January 10 - January 17, 2014 



Michigan Lutheran High School provides a Christ-centered secondary education to prepare young adults for lives of Christian service in their churches, workplaces, communities, the world, and for life with their Lord in eternity.

  The Faculty and Staff of MLHS would like

to wish the Titan Nation a Blessed New Year. 






Registration for Class of 2018

If you have a student currently in eighth grade and would like to enroll them as a

freshmen at MLHS for the upcoming school year, we are now accepting

applications. Please share this information with members of your congregation,

people in your neighborhood, or with friends or family that you think would be

interested in learning about our Christ-centered secondary high school. If you have

any questions, please contact Mr. Herbst or call the school office for an information

packet and application form.  Our website now has a page set up just for the Class

of 2018.  Check it out for steps to registration, important dates, as well as for

opportunities to learn more about MLHS. 


Basketball Schedule for Saturday, January 25th

The ML Boys Basketball game vs. Lake Michigan Catholic

scheluded for Thursday, January 10th has been postponed

until  Saturday, January 25th.

Other changes:  Both teams will play on Jan.  25.

GIRLS  v  NB  3:30 and 5:00    Boys v LMC  6:30 and 8:00


Basketball Schedule for Saturday, January 11, 2014
4:30 - Girls JV Game
6:00 - C-Team Game:  Grace vs. Christ
7:30 - Boys Varsity vs. Michigan Lutheran West



*Boys v  IL Lutheran rescheduled for  Feb. 1,  5 & 6:30 (MI time) @





MLHS desperately needs to replace the exterior doors and windows  on the North side of the building.  The total job will run $32, 000.  We need donations to complete this project!  Please consider giving a gift for this purpose .  Contact William Kruck at ML for more information. 



 Scholarships due soon...




1/12                                                   Comcast Leaders & Achievers                                      

                Nominated by Admin

1/12                                                         Walmart/Sam's Club Foundation           www.walmartfoundation.org                $1,000

1/15                                                  Mensa Foundation


1/20                                                         Sam Walton Community Scholarship www.scholarshipadministrators.net                $1,000

1/21                                             CMU Leader Advancement Scholarship                           www.cmich.edu 

Selective Service Registration

Federal law says that all 18-year-old men must register with Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday.  Registration takes only a few minutes and can be accomplished by visiting www.sss.gov.  For additional information, call 1-847-688-6888.  Failure to register can lead to fines, prison, or withholding of college grants or loans.

Add / Drops for Semester 2

Any student who would like to add or drop a class for the second semester must get an add / drop form from his/her advisor between now and Friday, January 17, 2014. The student must get the signature of the teacher of the class to be dropped and the signature of the teacher of the class to be added. The form also requires a parental signature. Once these signatures are obtained, the student must then return the forms to her/his class advisor. The advisor will check whether the proposed changes fit the regulations for MLHS attendance and graduation. If this is satisfactory, the advisor will give the form to Student Records to determine if the changes can be accommodated in the master schedule. The entire process should take no more than two or three days. During that time, the student remains in the originally assigned class.




Grade reports are scheduled to be mailed out the week of January 13, 2014 to parents who are up to date with their tuition accounts. If you did not receive a report, first contact Mrs. Otte in the financial office at 429-7861.


Attention Senior Parents: 
It is almost time for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  This is a form that must be completed if your child needs help in financing college.  Colleges use this information to determine financial aid for scholarships, grants, loans, etc. You must file in Michigan between January 1, 2013 and March 1, 2013.  You must begin the process by procuring a PIN.  You get this by going to www.fafsa.ed.gov .  This can be done before January 1.  More information will be forthcoming next week.






Junior Parent Meeting


ATTENTION parents of Junior students:


There will be an important meeting on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 at MLHS in which all junior parents need to attend.   






The ACT ... if you struggle with the ACT, are unprepared to take the ACT, or simply cannot spell "ACT," then help is on the way.

Dr. Scott Carlin, learning specialist from the University of Notre Dame and founder of Michiana Test Prep, is offering an ACT Prep Course for a fraction of the cost.  Dr. Carlin has 5 (FIVE)upcoming ACT Prep Courses  in this area including options at both the Lake Michigan College (Napier) and LMC Bertrand Crossing campuses as well as Niles High School.

Improve your test-taking strategy and increase your content knowledge of all 4 ACT sections (ENGLISH, MATH, READING, & SCIENCE).  Get a better score, make yourself happier, make your parents prouder, and increase your chances of going to the college you really want to.  

**Classes begin in JANUARY & FEBRUARY!

***Spots are limited, so sign up soon. 


Please contact Mr. Kruck with any questions or for more information. 









Click on each month to get the most recent sports calendar from MLHS.






To report recent alumni news please send to asievert@michiganlutheran.org 
Praise God for the gift of children!
Babies born to alumni recently: 
Madilynn Eggert 12/27/2013 born to Joe and Liz Eggert (Veine)



 Click here to learn more.... 

Help your Thrivent Dollars Support Michigan Lutheran High School




There is a new way to shop on Amazon.com and support Michigan Lutheran High School at the same time!  Go to http://smile.amazon.com/ch/38-1915418 and find Michigan Lutheran High School.  Every time you purchase on this Smile.Amazon.com website, MLHS will receive a percentage of your purchase!  You can find many things on Amazon.com.  Please consider helping out ML by using this site for all of your online purchases!





 Music Notes from MLHS

ML SUNDAYS 2013/14 School Year

September 29        St. John's - Dowagiac, MI.........9 AM

October     6          Beautiful Savior - LaPorte, IN........9:30 AM (central time)

                  20        St. Paul's - South Haven, MI.........9 AM

November  17        St. Paul's - Stevensville, MI.......8 & 10:30 AM

                  24        Hope - Hartford, MI................10:30 AM

December  15        St. Pauls - Sodus ...................9 AM

January      12       Grace - Saint Joseph, MI.............8 & 10:30 AM

                  19        St. Matthew's - Benton Harbor.....9 AM

February    2          Trinity - Bangor, MI...................10:15 AM

                  9          Grace - Eau Claire, MI................9 AM

March         2          Good Shepherd - Benton Harbor, MI..9:30 AM

                  9          Peace - Granger, IN.......................9 AM






Click to view the 2014 Senior Class Trip Parent Letter 



Titan For a Day 7-8:


ML will be hosting the area 7th & 8th grade students for the annual Titan for a Day event on January 24th. ML students will have classes for periods 1 through 4. ML students not helping with Titan for a Day will be dismissed at 11:15. The Titan for a Day activities will begin at 11:30 and conclude at 2:00 PM. Area schools will receive detailed information and the exact date soon.  If you have a 7th or 8th grade child who does not attend one of our local Lutheran Schools, please contact us for more information  



for Pastor/Teacher/Delegate Conference:

There is no school on Monday, January 20, as the staff will be attending the annual P/T/D conference at St. Paul, South Haven, MI.




Again this year, parents who participate in the Scrip program will split the profits generated with Michigan Lutheran. Specifically, 50% of the profits will be applied to the student's tuition, the other 50% will be kept by ML for current expenses.  Relatives and friends may help increase an ML parent's order by having their orders placed on the ML parent's order form. If you have questions, please call Mrs. Bette Otte at 429-7861, ex. 212.


Scrip orders need to be turned in by 9:00 AM on Mondays. These orders will normally be available for pickup by Thursday of the same week. Orders placed after 9:00 AM may not be available until the following week.  


Please click here for a list of Scrip merchants

News from the Spirit Shop

Do you have Titan hoodies, shirts, shorts, polos etc. that you don't use any longer?  The Titan Spirit Shop would like to open a resale table.  To donate or for more information, please call Cheryl Breinling; 269-429-4805



Special LES Basketball Nights!


You are invited to LES Basketball Nights at MLHS

January 24th at MLHS vs. Countryside Academy 4:30, 6, & 7:30
February 18th at MLHS vs. Howardsville Christian 4:30, 6, & 7:30
*Free Admission for all Students, Parents, Faculty and Staff of all Lutheran Elementary Schools
*Each Student will get a Titan Dollar for the concession stand and be registered for a drawing.



Join Our Mailing List!


Paper Drive
Aug. 24
Mar. 1
May 24
Quick Links...





Quick Links...

Jan. 12 - ML Sunday, Grace, Saint Joseph 8 AM & 10:30 AM
Jan. 16 - Sophomore lunch visit from HerffJones to order class rings
Jan. 17 - Last day for Add/Drop Period for Semester 2
Jan.17-18 - Girls B-Team Tournament at MLHS
Jan. 19 - ML Sunday, Saint Matthew - Benton Harbor 9 AM
Jan. 20 - NO SCHOOL Paster/Teacher/Delegate Conferences
Jan. 24 - 11:15 Dismissal...Titan 4 A Day 7th & 8th 11:30 - 2 PM
MLHS Telephone (269)429-7861
Extensions are as follows:
 Mr. Herbst 204
Mr. Briney 209
Mr. Eggert 215
Mrs. Eggert 216
Mrs. Gephart
Mrs. Plocher 211
Mr. Kruck 203
Mr. Lillo 208
Mrs. Otte 212
Mr. Pappenfuss 206
Rev. Schneider 207
Ms. Sperle 214
Mr. Stangl 210
Mrs. Sievert 201
Mrs. Styx
Mrs. Wunderlich