Issue #25: January, 2014
We wanted to wait until the rush of the holidays was over to wish all of you in our World Caf� global community a happy new year and to express our hopes that 2014 will be a time of rewarding friendships, great conversations, and collective action around critical issues that are impacting our communities and our beloved planet.
We've started a number of exciting new projects and collaborations in the last few months, and want to invite you to be part of them! (More below.)
This is a special time in the life of the World Caf�, as we "listen the future into being" and continue to discover the unique contributions that the World Caf� can make in these challenging times.
We'd love to hear your own stories of the ways the World Caf� is making a difference; in your own personal or professional life, and in the lives of those you serve. Please share your reflections with us, by email or in StoryNet, so that the larger community can learn from your discoveries (and stay tuned for more story-sharing activities later in the year!).
Warmest Wishes,
For the World Caf� Community Foundation
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Your ongoing contributions to the World Caf� Community Foundation make all the difference in our ability to provide the services and resources you've come to rely on from us.
Please give whatever you can, today!
Your donations are tax-deductible in the US
The World Caf� Community Foundation, registered 501c3
| "Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after."
~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea
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"The true spirit of conversation consists in building on another man's observation, not overturning it."
~ Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton, British politician, poet and critic

SCALE Telesummit w/ Juanita Brown
February 6, 2014
On February 6th join a great conversation between Juanita and her friend and colleague, Jeanine O'Neil-Blackwell. Juanita is joining Jeanine at her SCALE Telesummit focused on bringing your coaching, consulting or training practice to scale and increasing your impact.
Jeanine has brought together a group of pioneering entrepreneurs, authors, and visionaries to share concrete, actionable advice that will help you take action to grow your professional practice with more confidence and clarity in 2014.
Click here to learn more about SCALE and to register for this free event. Once you register you will have access to Juanita's interview the whole day on Thursday, Feb. 6, although the live chat portion will happen at 1:00 PM Eastern US time that day. (See a world clock for local times in your area.)
New Conversations, New Stories:
Courageous Acts & New Capacities A Free Preview - Introducing the "Virtual Story Dojo" February 22, 11am - 12:30pm US Pacific Time (use this world time clock to find local times)
JOIN US FOR A FREE PREVIEW for an innovative, highly participatory global eight-session online series which will focus on how new stories and new conversations allow us (individuals, organizations, and communities) to thrive in the midst of today's challenging environments. Your hosts for the preview will be Juanita Brown, co-founder of the World Cafe and co-author of Story Bridge, Mary Alice Arthur, founder of The Story Dojo and long time Art of Hosting steward, and Amy Lenzo, online collaboration architect and founder of weDialogue.
Times have been chosen so that people all around the globe can participate in this important exploration.
Register for the Free Preview Now For more information about the Virtual Story Dojo series and other Story Dojo events watch this page.
Download this flyer to share with others and spread the word!
Wiser Together:
Partnering Across Generations
2013 was an exciting year for the World Caf�'s Wiser Together initiative. From global online Cafes with inter-generational participants, face-to-face Wiser Together Caf�s in collaboration with The Common Ground Center and Gen Up in California and the Heartland Circle and Art of Hosting in Minnesota, to Juanita and David's upcoming Wiser Together presentation in February at the Positive Aging Conference in Florida, momentum is growing in this leading-edge area of inquiry and practice. The website is still in process, but we now have a Wiser Together Group on FaceBook and our Wiser Together Facebook Page is now up and running. We encourage you to join our Wiser Together mailing list so you can learn about what's happening and be a part of this growing movement to shift the traditional paradigm and create powerful partnerships across generations. We're currently working on a downloadable resource guide for designing and hosting Wiser Together Caf�s in your own organization or community, so watch this space... and stay tunes for upcoming invitations to participate!Our core question: How can inter-generational partnerships cultivate meaningful connections, relevant collaboration, and wise action in service to life-affirming futures for our organizations, communities, societies and planet?
World Caf� Signature Learning Programs
Last year, over people from 16 countries participated in one of two Hosting World Caf�: The Fundamentals online courses we offered in collaboration with the Institute of Social Innovation (ISI) at Fielding Graduate University.
Participants came from all over Europe, the US, Canada and Mexico, as well as Russia, China, Japan, Malaysia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and South America. As you might imagine, all that diversity led to some incredible learning experiences! I know you'll join us in giving all our graduates a warm welcome to the larger World Caf� community of practice.
We will be offering the popular 8-week World Caf� Fundamentals course again in 2014 through Fielding (where there will be educational and professional credits for your work). Watch the website or join our Learning Program mailing list (link below) for updates - this course tends to fill up quickly and we'll only be offering it once this year.
We're very excited to announce our new course at Fielding, which will also start in 2014: World Caf� and Appreciative Inquiry Fundamentals, which will be part of a new Masters Program in Human and Organizational Leadership.
The course will feature ground-breaking breakout sessions with Juanita Brown and Diana Whitney, pioneers of these powerful social change methodologies, in conversation about the common roots of these two practices and each of their unique contributions to the field.
We'll keep you posted, as we may be able to open one of these ground-breaking dialogues beyond the course to the larger public as well - we're looking forward to what we'll all be learning together in this exciting collaboration between Juanita and Diana.
The World Caf� Community Foundation