advanced Photonix Inc.
Jamie Marks California Cryobank
Gloria J. Banfield Renolit
Orlando Mejorada-Castro Glenair, Inc.
Todd A. Ratke Honeywell
Camelia Davis Los Angeles County Metro Transit Authority
Kenneth Lee
Anita Pawlak
Renee Anderson
Emilio Gomez
Vincent Ybarra Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation
Jingchao Bian
Santiago Hanssel Alcoa
Chen Fung
Sumesh Mani K. Thiyagarajan Symantec Corporation
Michelle Alexander
Gomathi Chinnayan M.E. Weaver and Associates
Clay Callander
Scott E. Heatwole
Senthil Esakki
Hermine J. Warren Facialogy Medical, Inc.
Fozan Ahmed Hydroform USA
Vivian I Mora Hydroform USA
Godavari D. Phatale
Manuel Aceves JDSU
Jesus Nunez Sandoval
March 2013 Message from Regional Director
Region 7 Sections |
Rank# |
Established |
Years |
25 |
February 15,1946 |
67 |
4 |
May 19, 1960 |
53 |
82 |
November 1954 |
58 |
0703 SAN DIEGO |
24 |
January 1952 |
61 |
0704 PHOENIX |
21 |
July 1,1957 |
56 |
0705 LAS VEGAS |
136 |
May 1968 |
45 |
43 |
May 1962 |
51 |
0707 TUCSON |
117 |
March 23, 1955 |
58 |
0708 PALOMAR |
94 |
May 1971 |
42 |
126 |
May 1963 |
50 |
Aug 1975 / Feb 2000 |
25 |
92 |
May 17, 1994 |
19 |
0712 TIJUANA |
183 |
November 26,1996 |
17 |
163 |
May 18, 2002 |
11 |
0714 NOGALES |
221 |
November 9, 2006 |
7 |
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to those sections celebrating their anniversary this year!!! I am happy to mention that March will mark a milestone for me as well. I have not missed an ASQ-0707 Tucson Old Pueblo(TOPS) monthly technical meeting since March 13, 2006. Why have I continuously attended these meetings? The section leadership team strives to continuously improve such member topics and services as: professional development, community service, leadership opportunities, physiological/social needs, unfamiliarity with topics, learning/skill development, networking, unpublished job postings, and food selection - to name a few. I asked member leaders across the region why they attend meetings and this is what they told me:
- 0700(JM): Networking
- 0700(LP): I attend the meetings out of obligation.
- 0701(BS): Although I'm Arrangements Chair now and have to be at the monthly meetings, I originally started attending for the networking opportunities. As a young quality professional, I have found the networking to be invaluable. I now have a wide range of contacts that will certainly help me continue on in my career. I also got my current job through LinkedIn, and I wouldn't have the connections in LinkedIn without attending the monthly meetings. I hope this helps encourage members. I would definitely like to see more young members at monthly meetings.
- 0701(EM): They provide an opportunity to increase my knowledge through the clinic topics and dinner meeting topics
- 0702(SS): I like to attend the section meetings for 2 reasons: 1) It helps me keep myself updated with the latest in "Quality" - an edge over my peers, and 2) I like to network and know people which can be helpful in moving forward in my career and newer opportunities.
- 0702(JF): I attend for multiple reasons: to continue learning new ideas, to support my section, to earn RU's, and to socialize.
- 0704(JV): I attend Section Meetings so I can learn something new, network, visit with friends and get RU's for my recertification. I also share some of the Section's financial news each month as the Section Chair encourages Member Leaders to share committee news with those in attendance.
- 0705(MB): To set a good example so members see their leadership engaged in the section.
- 0706(PB): My primary reason for attending meetings is to stay current with what is happening in the quality field, and hopefully learn something that I didn't know before. My secondary reason is to network with my fellow section members and see what is new with them, and my last reason is to accumulate recertification units so that I can maintain my ASQ certifications.
- 0708(TJ): I generally provide the technical clinic. Mostly attend meetings for Recertification Units (RUs), as well as information.
- 0711(JC): What I do like is keeping current with what is going on to provide my members with the value from the Region 7 meetings.
For me, as a young quality practitioner, the meetings served several purposes: an introduction to quality concepts that were mostly "new" to me; the confidence to applying learned quality concepts at work; advice from mentors on my current professional/personal quandary; and, once a month, a dinner not from a fast food chain. To celebrate my attendance record I am going to take my wife out to a nice dinner and miss my first technical meeting in six years. What is your value proposition for attending? I hope you find value in your local section's monthly topic and decide to join us.
El�as Monr�al
ASQ Board of Director
ASQ Region 7 Director
R7 Website: http://asqgroups.asq.org/SectionVolunteerCommunity/region7/
ASQ Certification Exams
Application Deadline
April 12, 2013
Late Application
Fee ($50) Deadline
April 17, 2013
Exam Date
June 1, 2013
Quality Engineer(CQE)
Quality Auditor(CQA)
Six Sigma Green Belt (SSGB)
Software Quality Eng. (CSQE)
Quality Improvement Assoc (CQIA)
Calibration Technician(CCT)
Quality Process Analyst (CQPA)
Application Deadline
August 16, 2013
Late Application
Fee ($50) Deadline
August 21, 2013
Exam Date
October 5, 2013
Six Sigma Black Belt(SSBB)
Mgr of Qual/Org Excel (CMQ/OE)
Quality Inspector(CQI)
Quality Technician(CQT)
Biomedical Auditor(CBD)
Reliability Engineer(CRE)
HACCP Auditor(CHA)
for more information.
Cal State Dominguez Hills BSQA & MSQA Programs
sponsor certification preparation courses, See certification
Is it time for recertification? Send your package to Joe DeSimone, Recertification Chair at P.O. Box 1291, San Pedro, CA90731. |
Time: 5:30 - 6:00 Networking & Dinner
6:00 - 8:00 Meeting
CSUDH Extended Education Bldg
1000 Victoria St., Carson, CA 90745
Contact: Lane Parrott, Chair
(310) 489-9018
Dates: 1st Wednesday of the Month
Officers & Committee Chairs of ASQ Los Angeles Section 700
CHAIR: Lane Parrott - (310) 489-9018 - laneP@phenomenex.com
SECRETARY: Catherine Martin - 310-616-0936 Catherine_Martin@raytheon.com
TREASURER: Jim Morrison -(310) 541-1417 - jamamorr@aol.com
PAST CHAIR/Executive Advisory: Chen Low - (310) 334-7044 - chenlow_88@hotmail.com Arrangements: Chen Low - (310) 334-7044 - chenlow_88@hotmail.com
Job Listing: Armen Yeghoian- 818-912-9272 - Armen2049@yahoo.com
Website Chair: Alan Wang - (310)383-2393 - awang@spectrumchemical.com
Membership: Lisa Uhrig - - 310-283-1197 lisa@uhrigconsulting.com
Education: Bill Trappen - (760)723-7718 -tankerwht@aol.com
CSUDH Liaison: Milt Krivokuca - (949) 892-7994 - Milt619@cox.net
Certification: Joe DeSimone - (424) 772-6371 -jrdesimone@msn.com
Re-certification: Joe DeSimone - (424) 772-6371 - jrdesimone@msn.com
Newsletter: Harold Martinez - (310) 214-1606 -martinez2004@verizon.net
Awards and Recognition: Imre Fischer -(949)493-3914 - imrefische@aol.com
Quality Management Process (QMP): Lane Parrott - (310) 489-9018 - laneP@phenomenex.com
Financial Audit: Michael Schaffer - (310)895-0802 michaels@psychemedics.com
Simon Collier Quality Award: Imre Fischer - (949) 493-3914 ImreFische@aol.com
Programs: Open
Publicity & Advertising Chair: : Alan Wang - (310)383-2393 - awang@spectrumchemical.com
Voice of the Customer: Kathleen Laing - (310) 813-7646 kathleen.laing@ngc.com |