What Are My Options?


1. CU Times Article: Threat of the Week: Orphaning XP


2. FFIEC Warns XP Users


3. Office 365 CU Case Study


4. Office 365 Trust Center


5. Microsoft End of Support Information

Only 159 Days Left!

The countdown has begun.  You only have 159 days left to migrate your current environment away from Windows XP and Office 2003 or be faced with the potential for an unsecure and unsupported system.


Why You Need to Migrate

As the Credit Union Times explains, once Microsoft no longer supports Windows XP, it will "trigger an avalanche of finely honed attacks on legacy XP machines."1 If that isn't enough, the FFIEC, NCUA, and other regulatory bodies are urging credit unions to move away from Windows XP as soon as possible to avoid future compromises and fines.2


Migrating your credit union from Windows XP can be a painful and expensive task.  That's why it is estimated that 40-60% of credit unions haven't done it yet.  Btech is here to help make the process go smoothly.  We offer several solutions to help with the migration:


Not Ready to Abandon XP?

Did you know that you can still run Windows XP on Windows 7 or 8?  That's right, there IS a way you can keep using Windows XP within a secured and supported environment.  Btech can setup a shell within Windows 7 or 8 that can support legacy applications without exposure to threats.


Office 365

Now is a good time to move your current Office environment to the cloud with Microsoft Office 365.  Access your Office programs, documents and tools from anywhere.  If you're wondering if Office 365 meets compliance regulations, the answer is yes.  The cloud is now fully compliant, reliable, and secure.  Learn how Office 365 has helped credit unions increase productivity and stay compliant here.  To view a complete list of how Office 365 meets compliance regulations visit the Office 365 Trust Center.


How do I begin my Migration?

The steps necessary for a proper migration will depend on your current environment.  Btech's Senior Engineers will analyze your environment to determine the appropriate plan of action and quickly begin the implementation. Btech makes it easy through years of experience working with credit unions and hundreds of successful migrations under our belt. 


Talk to us today at 626.397.1045 or leebird@btechonline.com.


221 E. Walnut Street  |  Suite 138  |  Pasadena, CA 91101  |  626-397-1045  |  leebird@btechonline.com