Did We Say...YUM??

Food Festivals Celebrate Unique Cultures & Cuisines in Peru and Asia
Food festivals around the world have become popular events
showcasing the latest gastronomic trends and where participants can
learn the stories and "secret sauces" associated with chefs' unique culinary approaches. 


Sustainably Grown - Locally Produced


Aqua Expeditions has a strong commitment to preserving the environment and local customs, including culinary ones. Our Aria and Aqua Amazon menus have been carefully designed by Executive Chef Pedro Miguel Schiaffio to incorporate local delicacies and use native ingredients. 


Check out some of the unique ingredients he's discovered in the Peruvian Amazon...

Our Chefs ROCK!

Our chefs at Aqua Expeditions keep surprising us by winning more awards! The restaurants launched by Executive Chef's Pedro Miguel Schiaffino and David Thompson are garnering worldwide accolades and Maria Jose Jordan who trained under Schiaffino at AmaZ is the first, and only, woman to be invited to the Milan competition for the "World's Best Young Chef" in June 2015. 


Our Latest Culinary Creations

We know our guests LOVE to eat well. So do we! Check out a couple of the recipes our chefs want to share with you so you can enjoy some of their delicious concoctions at home! 

Post a Review of your Trip on 
TripAdvisor or Cruise Critic?

If you've traveled with us in the Amazon or on the Mekong, we hope you enjoyed your cruise with us! 

We just love reading what our guests have to say about us on Facebook, Google+, Twitter and any other social media sites you may frequent. 
Did you know you can also post a review of your experience on TripAdvisor in the attractions sections for the Amazon River and in the Pacaya Samiria Reserve? Or take a visit over to Cruise Critic and post your review there.

Go for it!

To book your 2015 or 2016 luxury cruise on the Amazon or on the Mekong, please contact your travel agent or visit us online! 



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