June 2012 |
This is the June Issue of the ASQ-LA Newsletter. Come to our June 13th Member Meeting @ NGC in Redondo Beach. MUST RSVP to Chen Low 310-334-7044 or pager 310-353-8293 or e-mail address to ChenLow_88@hotmail.com, no-later-than Noon on Monday, June 11th, so he can get the list of attendees to NGC Security.
Hope you can come to this month's program.
Harold Martinez Newsletter Chair
Call for Nominations Simon Collier Quality Award
American Society for Quality
Los Angeles Section 0700
Do you know people who are leaders in promoting quality concepts, people who have made a difference in the quality culture or performance of their industries, companies, or in the world at large?
Tell us about them now!
The Los Angeles Section would like to recognize their contributions with the Simon Collier Quality Award in October 2012. This is a nationally recognized award given in honor of one of the early movers and shakers of ASQ and the Los Angeles Section.
PURP0SE OF AWARD is to honor, encourage, and/or specifically identify outstanding individual or group leadership, accomplishment and ingenuity in organizing, promoting, operating, or improving Quality Systems and Programs in areas such as Industry, Government, Education, Business, Health or Service Organizations, which fit the professional objectives of the American Society for Quality.
The nominee's achievements may have resulted from outstanding ability and success in management, training, advising and writings in the field of Quality or in appropriately related works of design, manufacture, reliability, maintainability, safety, liability, etc. of product or service systems. The award is not intended to honor traditional classroom teaching.
Deadline for Nomination: June 30, 2012.
For additional information and Nomination Form please contact:
Imre A. Fischer, Ph.D., P.E., FACB
ASQ Fellow
Chair, Simon Collier Quality Award Committee
P.O. Box 6614, Laguna Niguel, CA 92607
Phone/Fax: 949-493-3914
Mobile: 714-393-3910
Other Contacts: Bill Trappen at btrappen@csudh.edu Jim Morrison at jamamorr@aol.com
Simon Collier |
Simon Collier, elected in 1965 as the fourth Honorary member of ASQ, shepherded the society during a critical period of intense growth.
The 1952-53 term, when Collier was president, was marked by numerous milestones. ASQ membership increased 22% to nearly 7,500 members, and 11 new sections came into being. The first divisions were formed, beginning with the Textile Division (now the Textile and Needle Trades Division), which received its charter in August 1952, followed shortly thereafter by the Chemical Division. The Regional Conferences Committee was established to minimize conflicts (now the Chemical and Process Industries Division) in scheduling and assist in planning and management. ASQ broke new ground with the first printing of two new classes of publications; these included the first Standards Committee Report, No. A1-1951, Definitions and Symbols for Control Charts, and the first volume in the General Publications Series, Manual on Sampling Inspection by Military Standard, MIL-ST-lO5-A.
Collier's administration was the first to have more than one vice president; three people shared the expanding workload. As membership grew, the Financial Advisory Committee recommended new investment policies to safeguard ASQ's assets. Also during this period, the Section Management Awards Committee was born.
Collier always maintained a close link to members, a relationship that developed during his three terms as executive secretary (1948-1951) and his term as vice president (1951-1952). In the days before ASQ had a full-time staff, the executive secretary was point of contact between the national organization and sections. The day-to-day maintenance of the organization was borne by ASQ's officers and supported by their employers. Such was the case with Collier, who used resources and staff of his office at Johns-Manville Corp. to perform vital services to the Society.
Collier's commitment to the sections was evident in his remarks to the board of directors in May 1953, when he said that the strength of ASQ depended on the ability of officers to make personal appearances at section meetings.
The first Edwards Medal was awarded to Collier in 1959 in recognition of his dedication. It was a fitting honor, for Collier admired George Edwards, and their accomplishments within ASQ had many parallels. In accepting the award, Collier spoke of the importance of the human element in the organization: "Unless we recognize this important element and make the necessary plans to obtain the utmost cooperation from everyone involved, the best results can rarely be obtained, no matter how well we plan our programs."
Collier was trained as a chemist and began his career at the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology), where he worked as a rubber chemist and wrote Methods of Analysis of Rubber Goods. He also co-authored Quality Control in the Rubber Industry. In addition, his work with the American Society for Testing and Materials resulted in his selection as an honorary member of that group.
More than 30 years of Collier's professional career were spent at Johns-Manville in Waukegan, IL, and in New York City. He was an early proponent of quality control methods in industry. One of his memorable accomplishments as director of quality control at Johns-Manville was the production of a quality training film that was viewed by more than 50,000 people in over 300 organizations throughout the country.
After retiring in the late 1950s, Collier moved to Los Angeles, where he was a visiting lecturer and assisted in the development of quality, reliability, and management programs at the University of California at Los Angeles. He continued his work with ASQ through the Los Angeles Section, and enjoyed the continued respect and admiration of his colleagues in the quality control profession.
2011 Deborah L. Hopen
2010 Gregory H. Watson
2009 Lee H. Hilborne, M.D., MPH
2008 Barry Craner
2007 H. James Harrington, Ph.D., MBA
2006 Marilyn Davis
2005 Phillip Rosenkrantz, Ed.D.
2004 Thomas Pyzdek
2002 Ivan (Mike) Thomas
2001 Sherrill (Si) Daily
2000 W. Randall Mizer
1999 Mitchell O. Locks, Ph.D.
1998 Eugene M. Barker
1997 Spencer Hutchens, Jr.
1996 William W. Ferguson
1995 James A. Morrison
1994 Imre A. Fischer, Ph.D.
1993 Charles F. Williams
1992 Kenneth H. Applegate
1991 William H. Trappen
1990 Steve Kozich
1989 Walter L. Hurd
1988 Rocco L. Fiaschetti
1986 Edward Coleman, Ph.D.
"SPC - Maximization for Success"
Please join the ASQLA Section 0700 for its monthly member meeting on Wednesday, June 13th. The meeting will be at Northrup Grummann Conference Room in Redondo Beach. This meeting is an opportunity to network with other Quality professionals and to learn about current techniques & technologies. Our speaker this month is Mr. Mark Harrison..
The speaker's topic will be "SPC - Maximization for Success." SPC (Statistical Process Control) is a standard application of any modern business driven by data and measurements. In some cases SPC may be in place but the full value of what it can contribute to the business has not yet been fully realized. Considering the current worldwide economic climate most companies are under great pressure to increase performance and remain competitive. This presentation will provide a quick review of SPC fundamentals and a guideline on how to properly implement SPC, adapt the business culture to maximize the benefits of SPC use and provide enhancements that might be utilized to bring your quality, efficiencies and profits to the next level.
Mark Harrison started his involvement with Statistical Process Control while employed at an IBM semiconductor fabricator in Vermont where he became one of the "SPC Experts" team members implementing SPC in multiple manufacturing process areas. Work continued with enhancements and optimizations to the processes and systems using Design of Experiments (DOE) and systems programming raising process yields from an average of 75-80% to 95-97%. Mark has developed and taught Intro SPC classes to new hire employees and Defect and Data Analysis applications to Manufacturing and Development engineers at IBM and presented a paper on SPC implementation at an international technical conference. Mark is a certified Six Sigma Black Belt and Senior ASQ Member. Mark is currently seeking opportunities and working on his own tech-startup business. He holds an AS degree in Electronics Technology from SUNY Albany, NY, and is in his senior year of a BS degree in EE/MIS at the University of Vermont (UVM).
The program will be located at the E2 Conference Room at Northrop Grumman in Redondo Beach. This meeting is an opportunity to network with other Quality Professionals, learn about quality related topics and earn 0.3 Recertification Units. Registration and networking starts at 5:30 PM. The meeting runs from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. Crackers, Cookies, Coffee & Water will be provided at no charge. You MUST RSVP to Chen Low 310-334-7044 or pager 310-353-8293 or e-mail address to ChenLow_88@hotmail.com, no later than Noon on Monday, June 11th, so a list of attendees for NGC Security. |
Message from the Chair - Lane Parrott
Have you noticed that the majority of what we hear on the news or read about in newspapers, magazines and the Internet is negative? Unemployment is going up, businesses are leaving California, the Facebook IPO was a bust, another person was murdered, etc. With all the negativity around us it is hard to be optimistic. More specifically it is difficult to be positive about our careers and what the future holds for us.
As I drove to the ASQ World Conference, I assumed I would see the same old quality stuff presented by the same old quality people. I would hear about how companies overcame budget cuts and other challenges, just like I did in previous years. With those negative thoughts I even wondered why I was going. But then I remembered that the LA Section expected me to attend. I already took vacation days. And I volunteered 8 hours of my time. So I put on a smile and my blue volunteer vest and persevered the conference.
There were over 2800 attendees, more women, young people and foreigners than in previous years. Many people were from healthcare. Despite my negative expectations, I had to admit the conference was pretty darn good. Would the next day be better if I had positive rather than negative expectations?
The next day I got up early and arrived on time to hear the first speaker, Simon Sinek. Since I decided to have a positive day, I immediately liked the speaker. Because I liked him, I actually listened very carefully to what he said. He presented examples from his book, Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. To be a leader you need a follower. People follow due to loyalty, trust and inspiration. Loyalty comes from trust. Trust comes from a sense of common values and beliefs. Inspiration comes from passion.
Share your passion for quality. Bring a friend to the next meeting. Get more involved in our section. Attend our Leadership Team Meetings.
The next Leadership Team Meeting is 5:30 PM on Wednesday, June 6 7th at the Extended Education Building at California State University Dominguez Hills. CSUDH is a large campus, so I suggest entering at Gate D from Victoria Street. Please contact me at 310-489-9018 or laneP@phenomenex.com and I will ensure there is a sandwich waiting for you at the meeting.
Lane Parrott
Section 0700 Chair
Membership Chair Report
By Lisa Uhrig
Wayne Bryant |
Saturn Fasteners / Cherry Aerospace |
Victor Araiza |
Doorking Inc |
David Mcconnell |
Kaiser Permanente |
Thomas Langer |
Los Angeles County Metro Transporation Authority |
Linda Van |
Ameri-King Corp. |
Philip Yankey |
Philip D. Yankey Architect |
Lizbeth Reyes |
Sugar Foods Corp |
George De La Riva |
Snap-On |
Massimo Masini |
Technicolor |
Kribakaran Venkatesan |
Yiwen Zhang |
James Roberts |
The Aerospace Corporation |
Adwait Cheoolkar |
University of Southern California |
Ganesh Balachandar |
ColleenZhu |
Ashish Yadav |
Shana Whitehurst |
Johnson and Johnson |
Jaimie Estrin |
Navigent Consulting |
Fan Ding |
Eric Baier |
Hyland's Inc. |
Scot Diaz |
Denise Gastelon |
Judith Anica |
Rapiscan Systems |
Caroline Mosessian |
University of Southern California |
ASQ Certification Exams
Application Deadline
October 12, 2012
Late Application
Fee ($50) Deadline
October 17, 2012
Exam Date
December 1, 2012
Quality Engineer(CQE)
Quality Auditor(CQA)
Six Sigma Green Belt (SSGB)
Software Quality Eng. (CSQE)
Quality Improvement Assoc (CQIA)
Calibration Technician(CCT)
Quality Process Analyst (CQPA)
Application Deadline
August 17, 2012
Late Application
Fee ($50) Deadline
August 22, 2012
Exam Date
October 6, 2012
Six Sigma Black Belt(SSBB)
Mgr of Qual/Org Excel (CMQ/OE)
Quality Inspector(CQI)
Quality Technician(CQT)
Biomedical Auditor(CBD)
Reliability Engineer(CRE)
HACCP Auditor(CHA)
for more information.
Cal State Dominguez Hills BSQA & MSQA Programs
sponsor certification preparation courses, See certification
Is it time for recertification? Send your package to Joe DeSimone, Recertification Chair at P.O. Box 1291, San Pedro, CA90731. |
Time: 5:30 - 6:00 Networking & Dinner
6:00 - 8:00 Meeting
CSUDH Extended Education Bldg
1000 Victoria St., Carson, CA 90745
Contact: Lane Parrott, Chair
(310) 489-9018
Dates: 1st Wednesday of the Month
Officers & Committee Chairs of ASQ Los Angeles Section 700
CHAIR: Lane Parrott - (310) 489-9018 - laneP@phenomenex.com
VICE CHAIR: Andrea Reilly - 310-617-6764 - andreareilly6@aol.com
SECRETARY: Catherine Martin - 310-616-0936 Catherine_Martin@raytheon.com
TREASURER: Jim Morrison -(310) 541-1417 - jamamorr@aol.com
PAST CHAIR/Executive Advisory: Chen Low - (310) 334-7044 - chenlow_88@hotmail.com Arrangements: Chen Low - (310) 334-7044 - chenlow_88@hotmail.com
Job Listing: Armen Yeghoian- 818-912-9272 - Armen2049@yahoo.com
Website Chair: Crystalyn Nield- (310)462.1150- Crystalyn@wcfb.cc
Membership: Lisa Uhrig - - 310-283-1197 lisa@uhrigconsulting.com
Education: Bill Trappen - (760)723-7718 -tankerwht@aol.com
CSUDH Liaison: Milt Krivokuca - (949) 892-7994 - Milt619@cox.net
Certification: Joe DeSimone - (424) 772-6371 -jrdesimone@msn.com
Re-certification: Joe DeSimone - (424) 772-6371 - jrdesimone@msn.com
Newsletter: Harold Martinez - (310) 214-1606 -martinez2004@verizon.net
Awards and Recognition: Imre Fischer -(949)493-3914 - imrefische@aol.com
Quality Management Process (QMP): Crystalyn Nield- (310)462.1150- Crystalyn@wcfb.cc
Financial Audit: Michael Schaffer - (310)895-0802 michaels@psychemedics.com
Simon Collier Quality Award: Imre Fischer - (949) 493-3914 ImreFische@aol.com
Programs: Andrea Reilly - 310-617-6764 - andreareilly6@aol.com
Publicity & Advertising Chair: : Alan Wang - (310)383-2393 - awang@spectrumchemical.com |