
Top Security Threats for 2013»


9 Biggest Privacy and Security Breaches that Rocked 2013»

"I first met Lee Bird in 1999. Since that meeting, the computer network needs of America's Christian Credit Union and our members have changed. We have asked Btech for help with various projects and they have always met or exceeded our expectations. We are currently using Btech for some of our security needs and will continue to ask them for guidance and assistance with future projects."

Doug Warren

Vice President IT

America's Christian CU

Top Security Threats of 2013 
- What to Expect in 2014 -
In 2013 we were reminded of the increasing threats posed by cyber criminals as they become more organized and technically sophisticated.  Large companies that we have trusted with sensitive information for years are now falling victim to hackers.  Last year alone, major U.S. bank websites were hit with the largest DDoS attacks in history, South Carolina taxpayer servers were hacked releasing millions of Social Security numbers, and we all know about the 40 million debit and credit card numbers that were stolen from Target's database.  Not to mention, Adobe, Microsoft, Apple, Snapchat, The New York Times and more prominent companies who were faced with severe security breaches in 2013 as well.  If these companies aren't safe, then who is?


Implementing proper security solutions within your credit union is essential for 2014. The attacks and hackers are projected to become even more sophisticated in the years to come.  The threat is also increasing as we continue to use a wider variety of platforms to access sensitive information.  At Btech, we offer state-of-the-art firewalls, data backup solutions, patch management, mobile device management, email security and more to ensure your credit union is ready to defend against 2014's security threats.

Talk to us today for a

626.397.1045  |
221 E. Walnut Street  |  Suite 138  |  Pasadena, CA 91101  |  626-397-1045  |