Credit Union Journal:
Following Microsoft's announcement that a security flaw in its widely used Internet Explorer browser could put online banking users at risk, credit unions are scrambling to ensure that their IT systems are protected.

The software giant confirmed over the weekend that a security vulnerability exists in versions 6 through 11 of Internet Explorer, which is used by about one in four online consumers...

SECURITY ALERT: Internet Explorer Vulnerability - Patch Available

Microsoft recently announced a security flaw within Internet Explorer that puts online banking users at risk.  Hackers could take advantage of this vulnerability by fooling users to click on malicious links.  Many credit unions have been very concerned about this security flaw and are looking to correct the issue immediately.


Btech's Patch Management service ensures that as soon as the patches for security flaws like these are available, they are installed.  We had the patch for Adobe flash on Monday April 28th and this morning received the patch from Microsoft.  All of Btech's Patch Management customers would receive these patches automatically on their next deployment schedule or as part of an emergency out of sequence deployment.


If you are concerned about this Internet Explorer security flaw, please contact Btech right away to receive these patches or to learn more about our Patch Management service.


To learn more about the Internet Explorer Vulnerability and how it affects credit unions, click here.

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