Newsletter Subtitle Month Year
July 18 - July 25, 2014



Michigan Lutheran High School provides a Christ-centered secondary education to prepare young adults for lives of Christian service in their churches, workplaces, communities, the world, and for life with their Lord in eternity.  














July 21 - 25 Open to Boys entering grades 9-12 in Fall 2014

July 24 - 25 Open to Boys entering grades 4 - 6 in Fall 2014

*** EARLY BIRD registration fees applicable if registrations are postmarked by the dates noted on the individual camp application forms.  Please go to for more information and applications




All Students:

Summer Mailing!

The 2014/15 school year is fast approaching!  August 18th will be here in no time.  Our Titan student body should have received an envelope in the mail from ML.  This packet contains the forms necessary to keep our student files up to date.  Please go over these papers, fill them out, sign them if necessary, and have the students do the same.  Class schedules will be included and if changes need to be made, these should go through our Registrar, Mr. Pappenfuss (ext. 206).


Please return all completed forms to Mrs. Sievert.






Freshmen Get to Know Each Other Night

at the Titan Center


Friday, July 25


We invite all our new Titans to get to know one another better before your first day of high school!

Parents are invited as well to get to know the parents of your kid's class.


Grill out - 6:00 pm

Mixer Activities - 6:45 pm

Free Time - 8:00 pm

Camp Fire - 9:00 - 10:00


Please RSVP to 

Meat, drinks and tableservice will be provided. Please bring a dish to pass. 



The Titan Center will be holding a sale of used and unneeded furniture/office items/ etc. found in that building and at MLHS on August 9 beginning at 8 am at the Titan Center.  All proceeds will go directly to the Titan Center.

Mission Work Coming Full Circle


God continues to bless the work of our our International Program. Currently, we are looking at an international student body of 7 for the beginning of our fall semester with students representing South Korea and China. Next week will see the arrival of a special visitor to the area, hereby helping to bring one of our world mission operations full-circle. We are proud to welcome Mr. Wenjun (Kevin) Gaun of Grace English Training School in Yinchuan, Ningxia, China to Southwestern Michigan. Mr. Gaun will be visiting MLHS as he meets various members of the ML faculty, staff, and Association Pastors to discuss the possibility of sending graduates of his grade school to study at Michigan Lutheran High School for their formal secondary education. What makes this meeting so special is the relationship that Grace English Training School has developed with Friends of China.  Mr. Gaun has already heard wonderful things about our school and is anxious to see what all the "buzz" is about.


If you recall, we have had a number of ML grads serve as English instructors within the Friends of China organization. This brings the connection even closer to home. So don't be shy, if you happen to see Mr. Gaun about town with some of our faculty and staff, be sure to greet him with a warm "Ni Hao"!




To report recent alumni news, please send information to 



Thank you for providing news for this section!   We are always interested in knowing what our alumni are up to. 





A scholarship list is posted at



Selective Service Registration
Federal law says that all 18-year-old men must register with Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday.  Registration takes only a few minutes and can be accomplished by visiting  For additional information, call 1-847-688-6888.  Failure to register can lead to fines, prison, or withholding of college grants.





Pep Band Boot Camp
We will once again be kicking off a great year of band music with our Pep Band Boot Camp!  All new and returning band students (grades 9-12) should plan to attend this Pep Band Camp on August 11,13,14, and 15.  (Note NO rehearsal on Tuesday,August 12!!!)

Rehearsals will run from 1:00-2:30 PM each day.  This will be our primary organizational time for this year's pep band music, so attendance is very important!  Fine Arts points will be given for each day you attend, so come to them all and get a jump start on your points for next year!  

Festival Singers Rehearsals
We will have a very exciting first semester as we make preparations for hosting this year's East Regional Choral Festival here at MLHS!  In order for us to hit the ground running in August, I'd like to meet with my Festival Singer group from 6:00-7:00 PM on August 11,13 and 14.  (Note NO rehearsal on Tuesday, August 12th!!!)
These three initial rehearsals will give us some time to build our new sound for the group, as well as check out some of our music for the first part of the year.  I picked these times because no one indicated that they were going to be involved in the fair or football, and this was the most convenient time for us to meet.  Please mark your calendars and plan to be at these rehearsals.  See you in August!



MLHS would like to thank its faithful supporters for generously taking the time and effort to haul their used paper to the ML Paper Truck.  This operation has been in service at ML for nearly 25 years and has provided a steady source of income for the MLHS Student Council.  To God be the glory!


The MLHS Student Council is a student run service group that provides manpower and non-budgetary items for the school.


ML is looking for adult volunteers to drive to houses and pick up the papers that elderly people have been saving for us.   A pickup truck or bigger vehicle would be a benefit but not a necessity.  We would greatly appreciate your help.  Talk to Andy Pappenfuss if you are interested.


Let's keep the MLHS Paper Truck running for 25 more years.  There is a truck available for drop-off daily.  The student council will offer its assistance with your papers from 8am - Noon on the dates listed below:


August 23
December 6
March 7
May 23

Join Our Mailing List!


Paper Drive
August 23
December 6
March 7
May 23
Quick Links...





Quick Links...

 Find calendars, and all athletic information at our school website:
MLHS Telephone (269)429-7861
Extensions are as follows:
 Mr. Herbst 204
Mr. Briney 209
Mr. Eggert 215
Mrs. Eggert 216
Mrs. Gephart
Mrs. Plocher 211
Mr. Kruck 203
Mr. Lillo 208
Mrs. Otte 212
Mr. Pappenfuss 206
Rev. Schneider 207
Ms. Sperle 214
Mr. Stangl 210
Mrs. Sievert 201
Mrs. Styx