Gifts that change lives....
Almost every day I hear from someone who changed their life for the better after reading a book or attending a retreat, school, etc. The right gift can motivate as it coaches. I've compiled a guide below that has specific suggestions for specific types of runners and beginners.
Individualized coaching: Recently, I've had an increase in interest in individualized coaching or instruction. I have some e-coaching slots available. Also at my weekend retreats (Carmel in January and Florida beach), I provide individualized instruction in running form, endurance, nutrition, motivation, getting faster, avoiding injury, and more.
Fun Apps! The lolofit apps offer my recorded coaching, music with walk breaks, motivation to 5K, 10K, Half and Marathon.
iFitness belts! Great new innovations by this company allow for various sizes of water bottles, cell phone, snacks-while staying snug around the waist.
Road Trips: I hope to see you at one of the several free clinics coming up. Check out the schedule. RunDisney events in Orlando and Anaheim, Pittsburgh, Missoula,Jacksonville, Ogden, Stuart, FL, etc.
Galloway run/walk/run timer - This $20 device can be programmed to beep and/or vibrate for any two intervals. We call it the "little green coach."
Jeff's Gift Guide: Gifts that keep on giving
Want to go faster...farther?
- New! Half Marathon: A Complete Guide for Women - Schedules for various time goals as well as how to get off the couch and do the first one. NEW is the section on how to conduct a fat-burning program while training for a half. Inside are sections on motivation, fat-burning, trouble-shooting, nutrition and much more.
- Boston: How To Qualify - Schedules for all of the standards, courses that improve success rate, description of the Boston course with Bill Rodgers, running to peak performance and much more
- Marathon: You Can Do It! - Totally revised in 2010 with all of the latest information
- Galloway's Marathon FAQs - This book gives direct answers to over 130 of the most asked questions-quick access to information.
- Half Marathon: You Can Do It! - Whether you're stepping your mileage up or down to the half, here's a world of information to prepare you for one of the fastest growing events in running, including schedules, eating, etc.
- 5K/10K - Schedules for various time goals for these two popular events with back-up information on how to improve
- 1 MILE, 2 MILE, 5K, 1.5 MILE - The Testing Yourself book has schedules and drills to improve time, running form, mental toughness, and much more.
- Cross Country - The book for high school or junior high cross country runners or adults who are training for short trail races or club cross country events. Content includes training programs for the various XC distances, strategies, hill training, terrain issues, pushing through barriers and more.
- Year Round Plan - The most comprehensive of the Galloway training books: day-by-day scheduling for 52 weeks incorporating all of the drills, speed, long runs, etc. for 5K, 10K, Half and Marathon - three levels: to finish, to improve, to maximize performance.
Help Someone Get Started
- Getting Started - A manual for getting off the couch to become a runner. This proven program gradually inserts running segments into walks over a 6-month program.
- Walking - The Complete Book - All the tools of training for walkers: schedules for 5K, 10K, Half & Marathon, nutrition, form issues, motivation, etc.
- Women's Complete Guide to Running - Dealing with women's issues, integrating training into family/friendships, nutrition, clothing, etc.
- Women's Complete Guide to Walking - All of the information in the book above but applied to walking, with a 6-month training program
- Running and Fatburning for Women - This is the most informative of any of my books on the fat-burning process and how to gain control over it. Tools, motivation, recipes, daily meal plans are included with practical information about what to eat before, during and after runs.
- Half Marathon: A Complete Guide for Women - Training programs to get you to the finish line, with a chapter on woman's issues, motivation, and back-up information for nutrition, preparing for the race and staying injury-free. This book also offers a plan for burning fat while training for a half marathon.
- Running and Fatburning for Women - Actually the same principles apply to men. Concepts behind fat loss that can be permanent, tools to set up your food "budget"and menus, with gentle run-walk-run exercise and walking steps to keep burning
From Nancy Clark:
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