9 December 2015  



WITH LUTHERAN LEADER. Bishop Rob Wright converses with Bishop Julian Gordy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America at Absalom Jones Episcopal Student Center Nov. 17. Gordy, bishop of the ELCA's Southeastern Synod, shared the altar with Wright and preached for the service. The Rev. Kim Jackson is campus missioner.

Photo: Bill Monk 
View more photos of the event here >

+ Bishop Rob Wright was headed Tuesday night (12/8) for a prayer vigil outside Georgia's death-row prison in Jackson while the State of Georgia was prepared to carry out its fifth execution this year. Brian Keith Terrell was sentenced to death in the murder of John Watson. Please pray for Mr. Terrell and Mr. Watson's family. Bishop Wright and The Episcopal Church have spoken out against the death penalty on many occasions.

+ Bishop Wright is one of four panelists Thursday afternoon (12/10) at the Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Atlanta, and will lead an early evening prayer vigil at Liberty Plaza, for "Justice and Mercy: An Interfaith Call to End the Death Penalty." The program at the church is from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The prayer vigil is from 6 to 7 p.m. outside the State Capitol. See details at right or click here>

+ On Saturday, Dec. 12, Bishop Wright will install the Rev. Ricardo Bailey as vicar of Emmaus House Chapel and neighborhood missioner. The liturgy begins at noon at the chapel, and all are welcome.

+ The semiannual Diocesan Confirmation begins at 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13, at the Cathedral of St. Philip. Bishop Rob Wright will preside, assisted by Bishop Keith Whitmore and Bishop Don Wimberly, who will preach. All are welcome.

+ The Ordination of Transitional Deacons will be at 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 19, at the Cathedral of St. Philip. Bishop Wright will preside and will be assisted by Bishop Keith Whitmore, Canon to the Ordinary Alicia Schuster Weltner and Canon for Ministry John Thompson-Quartey. (See invitation at right.)

+ Bishop Wright will visit Holy Innocents', Atlanta, on Sunday, Dec. 20. Worship is at 8 a.m., 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. The Rev. Michael Sullivan is rector. All are welcome.

+ Canon to the Ordinary Alicia Schuster Weltner will visit St. Simon's, Conyers, on Dec. 20. Worship is at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Jane Weston is priest in charge. All are welcome.

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Diocesan news

Bishop to teach on Jesus' leadership at seminary 
Bishop Rob Wright will teach a three-day class at Candler School of Theology during the school's "J-term" in early January. The one-credit course, The Leadership of Jesus of Nazareth: God and Good in Motion, will meet Jan. 5-7 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Emory University campus. The class is open to the public, which may audit the class; Candler and the Diocese of Atlanta will offer a special scholarship price for clergy and lay leaders. For details and to register, click here >

2 sites to host live webcasts of Trinity Institute 
on 'Sacred Conversations for Racial Justice'  
Trinity Institute 2016, to be offered in New York City Jan. 21-23, can be accessed live at two locations in the Diocese of Atlanta: St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Atlanta, and St. Thomas, Columbus. This year's theme is "Listen for a Change: Sacred Conversations for Racial Justice," and keynote speakers include columnist Nicholas Kristof, professor and playwright Anna Deavere Smith, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Dr. Emily Townes, dean of Vanderbilt Divinity School, and journalist Michele Norris. Registration ($35 for the program and meals) is underway now for either location here >
Here's a way to report Dismantling Racism events 
The Beloved Community: Commission for Dismantling Racism has expressed appreciation for the 109th Annual Council's reaffirmation of its charge to offer dismantling training for all clergy and lay leaders in the diocese. Instructions for filing a report are now on the diocesan website here >
Apply for grants from United Thank Offering
Grants from the United Thank Offering in 2016 will focus on The Episcopal Church's Fifth Mark of Mission: "to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth." There also are grants for young adults and seminarians. For information on the grant program, click here >If you plan to apply for a 2016 grant, please contact Diocesan UTO Representative Diane Burrows as soon as possible, and before Dec. 21.

Bishop Michael Curry
+ Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry was resting comfortably tonight (12/8) in a Virginia hospital following surgery for a subdural hematoma. According to Curry, his family, and his medical team, the surgery went well. He is alert and awake, and a full recovery continues to be anticipated. Curry was stricken Sunday during a visit to Bruton Parish Church in Colonial Williamsburg, Va. He was diagnosed with a subdural hematoma, and on Monday he recorded a video message about his health and to thank people for their prayers. Read more >

Youth news

Get the latest news from the Episcopal Youth Community here

LIVE NATIVITY. A living portrayal of Jesus' birth is on the calendar again Dec. 18-19 at St. Teresa's Episcopal Church in Acworth. The program, re-enacted every 30 minutes, features humans and animals, plus hot chocolate inside the parish hall. It is offered free to the public. Details below. 
Winter Solstice celebration is Thursday night
The Winter Solstice: A Celebration of Lights is planned at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 10, by Mary & Martha's Place in Atlanta. An evening of candlelight, music, poetry and reflection with cellist Mary Horst, flutist Teresa Texeira, guitarist Tucker Wells and percussionist - vocalist Janet Wells. Hot cider and the "Back of the Yak" Tibetan Market immediately following the celebration. No reservation necessary and the program is free.

Veterans invited to safe place to explore healing
Veteran's Heart Georgia hosts an afternoon of deep listening and presence to explore healing from the wounds of war at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13, at Church of the Epiphany, Atlanta. Register to attend and learn more at Veterans Heart Georgia.

Acworth parish hosts Live Nativity Dec. 18-19
A Live Nativity will be offered free to the public from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Dec. 18-19, by the people of St. Teresa's Episcopal Church in Acworth. Narrated presentations begin every 30 minutes. Seasonal music, hot chocolate and cookies will be offered inside the church. All are welcome.

Attend an Interfaith Call to End the Death Penalty
Bishop Rob Wright is a panelist for "Justice and Mercy: An Interfaith Call to End the Death Penalty" at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 10, at the Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 48 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SW, Atlanta. The educational summit and prayer vigil also features three other speakers: Norman Fletcher, retired Georgia Supreme Court justice; Kayla Gissendaner, daughter of Kelly Gissendaner, executed Sept. 30; and former Ambassador Andrew Young of Atlanta. A 4:30 p.m. procession and prayer vigil (5 to 6 p.m.) at the Liberty Plaza follows. Admission is free, and registration is required. To register, click HERE > 
Nativity scenes from around globe on display 
An exhibit of more than 300 nativity scenes from around the world will be on display soon at Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, Atlanta. Many of the nativities are accompanied by scriptural quotes and hymn texts. The exhibit continues through Sunday, Dec. 13. 

2 faith communities host noted professor 
Dr. Amy-Jill Levine, Vanderbilt University professor of New Testament and Jewish studies, is guest speaker for a weekend of teaching and worship at Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church and neighboring Temple Sinai in Sandy Springs Jan. 8-10. The program is titled "Sacred Words: Universal Messages." All are invited to participate. For more information, click here >

Special Worship

+ The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
will be celebrated at 9 p.m. Friday, Dec. 11, at the Cathedral of St. Philip, also called la Catedral de San Felipe. Dinner and mariachi music begin the festivities. Worship starts at 11 p.m. in the nave and culminates in the traditional singing of the Ma�anitas at midnight.

+ Other celebrations of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe will take place at the diocese's eight other Hispanic congregations. For locations and contact information, click  here >
+ The liturgy marking the installation of the Rev. Ricardo Bailey as vicar at Emmaus House Chapel will be at noon Saturday, Dec. 12, at the chapel. All are welcome.

+ Diocesan Confirmation will be at 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13, at the Cathedral of St. Philip. All are welcome.

+ An Ordination to the Sacred Order of Deacons will be at 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 19, at the Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta. All are welcome. Bishop Wright will preside. The names of those to be ordained are listed in the People section above.

+ The Cathedral Schola will lead the Cathedral of St. Philip's annual Festival of Nine Christmas Lessons & Carols by Candlelight at 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 20. This service consists of various scriptural readings of the season punctuated by anthems and congregational carols. Canon for Music Dr. Dale Adelmann will conduct carols and anthems. 

Soprano performs seasonal music Dec. 12 in Marietta
Soprano Maggie Taylor will sing a program of seasonal music, both popular and classical, and bring along some friends for duets and trios, at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12, at St. Catherine's Episcopal Church, Marietta. Taylor is youth artistic director for Act3 Playhouse in Sandy Springs and assistant choral director at Walton High School. A graduate of Samford University, she is becoming well known around the South for her roles in opera and musical theater. 
St. Paul's choral ensembles present Christmas concert
St. Paul's Episcopal Church offers its 12th annual Christmas Concert, "Festival Sounds of the Season," at 6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13, at Sisters Chapel on the Spelman College campus. Trey Clegg is the director and conductor. Tickets are $25 and may be purchased here >
New marriage rite resource available 
A revised and expanded edition of marriage rites for all couples who wish to be married in The Episcopal Church has been released by Church Publishing, Inc. Liturgical Resources 1: I Will Bless You and You Will Be a Blessing, which has been authorized for trial use in Episcopal Church congregations beginning on the first Sunday in Advent-Nov. 29-is now available. The new volume is a result of the 2012 General Convention commendation of the resource. Bishop of Atlanta Robert Wright has approved the use of these liturgies for all couples asking to be married in the Diocese of Atlanta.
To purchase the new edition ($24), click here >

Involved in Christian formation in your parish?
Forma is a community of Christian educators, formation professionals, and their institutional partners that celebrates and upholds the diverse ministries of Christian formation across The Episcopal Church. To learn more about it, visit the Forma website here >  (If you join this association, you'll have a chance to vote for new board members. The Rev. Arlette Benoit of St. Paul's, Atlanta, is one of the nominees.) 

Norcross mosque to host prayer vigil for victims
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community will hold a prayer vigil in memory of the victims of extremism around the world, especially those in San Bernardino, Calif., at 4 p.m. Saturday Dec. 12,  at Baitul Ata Mosque, 1800 Willow Trail Parkway, Norcross. All are welcome. Baitul Ata is part of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Learn more > muslimsforpeace.org

Online Advent Quiet Day anytime from Shalem Institute 
Would you, or someone you know, benefit from taking a day to rejuvenate, recharge, and refocus? Join the late Shalem adjunct staff member Ann Kulp this Advent for an online retreat day: "Holy Interruptions." Using material that Kulp used for retreat days for years, here repurposed and adapted for an online setting, you can enjoy guided meditations, reflection questions, poetry, art and music. Available now through the end of 2015. Material can be accessed whenever it fits for your schedule. Cost is $49. more >

Join Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath Weekend Dec. 10-14  
A Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath Weekend begins tomorrow in Washington, D.C., and can be adapted for local uses. Resource links are provided by national, state and local faith organizations to help you plan a prayer, moment of reflection, call to action and more. To learn more, click here > 

Grant funds high-schoolers' theological debate camp 
A camp to train high-school students in theological debate will be supported by a $600,000 grant to the School of Theology at Sewanee: the University of the South. The grant was made by Lilly Endowment Inc. for its Youth Theology Institute initiative. To learn more about the summer program, to be offered next July 18-26 at the theology school, click here > 

Training Opportunities
For those who work with children: 
  • Saturday, Dec. 12 | Decatur
9 a.m. to noon, Holy Trinity
If you have questions about our Safe Church programs and policies, visit the website here or contact the Rev. Deborah Silver. 

Registration begins soon! Questions? Contact the Rev. Daron Vroon at St. James, Marietta. The event is sponsored by Diocesan Liturgy Commission and is designed for acolytes of all ages. 
Photo: Bill Monk

Job postings

+ ORGANIST (full time) for Grace, Gainesville 
View listings here.

Episcopal News Service


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