We are honored to share Agape for Youth's story and thank them for allowing us to share in their mission!
Agape was founded in 1989 in order to place children into foster homes which could guide and support youth in becoming functioning individuals in society. Over the past 19 years Agape for Youth, Inc. has built a strong reputation in the community as a leader in quality therapeutic foster care. Over the years Agape has expanded its services to include family foster care, providing adoption home studies, preparation of families and children for adoption, and supportive services to adoptive families.
In 2008, the Reunification Services program was added and this program has provided the opportunity to work with families whose children are making the transition from foster care back to their biological family.
With additional services and continued growth, Agape for Youth, Inc. continues to uphold the fundamental belief of providing personal services to each family and youth working with our agency and supporting those individuals as they work together as for the success of the youth in their care
As a foster care, adoption through foster care and reunification services agency, Agape for Youth, Inc. embraces the principle that each individual youth we serve is a person of worth. Their sincere commitment is to accept each youth that comes into their program in a way that they may find viable alternatives to meet the special needs in their life. Agape also seeks to demonstrate an acceptance that has no strings attached due to dysfunctional behavior, physical limitation, culture, color, sex, religion or national origin.
Agape's continued goal is to work as a team together with the child's biological family, local Children Services, the foster/adoptive parents and the youth to build greater opportunities for development and enrichment.
Contact Information: 937-439-4406 - or - www.agapeforyouth.com
Each quarter, we highlight a client who is dedicated in creating better lives for children, families and communities.
If you would like us to share your story in an upcoming issue, please let us know!