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Identifying Challenges, Creating Solutions   

Volume 12, Issue 17 | Mar. 2015  

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2015 National Hurricane Conference


The National Hurricane Conference is heading to Austin, TX (March 30-April 2, 2015).  The primary goal of the National Hurricane Conference is to improve hurricane preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation in order to save lives and property in the United States and the tropical islands of the Caribbean and Pacific. In addition, the conference serves as a national forum for federal, state and local officials to exchange ideas and recommend new policies to improve Emergency Management.


To accomplish these goals, the annual conference emphasizes:

  • Lessons Learned from Hurricane Strikes
  • State of the art programs worthy of emulation
  • New ideas being tested or considered
  • Information about new or ongoing assistance programs
  • The ABC's of hurricane preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation - in recognition of the fact that there is a continual turnover of emergency management leadership and staff

YNHHS-CEPDR will be presenting in two sessions at this year's hurricane conference on Business Continuity Planning and Disaster-related Reimbursement for Healthcare Facilities, to learn more about our presentations email us or to learn more about the conference or register, click here

2015 Preparedness Summit


The Preparedness Summit is the first and longest running national conference on public health preparedness. Since its beginning in 2006, the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) has taken a leadership role in convening a wide array of partners to participate in the Summit;  presenting new research findings, sharing tools and resources, and providing a variety of opportunities for attendees to learn how to implement model practices that enhance the nation's capabilities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters and other emergencies. This past year, this 4-day annual event, brought over 1,600 attendees to Atlanta, Georgia from nearly every state in the nation as well as several territories and countries, including China and Australia.


In 2015, the Summit returns to the Atlanta Marriott Marquis from April 14-17. To learn more click here.


YNHHS-CHS will be presenting in a Learning Session titled: "Protecting Disaster Volunteers and Victims - Leveraging the CMS National Background Check Program Funding for Secure Volunteer Resourcing". To learn more contact us.

Stay Informed with our Other Publications!  
The Readiness Dispatch
Read about recent MRC, ECP and RPVP volunteer activities in CT. 
Solutions is a quarterly newsletter that provide practical and cost-efficient solutions to today's healthcare challenges. 


HHS-ASPR Recovery Workshop 2015
Dr. Lurie, the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response addresses recovery workshop participants on March 4, 2015; Photo Courtesy ASPR


YNHHS-CEPDR participated in the US Dept. of Health and Human Services Recovery Workshop 2015 in Washington, DC.  The workshop brought together key leaders in the recovery planning arena across various disciplines of government and non-government sectors.  Discussion focused on a number of recovery issues including coordination across levels of government and non-government organizations, stakeholder engagement in building pre-disaster recovery plans, recovery research opportunities and other relevant topics.  Conversations focused on health, healthcare, social services and ne

tworks in a pre- and post-disaster recovery context.  This workshop and future events are critical for enhancing a national dialogue in the recovery arena.  To learn more about the workshop and future events of this nature visit the website here or email HHS-ASPR's Recovery Division here..



Graphic Courtesy of ASPR

HHS-ASPR is preparing to launch a new information sharing and collaboration platform.  To ensure all partners - at the federal, state, local, non-profit and for-profit levels - have access to information and resources throughout the continuum of tiers of preparedness, response, and recovery, ASPR has begun developing a Technical Resources Assistance Center and Information Exchange (TRACIE).  TRACIE will provide stakeholders access to information, share promising practices, and identify and remedy knowledge gaps for private-citizens, as well as local, state, and federal officials.  We anticipate TRACIE being fully operational by end of April 2015.


To learn more about TRACIE, please contact HHS-ASPR here


Ebola Preparedness Funding


The Department of Health and Human Services released a new funding opportunity announcement (FOA) in late February 2015:  the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) Ebola Preparedness and Response Activities. This funding opportunity will award a total of $194,500,000 to states and other grantees for Ebola health care system preparedness and response and the development of a regional Ebola treatment strategy.

This funding, in addition to the Ebola emergency funds that will soon be awarded through the  Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) program, provides a total investment of $339,500,000 to enhance state, local and health care system preparedness for Ebola through the emergency appropriations passed with bipartisan support in Congress in December 2014.  These funds build on gains that have been made in health care and public health preparedness efforts over the past decade through the HPP and PHEP cooperative agreements with states.


To learn more visit the announcement site here or contact us to learn how YNHHS-CEPDR's programs and services can assist in Ebola Preparedness and Response


Credit: HHS-ASPR
YNHHS-CEPDR Program and Services


YNHHS-CEPDR offers the following additional services to hospitals, other healthcare delivery organizations, emergency management professionals, the business community and others. 

  • Assessments/Evaluations
  • Emergency Management Operations/Outsourcing of Services
  • Business Continuity Planning
  • Exercises
  • Situational Awareness/Analysis
  • Planning
  • Education and Training
  • Affordable Care Act/Healthcare Reform
  • Program Management
  • Incident Response Support
For additional information about our services, please call us at 
(203) 688-5000 or email us at for questions or comments.


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