United Way of Northwest Georgia
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L-R: Josh Killion, Brian Haynes, and Kristin Higgins led a group of volunteers at Blue Ridge Elementary to build a greenhouse for Make a Difference Day!
The Rule of 3 Wine Competition

When: November 14, 2014 from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. 

Where: Dalton Golf & Country Club

Price: $20.00 (includes heavy hor d'oeuvres) 

How to Play: Teams, consisting of 1 to 3 participants, are admitted by bringing 3 bottles of the same wine. At the event, 2 of each team's 3 bottles are bagged, tagged, and ranked by each participant. The 3rd bottle is set aside and left unopened. The unopened bottles will be divided among the 3 teams with the highest ranked wines, except for the lowest ranked wine. 

Get your ticket today!  Sponsored by:

Make a Difference Day Wraps-Up Another Successful Year
"I enjoy volunteering especially when it affects people around me. Being able to volunteer with Ms. Frizzle was very rewarding. I really enjoyed helping with their craft projects during United Way's Make a Difference Day." --Jennifer Coker
973 volunteers
hours of service given
$83,423.73 impact on our community

On Friday, October 24th and Saturday, October 25th, 973 volunteers came out
to 16 different projects for United Way of Northwest Georgia's Make a Difference Day. This was an increase of 35 volunteers and 515 service hours from last year. Like us on Facebook to see if we captured you making a difference!

L-R: Josh Killion and Curtis Callaway help build a greenhouse at Blue Ridge Elementary School on Make a Difference Day.
Volunteers participated in a variety of projects such as landscaping, painting, building, cleaning, assisting
students with art and craft activities,and writing inspirational quotes in the book Girl PowerSchool groups, company groups, individuals, and even families reached out a helping hand and made a difference. Click here to view the wrap-up report for Make a Difference Day 2014.   

Meet Campaign Chairman Brian Anderson

"I am truly honored and humbled to be the 2014 Campaign Chairman at our local United Way. I have lived in Dalton for 14 years and have always been amazed at the many ways this community takes care of its own people - all ages and all backgrounds. In my opinion, the United Way of Northwest Georgia is the absolute best organization for individuals and companies to invest back into our community." (Read Brian's bio here)